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Posts posted by jr_inoz

  1. Temp out there is not bad - wind is cool - we did forget one little problem - LOCUSTS :heart: :D :(:grouphug:

    That was very funny! :grouphug::grouphug:

    I am glad that there were less of them in the ring, than in the paddock where we parked the cars. My girl had lots of fun trying to catch them.

    Good to meet you...

  2. A litter cooler than forecast perhaps - our garage is 40 degrees at the moment...the wind has died down and it isn't a real hot wind either.

    Edited to say - ring setups are different - 5 is on the opposite side of the soccar pitch to the cricket oval around near the shelter. I'm set up right infront of the ring.....

    I'll start taking the rest of the gear down shortly, drop Jnr of at work, finish the dogs and be there for 6.

    grrr - that sucks even more - have to be squished in.... bet the toy group is next to the cricket ground...

  3. We only have the soccar pitch - rings were put up lastnight - only access currently is from the Hillier road side. Dont put tops on gazebos the wind is to high - "cool" change appears to be arriving early

    See you tonight

    that sucks!!!

    It was sooo squishy and hot with us all crammed onto the soccer pitch the other week.

    I know the change is coming in early (temperature already dropped here at my place) but still...

    Why do we have to be squished?

    And that was 6 rings last time, not 7 - how they going to fit that all in.


  4. :o :D :laugh::laugh::laugh: BBJ and I will not be coming. To much of a risk to travel.

    So I will be attending KCC as a bozzing cruiser with no dog responsibility. :confused::thumbsup::laugh:

    awww - we'll miss you. I thought you guys were already over here... It is way to hot to travel today or tomorrow.

  5. Forecast also suggests that the cool change is coming in during the evening - so it may not be all that bad - even earlier.

    I think the issue won't be the heat but the wind. Going to be very windy.

    Minimum 27 so won't be coming in too soon, and the sun doesn't go down from well after the 6.30 starting time, I 'm not going.

    minimum will be 20 degrees actually - so yes - change will be coming in earlier... BOM says will be arriving in the late afternoon - are you entered? If you are a later breed - see what the weather is doing and then decide.

  6. May seem like a silly question but I do this all the time, have you accidentally knocked it from 'AF' to 'MF' on the lens?

    yeah Ash - I checked that - and then switched it to manual - took some photos no problems, then switched it back to AF and it wouldn't take them. I think it is the motor on the lens...

    Yeah Krislin - going to check - if it is out of warranty, is only by a few days.

  7. hi all

    my canon 50mm 1.8 lens has stopped working on the auto focus mode.

    I thought it was the camera, but the other lenses all still work.

    I can manually focus it (but i suck at this).

    Any one have issues with theirs? any reason why it might not be working?

    Any help appreciated

    I think it is just out of warranty

  8. I once had a non dog person tell me that the only breed of dog they would consider getting would be a Husky, because they are the only breed of dog with a cat like characteristic...apparently they clean themselves the same as cats do...no surprise this person was a cat person lol

    Both my dogs clean themselves to some extent, moreso our Aussie. She'll also clean any other dog that she deems dirty :eek:

    my sheltie cleans herself too. She cant stand being dirty

    I knew before getting a Great Dane that I would get the horse/pony/saddle comments but I was most amused to find there is a christmas alternative version: "bloody hell, I hope you'll get that Reindeer back to the northpole before Santa needs him!" was shouted to my OH on a neighbourhood walk with Atticus :laugh::rofl::rofl:

    :rofl: :D sorry - this one is very funny..

    " I show my dog, he's an Australian Champion and has beaten all the other dogs here "

    How do you stop yourself from falling on the ground in fits of laughter, when it's a cross bred ;) :D :D

    you have to tell us the rest of this story! What type of cross breed was it? Where in the world were you when you had this conversation?

    I had a crazy man following Zephyr and I on our walk the other day, and I mean CRAZY! Zephyr was panting, normally mind you, he was nowhere near exhaustion or anything of the sort, but the man told me I was cruel to be walking him as "Look how tired he is!" Then he proceeded to tell me that dogs do not like walks, it's a common misconception. They hate being away from their home. But wait it gets better...how did he know all these interesting facts? Oh he used to be a dog in a past life. Riiiiight ;)


    I was told the other day that my girl - shetland sheepdog - must be a collie cross or a BC x - as there is no such breed as a shetland sheepdog

    The cute one though, was the two little newly arrived sudanese children who told me my girl was a fox and they didn't know that you could keep one as a pet.

  9. I'm needing recommendations for companies that print photos.

    Ones that do those special jobs like photo books, calendars, posters etc.

    I've used Hardly Normal once or twice - quality on the photo book was great, cards - sucked. Not consistent at all.

    Have also used Rabbit PHoto as well - but they truly suck.

    Any other suggestions?

    I can't for the life of me remember the name of the group I used to send my film off to back a million years ago (they were good, and in Sydney)

  10. Two tone Golden Retriever


    hey I have already patented these its a Berntriever....I have a few of these at home they are awesome and I can get way more for them than those boring bernese. Crossing them with goldens makes for far better longativity and no orthopaedic problems....ever! :laugh:

    But ya see - I want the berner crossed with a sheltie - much better size for those of us heading into our later years. Want a berner I can pick up....

