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Everything posted by missmoo

  1. Try Southern Cross Animal Stars. They are in the same area as Erny.
  2. we buy our ValueHeart from Australian Pet Treat Company. They are the cheapest I have found so far, and also sell Comfortis.
  3. we use ValuHeart for heart worm...it is so much cheaper than anything else...for fleas we use Comfortis every once and awhile....we dont have any fleas most of the time where we are at the moment...
  4. Found this in a Dogs Life article The wording appears to only apply to dogs on the back of moving vehicles i.e: utes, and not inside a vehicle Laws around the land The ACT Dogs are required to be restrained on the back of a moving vehicle under the Animal Welfare Act 1992, said Lee-Anne Wahren, Policy Officer within Environment Planning and Legislation, who is responsible for reviewing all animal welfare policy in the ACT Government. Ms Wahren said correspondence from the RSPCA regarding injuries to animals handed in to the society and a number of veterinarian reports initiated the amendment to the Act in 1999. The maximum fine for breaching the law is $2000. Victoria The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 requires dogs to be restrained on moving vehicles, said Dr Stephen Tate, Director of Bureau of Animal Welfare within the Vic Department of Primary Industries. The maximum fine for breaching the law is $500. Mr Apostolidades, who has been RSPCA inspector for 23 years, said the number of dog injuries in Victoria has dropped dramatically since the legislation came into effect in 1995. In Victoria, only police can stop a vehicle carrying an unrestrained dog but an RSPCA inspector can take the registration number and trace the owner or follow the vehicle until it stops and then question the owner. Mr Apostolidades said the RSPCA is now putting in a submission to amend the law to be able to issue a Personal Infringement Notice (PIN) to offending drivers, instead of the matter going straight to the Magistrate's Court. If drivers choose to contest the notice, the matter would then go to court, he said. Queensland Having an unrestrained dog on a moving vehicle could breach both the Transport Operations (Road Use Management -- Road Rules) Regulation 1999 and the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001. The Transport Operations Regulation, administered by the Department of Transport, states it is an offence to have an unsecured load on the back of a vehicle and that applies to dogs, said Dr Rick Symons, Manager of the Animal Welfare Unit within the Qld Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries. The Animal Care and Protection Act does not specifically mention dogs restrained on vehicles, but it places a duty of care on owners of animals to ensure the welfare needs of animals are met. "It is an offence under the Act for a person in charge of an animal to breach this duty of care by transporting the animal in a way that is inappropriate for the animal's welfare," he said. A breach of duty of care can result in a fine of $22,500 (and up to five times this amount for a corporation) or one year's imprisonment. Northern Territory The Animal Welfare Act 1999 states, "A person transporting an animal must do so in a manner that does not unreasonably or unnecessarily inflict suffering on the animal." Peter Brice, the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee Executive Officer for NT, said the Act replaced the old Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act and is primarily enforced by the RSPCA. Breaking the law will incur an on-the-spot fine of $100. "Everybody in the Northern Territory has a ute," Mr Brice said. "They pop a couple of dogs on the back and go hunting on the weekends, but (the law) is widely publicised and it's accepted." NSW The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 requires a dog to be restrained on the back of a moving vehicle or enclosed in such a way as to prevent the dog falling from the vehicle. The maximum penalty is $5500 or six months in jail, according to Dr Ian Lugton, Senior Veterinary Officer within the Animal Welfare Unit of the NSW Department of Primary Industries. Dr Lugton said by March he expects officers to have authorisation to track down offenders involved in motor vehicle offences by following up on the vehicle's registration details. Western Australia No legislation specifically requires dogs to be restrained on the back of moving vehicles, however the Animal Welfare Act 2002 states a person in charge of an animal is defined as being cruel to an animal "if the animal is transported in a way that causes, or is likely to cause, it unnecessary harm," said Vicky