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KTs Here

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Everything posted by KTs Here

  1. Awwwww reminds me of when I first saw pics of my cream chow chow. Absolutely adorable! :-)
  2. I saw these at the auditions when I was in England. Awesome to see they are still going strong in the comp! Awesome act.
  3. I've just passed on my cream chow chows info! Would be awesome of she's required. :-)
  4. Sorry it take me so long to reply (I wasnt being rude, I was on holiday! :) ) Anyway me and Pippa have done 3 shows now and have loved every moment of it! The first time we went in the ring I had no idea what I was doing, the ground was soaked and we just walked around like we were both aliens on another planet. But now lets just say our gear has increased, met some wonderful people and after not seeing Pippa for a month we went back in the ring on the day after I came back and got 2nd in Sweepstakes and our first BOB! She just seems to love it and has started to get very excited when i bring out the show lead for training! Shes being picky with food at the moment tho and changes her mind one day to the next as to what she likes so looks like im gonna have to start taking a platter with me for bait. lol! Just want to say a huge THANK YOU for everyones tips and help.
  5. Just wanna say thanks to everyone at the show who helped me out and showed me the way! Both my dog and I started out very confused but by the end of today we think we got the hang of it! :-) can't wait for our next show!
  6. Yeah mandapanda I'll see u in sweepies! I'll be the one there looking all nervous with a very excitable chow chow who just wants to play and will sit down the moment she sees a treat. Defo not gonna be a pretty site. And now my mentor might not be able to make it cos of the rain so I'll be even more nervous and prob go around the ring the wrong way. Hahaha!
  7. Woohoo! This is mine and my baby girls first show so was hoping it wouldn't be cancelled. Although as a cream she's not gonna look to pretty in the mud. Have to buy rain coat and gumboots for her tomorrow! Lol!
  8. Hi All... Im a newbie to the world of dog showing and my Chow Chow has her first show this weekend coming. Lets just say im very nervous! ARGH!!!! But excited :D Shes a very socialable puppy and thinks every dog just wants to play with her. The problem im having with training is getting her to stand. As soon as she sees the treat she sits. Guess that was my fault for training her to sit initially and she learnt that in the first week we got her. Im working with her on the stand and we've got it to about 30 seconds maybe longer sometimes but i dont think i'll be able to get her standing for the whole time by Saturday. Any tips? Ive read so much about shows on this forum and loving the idea. Obviously Ive heard the lets say 'not so nice' stuff about the show world but I just want to be able to spend some time with my dog and seeing as though she thinks shes a princess and loves everyone looking at her this would be a great thing for us to do together and also spend some sister bonding time as my 13y/o sis is very keen to check it out and maybe join junior handlers.
  9. Thanks for all the help. I will be giving my friend all the advice that you lovely people have provided and hope we see an improvement with his skin soon.
  10. A friend has a Chow Chow that has really really bad skin. Its very dry, in patches and is making his hair fall out. He currently has lost fur on his hind legs. From pictures ive seen it looks a bit like mange but the vet did skin scapes when he had it last time. He apparently had this a couple of years ago and the vet didnt seem to have the answer to what it is? Can anyone recommend any ideas or solutions? I will try and get some pics up of it but im having problems with the camera at the mo.
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