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Posts posted by sparkycat

  1. The OP said

    Every two weeks for the past four years I've driven past this huge trailer-trash looking property, and they've had a big sign {like a church sign or roadworks sign} at the gate advertising a different breed of puppy and kitten every month or sooner.

    Surely no proper breeder would have constantly changing breeds !!!!!! That is what clearly points to puppy-mill

  2. Any large organisation has its good points and bad. I think a lot of the RSPCAs problems actually relate to various States laws regarding animals.

    Of all the negativeness to them there is very little useful constructive suggestions for improvement.

    I donate to them regularly and have a number of RSPCA rescued pets.

  3. Wow suprised at the replies so far...............................

    I probably would havve done the same as the OP , surely no registered, responsible breeder would sell some many different breeds in such a short time.

    And aren't we all for getting rid of BYBers and pup/kitten farms :laugh:

  4. I don't and can't claim that we brought up Mungo with zero bad habits.

    Mungo was a Deerhound and I think bad habits would have been too much effort for him. :laugh:

    He was a really lovely, happy easy going boy - he was the perfect pup - no chewing ,no digging, great recall, no lead pulling, loved everyone including cats and other dogs , didn't bark or growl and grew into a laid-back giant hairy rug. His only downfall was going to bone cancer at just 5 years old.

  5. Fellow samoyed owners, at this time of year bindiis are everywhere. I am cutting back the fur on his 4 hocks and rear end so he isn't a bindii-magnet but don't like doing it with scissors. The fur is so fine often the scissors aren't sharp enough to cut it.

    Is there any brand/type of clippers you can recommend that are good for trim/tidy-up jobs for samoyeds?

    Apparently dog fur is much tougher on blades than human hair so the special dog clippers are about $300. The other option is to find a good groomer - I found a great lady who washes my Lappie ( who has similar fur to Sammies) trims her paw area, under her legs (armpits) and pants and only charges $40.

    It is a well spent $40 as I did try doing it myself but for all the struggling with scissors - Jaana talking - trying to lick and generally being a wigglebum I wasn't very successful and the groomer makes her smell pretty .

  6. Jaana is definitely more confident than Snik.

    WA, I think Snik's temperament is gorgeous too :hitself:

    Give her time Ker, she is still a baby :flame: With some of them they get a bit more confident when they get older. And some, esp with the girls, are naturally a little more submissive than others - each of my Lappies has a different personality, but all are typical in their own way!

    I don't want her to change :( I love her softness.

    Snik is lovely and very similar to Jaana at that age - Jaana is now over 2 and only started to mature in confidence and listening earlier this year.

    On Sunday I was very impressed at the way Snik responded to your voice considering she has only been with you a short time.

  7. I just tried it on Keely and Jaana - Keely sniffed them stuck her nose under the towel, knocked over the container and got the treat. Jaana sniffed then remembered her training -always sit and lift paw for treat - then the test got hijacked by fast moving Siamese :laugh:

    I tried the towel on head with my deerhound (now ;) ) and he just lay down and went to sleep :o

  8. I didn't think there was much negativity against purebreds at all. He just spoke the truth :D You can't deny humans have created the problems that we see in our purebreds today. I only heard him mention HD, which is no secret in many breeds, SM in Cavs - again something which has been shown to be very widespread in the breed and the mention of Bulldogs needing C-Sections atleast 50% of the time - again, isn't this common knowledge? These problems aren't going to go away whilst we deny they exist.

    Great series and an absolute credit to him.

    Well said ! agree completely

  9. great news Robbi - give him a hug from Jaana and me - he is a very lucky boy

    I met a couple on the weekend with a very active kelpie and it was wearing a harness with large front section that covered its chest. The kelpie didn't keep still long enough to see what brand of harness it was but the couple did say they had chosen that one because they thought it might protect his chest.

  10. One word for that .................. MORTEIN :)

    NO NO NO NO NO !!!!!!!!

    There's no mortein in this house :( Haven't used any in 20 years, and you know what? Never had a problem :shhh:

    I actually DO have mortein in the house, but it is from about 20 years ago too. Just used on very rare occasions and when I can't get those large slow flies out of the house.

    Spiders just do what they like here - :eek: .

    Please be very very careful if you use Mortein or any other spray with pets around - I lost a precious young Siamese after she ate flies killed with Mortein. :)

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