Nazer, Research and Administration Officer within the Animal Welfare Branch of the WA Department of Local Government and Regional Development. "So in a case where the Act of transporting a dog on a ute was causing it, or likely to cause it, unnecessary harm, the person in charge of the animal could be charged with an offence of cruelty under the Act," Ms Nazer said. The maximum penalty is $50,000 and imprisonment for five years. South Australia Transporting unrestrained dogs is against the law as provided in the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995. The Act was amended in 2004 to include the legislation. Deb Kelly, Manager of the Animal Welfare Unit within the SA Department for Environment and Heritage, wrote the policy regarding the issue. "The purpose of the restraint in utes is really three fold," Ms Kelly said. "First, there is a safety issue of the dog falling out of the ute and causing an accident for the car behind. Second, the safety of the dog itself, and third, to address the issue of a dog left in the back of a ute that bites people going past." The maximum fine if breaking the law is $750. TasmaniaThe Dog Control Act 2000 states, "The owner or person in charge of a dog must restrict the dog sufficiently while it is in or on a vehicle so that it is unable to leave the vehicle or attack any person or animal outside the vehicle." RSPCA Tasmania Chief Inspector Graeme Lewis said only police officers could enforce the law. Breaking the law has a maximum fine of $500. Since the law came into effect, driving with unrestrained dogs has "virtually stopped", Mr Lewis said.
  5. Now I just concern myself with what I think is the right weight for my own Labs
  6. x 2 for ValueHeart It is the generic brand of Heartguard...not chewable tabs but a lot more economical for the same protection
  7. My lab boy is skinny too and I get told the same thing..that I am being mean not feeding him enough...i just ignore them now...if he was fat i would get told i am being cruel over feeding him....damned if you do and damned if you dont...his vet is very happy with his weight and condition and so are we.... that's all that matters :D
  8. firstly I would be trying to figure out why Ike is barking....you can adopt many different approaches to stop the barking but unitl you know why he is barking you won't be able to "fix" the problem permanantly.
  9. RIP King Tip, thankyou Teebs for giving him some warmth and love in the small amount of time he had...at least some one cared (to the BLEEP who dumped poor King Tip: you should be the one to be PTS) the human race is very disappointing sometimes
  10. Hello, Does anyone know if K9 Agility (KCC Park Victoria) are taking names on their waiting list or is it still closed. I have sent 2 emails over the last couple of months and have not yet had a reply. thanks MM
  11. I also like Dougal Darby Dozer Donkey Dejay (DJ) Dino
  12. We use Pet Insurance Australia for all our dogs. The youngest is 16 weeks, middle is 3 years and oldest is 7 years old. I believe dogs need to be insured before they turn 8 or 9 years old or they are uninsurable by most Pet Insurers. The eldest is no more expensive to insure than the younger ones but her excess is higher due to the expectation of typical elderly dog health issues.
  13. yep loves sleeping on the pet couch.... also loves to snuggle, snort, chew, snuffle and eat....
  14. She is settling in really well. My lab boy has taken her under his paw...they wrestle most of the day
  15. Hello all, We finally have our new fur baby. Meet Bella, she has been home for 3 weeks now.
  16. Hey, We ll the new fur kid will be home next week. We have pretty much everything we need now or it is on the way. What we don't have is some type of portable shade. We have a puppy pen that we plan to use outside for some of the time but we need to some sort of portable gazebo/shade dome so she can be out of the sun.... does anyone know where we can buy a cheapie or have any ideas on how to make one....it will have to one that doesn't attach to a decking or fence..so will need to be one that we can peg into the grass. thanks in advance MM :D
  17. of course I will be taking lots of photos when she comes home.. stay tuned for pics
  18. we saw the little pup this evening and the OH has decided she is what he is looking for... she comes home in 2 weeks...yay He is still umming over a name but looks like she will be named either Bella or Remmi
  19. i thought around $300 would be the average ring a few vets in your area and see that will give you a better idea if $500 is the norm
  20. what type of dog do you want to put a back pack on? and how old?
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