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Everything posted by soniq

  1. As per my topic http://forums.dogzonline.com.au/index.php?showtopic=17647 I want my amstaff and maltese x to be friends I need help to teach my amstaff to be gentle and my maltese x to not be so scared (because he is not gentle and squashes her). She is a timid little thing anyways. I dont want to cause more problems by guessing and trying with the best of intentions but making her more timid and him more rough. So I would like to seek the advice of a professional. At the moment we are having to "crate and rotate" ie he comes inside and she goes out and vice versa and I dont want to make more work for myself
  2. What methods do Delta Society use? Thank you for the link
  3. I have found 2 behaviourists in Perth - Dog Logics and another woman named Kathy based in Morley. Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions? I would like to be educated about this rather than choosing someone crap like I did before!
  4. I've decided that Bayley will not starve himself so if it takes him 24 hours to eat his dinner, then that is up to him. As far as Supercoat is concerned, I'm sure its not as good as BARF in quality but how does it rank?
  5. We've just changed our dogs to Supercoat (from whatever cheapy they were getting) and they are taking much longer to eat it too. Maybe its like if you had a choice between something more healthy (and not so yummy) and chocolate!
  6. Whisper: One thing we did with Bayley (now 1 year old Amstaff) was make him sit then quickly give him his dinner while he was doing the right thing. Then we gradually extended the time. I think it is important to try to catch your dog exhibiting the behaviour you want then rewarding quickly. You can then slowly extend the time.
  7. Bayley has had 2 weeks of chicken frames to clear up his hot spots (as well as a visit to the beach). Now that that is cleared up, he gets chicken frames as well as starting him on Supercoat Sensitive. Lucy gets chicken necks & bums (we cut them from the frames we give Bayley) and Supercoat Sensitive as well. I find it easier to feed them the same thing. Until recently we were massively over-feeding them both so are now religiously ensuring that they get the right amount! We used to give them occasional wet food (as a sort of treat) but although Bayley copes with it fine, Lucy gets the runs By the way, Bayley is an Amstaff and Lucy is maltese x shih tzu
  8. I got my maltese x shihtzu clipped last week very very short. But I asked them to leave her tail & ears longer (but still got a trim) I will try to take a photo tonight if I remember. You could let it grow long but your pup will need grooming daily to ensure he doesnt get matted. Short fur is definitely easier to manage (and less risk of poo stuck on bum Yuk!). If you are keeping it long then maybe tie the hair on the head up so that pup can still see! My Lucy had major vision impairment before her clip
  9. I've had to crate train my amstaff. He was destructive (and he would save it until night time) when he would chew on the walls!!! Crate training him means that at night he is safe and my house is safe. He now uses his crate as a bed during the day .. if the door is open he will sleep in there of his own free will. He also knows that noone can bug him in his crate (its off limits to my 5 year old son)
  10. Why dont you get your vet to check? We got Bayley desexed at 10 months and I wish we had done it sooner and got it over with while he was smaller and more manageable lol. My bitch came into season about a week before she was going to be desexed, so we had to wait. She was just over 6 months when she came into season
  11. With my amstaff bayley, I have noticed that if I wet him down, add some shampoo and wet him some more it seems to penetrate better. I also shampoo twice. I'm sure you will get better advice but I hope this helps
  12. I dont have any answers but I would be very interested in this. Bayley (11 month old Amstaff) doesnt have very good recall but Lucy (6 month old maltese x shih tzu) does. Lucy has no formal training (other than the little I do with her at home) because all training at the moment is devoted to Bayley. I think there is a certain amount of "natural" wanting to be near you (Lucy is quite a fearful dog so this may contribute) but I'm sure that dogs can be trained.
  13. Cutecav: if it gets the tablet down I dont see a problem? We smear peanut butter inside Bayleys kong toy so I cant see how it would hurt them. Thats a great suggestion!
  14. Laurenn When she carries on, perservere *sp?* otherwise she will learn that she just has to wiggle and fuss and she gets her own way
  15. Laurenn, its so hard isn't it? I'm not sure about for dogs but they have these syringe like things for cats that shoot the tablet towards the back of the throat. Maybe ask your vet? I have become immune to the carryings on of the dogs for tablets after worming the cats. I had so many scratches I cried. When I tried to use that technique for Bayley I ended up with slobber halfway up my arm. Yuck! Acutally one thing that helped for Bayley was to get those frozen hamburger patties, thaw them in the microwave, give him a balled up bit (just plain) then wrap some around part of a tablet. I dont know if this will help? I know you said she ate around the tablet before but maybe if its different food to her usual it will be too tempting?
  16. Laurenn what "technique" are you using ... with Lucy I push in the sides of her jaw (where the top jaw meets the bottom jaw on each side) then when her mouth pops open a little I pull her bottom jaw down stuf fthe tablet as far back as I can then shut her mouth and hold it shut while I stroke her neck until she swallows. With Bayley he is such a guts I just stuff it in some food and he eats it
  17. I'm sorry for your loss :rolleyes:
  18. How long has it been since he did a poo? Did you mention the smelly wind to your vet? When did he go to the vet? I agree that dogs will not let themselves starve but if he has wind this might be a problem? I dont really know, but I wanted to tell you that we all worry! I would be worried too. Maybe give your vet another call, it may put your mind at ease
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