    Guess, if I was really thinking, we'd cross it with something really tiny like a pom... then it'd be nice a small...

  11. I took some nice photos of my nephew and his fiance and so they asked me to take their wedding photos.

    I said no.

    They kept asking - they were really broke and were going to rely on family with point and shoots.

    We sat down and I told them what I couldn't do.... (amateur and all that and I don't have the software on this computer to do anything much apart from crop on it)

    I ended up saying yes. Came onto the forum and whilst reading through for tips, came across the thread that said dont do it... felt even more nervous after that - but huge thanks to Ashanali for the links you had put in that thread - they were so helpful for me in planning what I needed to do and what types of shots to consider.

    Things went ok on the day and they are really happy with their photos.

    Here are a couple of them...

    far from perfect, I know...

    (love my 50mm lens)




  12. I have been guilty of putting my gazebo up in a "reserved" position at SACA, dutifully I took it down and went to the second row behind some lovely Wolfhound people. to be honest as a newcomer to shows gazebo placement is frought with terror and unknown pitfalls.

    So it's the hound ring where this self-important carrying on is happening? Great, nice work on welcoming the newbies folks. :thumbsup:

    Note to self - give SA shows a BIG miss.

    PF will let you know how many toes BBJ and I stand on at News Year Eve.

    I sooo want to meet you guys.... will be hanging around ring 5 on New Years Eve

    I'll be bringing wine and nibbles.

  13. Meet Angel....

    Shown here at approx. 5 months old (approx 5.5 kilos).


    Pound said her owners stated that the Dad was a Mastiff and the Mum was a Rotti x Staffy (You can't really rely on the owners mind you).

    Attached is her Bitsa.

    that is a mostly rotty? hehehe....

    I have to say, with every other breed in her ancestry - I am devastated that shetland sheepdog wasn't there... :laugh:

  14. Dear DeSHonko, I am very late with my order, but would like to combine the best of my friend's and my dogs - a sheltie/bernese...

    I promise to make email contact and confirm I am interested, ask you questions, keep in touch until the puppies are 4 weeks old, then not make contact for another 8 weeks - at which point I will be really cranky when I find that you have found other buyers for all of these puppies....

  15. this is common and frustrating sit under the trees if you can't provide your own shade or ask politely first if the owner of the gazebo, tent umbrella etc minds you borrowing the shade.

    I don't mind when people are waiting to go into the ring but do mind if i have someone set up directly behind us with out shelter when i have my kids as it then limits them to being stuck under the gazebo between crates etc. or limits me moving the crates slightly olut form my gazebo utilising the shade

    Now we're on to the gazebo squatters :eek:

    Actually i can add a good story here.

    I always set up the day before & when the gates open the day of the show take all the crap down & go home(i live 5 mins from the grounds) finish the kennels ,do the dogs up etc etc.

    One show i turned up to find my stuff had been taken out of my set up & new residents had moved in. :D Lets just say it was a very "Not happy Jan moment especially when they had trouble finding my gear

    You are kidding?? :( People actually moved your stuff out of your gazebo and set their stuff up in it?? :o ;)

    What did they think was going to happen?

    Can you report that kind of behaviour? I've just realised I've used the wrong emotcon - should have used this one... :laugh: biggest draw drop I would have heard of at a show (I know, a relative newbie, who hangs around a very friendly group 5 - never seen anything like that around our area)

  16. She bought a puppy.... never saw where it was raised as the breeder delivered it to her. When she asked about the Rego papers she was told that it would not come with papers because she didn't want to show it so there was no need for papers. There was no puppy pack...no diet sheet.... no support but she did get the Vaccination Certificate.

    This was a first time puppy owner who knew nothing at all about raising a puppy.... She was given a small plastic bag with some kibble in it and told that she could get puppy food from the local supermarket.

    What a let down from a so -called registered breeder who IMO really is a BYB pretending to be an ANKC registered breeder.

    That's really disappointing. :laugh:

    mmm - I thought that a registered breeder had to register each litter and that there were fines if they were caught not doing that... they can lose their prefix?

    or am i completely wrong here?

    my girl is probably in whelp at the moment - will know in a week or so... I am not a registered breeder - but she is co-owned with a registered breeder and she is part of their breeding program, and will be going back to the breeder to be whelped (am happy with this arrangement). The interesting thing has been the conversations with people when they find out she is pregnant. I have heard a lot of stories that make my head spin - the scariest was the lady who owns a staffy, who she never got de-sexed, who was put over lots of bitches in the area because "everybody loves him and wants puppies by him". We talked a bit about what registered breeders have to do and this person agreed that BYBs are really bad. She didn't get that she was basically being a BYB, or enabling others to be BYBs :thumbsup:

    Did I read that one of the recommendations before the ANKC was that only registered breeders would be allowed to own an entire dog or bitch? I know that this will be a pain for show people, but it would stop backyard breeding.

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