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Karelea Aussies

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Everything posted by Karelea Aussies

  1. Hi all I need to get my girls hips/elbows x-rays done and would prefer somewhere in the Illawarra than having to travel to Sydney. Does anyone have any recommendations of a vet that is experienced in this area? Thanks in advance :)
  2. I always try to stick to something plain coloured in fairly quiet tones, but that's just me :) . In my un-expert opinion, Blues of all shades look good as does Purple. Reds look nice and I have seen someone show in a pale Yellow which is lovely against the Merle. Black bottoms are ok on a Merle if you have a favourite skirt or pants to wear. Whatever you feel comfortable in colour wise should work. Some lighter patterns will work but realistically we would hope the judge is looking at the dog and fogiving us our fashion sense :laugh: Good luck!
  3. I will be there with another Aussie baby, but mine will be the one with the crazy ears :laugh:
  4. Congratulations LP and Kinta. Lovely babies you have there :D
  5. Listing as anything other than a medium X would be misleading. You cannot tell what breeds are in that dog, it would be pointless to start guessing. Wow somebody call the fun police. :rolleyes: Sheesh! He very cute, I think we need more photos. To help with the analysis ;)! I can do that Here are a couple more...
  6. Here he is with mu Aussie girl who is 53cm at the shoulder. It is not the best shot but it shows his size fairly well.
  7. Don't worry Greymate, he will most like be listed as a Medium x and the 'most likely' is because it is up to the co-ordinator, not me . Generally when the parentage is unknown they are listed as size x .I am not sure what happened with my post but there should have been another 30 odd words in between 'guess' and 'so' and they were in fact two totally different sentences before they somehow became one . My guess was Ridgeback x something smaller and Rainy was GSD x something, so I think it is quite likely there are those breeds and possibly something smaller in the mix too. He is 3.8kg and the vet estimates 10 weeks so I really don't think he will be huge. Either way, he is a handsome little dude and very full of attitude
  8. This is Mason. Rangers were reluctant to hazard a guess so he will more than likely be listed as a Medium X when he goes up for adoption. Anyone willing to take a guess?. Rainy has her theory and I have mine ;)
  9. I rang hubby while at a show and jokingly said I wanted a puppy from a particular dog I liked, he said ok on the spot. I forgot to mention I was joking so it seems I have pre approval With the fosters all it takes is a photo and its a done deal
  10. I am really not this dumb normally....honest! I went straight to the warranty info page that states their warranties are through Atech. But either way I don't care as long as there is a warranty that will be honoured. Thanks for your help:-)
  11. hhmm ok I misunderstood. So you still get warranty just not with Canon. Yep I can live with that. Thanks
  12. We have 5 year old Cleo, who is a poundie, and as we have no idea what she has in her, is officialy known as a Terrier x. We also have Matilda the Australian Shepherd who is 3 next month. I normally have one foster at a time although not at the moment.
  13. It wouldn't worry you not to have the warranty? I would hate to get it here and find I had a faulty one although, I could actually buy the body + 18-200 lens for the same price as the other two options, then she has 1 lens rather than having to change them. Now to decide warranty or no warranty
  14. Everyone has such lovely families My two when Tilly (Aussie) was a pup....No one is allowed to get too close to Cleo (Terrier x ) so this is quite maternal for her And a pair of sand monsters
  15. Oi! Bite your tongue Gayle I haveoften wondered what she looks like in full coat. She is absolutely gorgeous and you have done an amazing job with her Sorry I didn't mean that in a negative way. Not at all. I can't remember seeing any pics of him yet that was all. It's ok, I am only pulling your leg ;)
  16. Oi! Bite your tongue Gayle I haveoften wondered what she looks like in full coat. She is absolutely gorgeous and you have done an amazing job with her
  17. My daughter is getting a DSLR for Christmas and we have narrowed it down to the Canon 550D. She is 15 and this will be her first real camera, although she has used the Canon 450D before so has a little knowlege of the SLR. Now my question. In ragard to lenses, the salesman recommended forgetting the twin lens kit and going for the Body + EF-S 18-200 IS but that is about $300 over budget. The other two options we were looking at, were the body + twin lens kit (EF-S 18-55 IS and 55-250 IS) or the body + EF-S18-135 with both options being around the same cost. Which of these two is going to be the better starting point for her. She doesn't have anything specific she wants to do, other than shoot absolutely anything and everything ;) . I would love for her to shoot both stills and action shots of the dogs, but I have already been told that I am not allowed to just disappear with HER camera Any help would be appreciated.
  18. Angelsun, I have the copy of the draft rules that you sent me. Are you saying these stations are wrong in that copy? What about the presenter of the seminar on the 29th and 30th October. I noticed it is another lady doing the training for this one.
  19. Our club had its first Rally session last night. I wouldn't call in training due to the fact that there are still lots of things we need to work out, more just a bit of a play, but I have to say it was great fun. :thumbsup:Everyone had a go and everyone had a ball. I can see this will be a great training tool and will help put a bit of fun into the routine training nights. Looking forward to learning more on this sport :D
  20. Thank you for taking him into your family Gayle He definitely is a goof ball and a massive clown to boot. Have you seen him with his rope toys yet? He loves to grab a toy and swing it around while it smacks him in the sides of his face.....he is such a funny boy . I don't think he takes anything in life very seriously, it's all about having fun. This has been one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make, and we are missing him terribly. I cant stop doing this , but his needs are going to be met with all that space to run and all those siblings to play with, and that is what is important. Gayle I am positive you will fall in love with him just like we did, if you havent already.
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