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Everything posted by Jey

  1. Hello all, I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience with Brisbane dog trainer Jane Harper? She has been recommended to me, but I would like some further feedback before investing in training. I'd be specifically interested in hearing of success stories with dog-aggressive dogs, but I want to hear all your feedback, success and failures. Thanks in advance.
  2. I think I would support and join such an association as an affiliate member.
  3. "But just because an organisation recommends a trainer will not mean by itself that that trainer will follow or agree with the method that will best suit you, your dog and your circumstances. You will still have to do some homework to ensure that you get what you want in the time frame that you want it within realistic bounds." I know that, it just might be something useful for someone who has no knowledge or networks to get recommendations from. I'll reply to the rest later.
  4. If an organisation like this would provide a bit of a yard stick for beginner's choosing training etc. then I think it would be a good idea. I've been fortunate enough to recommendations off ppl on DOL but otherwise I would have had no guidance or idea on how to choose a trainer.
  5. I currently use this one (Nature Vet Omega 3 http://www.thevetshed.com.au/product_info....oducts_id/1423) and give about 2.5 'pump strokes' a day. However before using that I used this (http://www.goldenglow.com.au/product.asp?pID=147&cID=39) Odourless Fish Oil. It's for people but I asked my vet and he said it would be fine. The dog actually did better on that one than the special dog one. I would cut open one capsule a day and put that in his food.
  6. Bumpety bump! RSVP to Rom with your preferences ASAP, people!
  7. So they use the slip chains but they're a little less harsh with them?
  8. Varicool, why weren't you a fan? What does the one at Runcorn do that is different?
  9. I made a mistake; it was those monthly chews that were a drama. The vet nurse would have to force them down his throat. Next year I might give crushing up the tablets in his food a go. Is there only one type of annual vaccine?
  10. There's tonnes of stuff on this topic across the forum. Might be a good start to search 'dog aggression' and go through that. I'm sure others will reply with specific advice too.
  11. I got my dog the annual heartworm injection because it was such a drama feeding him the heartworm tablets. Is there only one type of heartworm injection? At least I now know to ask more questions of the vet. If the dog was ok initially, is there a chance of risk throughout the year? If the dog was ok the first time, will he be ok the second time?
  12. Too early. Nothing finalised yet. Stay tuned!
  13. It's very reassuring to hear that others have dog-aggressive dogs - I'm not a terrible dog-parent afterall.
  14. No worries. I'm just very picky about these things
  15. I prefer the city, Rom is sussing out the locations of others to find out what suits most.
  16. I agree. When we're out walking calling his name doesn't always help to focus attention. His quite good around the house though. I'll call his name and he'll run and sit facing me and look at me waiting for instructions or cuddles. It's very cute.
  17. The cost of not getting him desexed is more expensive in the long run. I think it's less that $100 anyway. I understand finances might be tight but this is something you should definitely try to save up for. Bless your fiance and his precious masculinity. Tell him to worry about his own balls and not the dog's!
  18. I've been really good so far...I can be really picky when it comes to spelling and grammar. I'm trying to behave.
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