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Posts posted by APBT

  1. I would not recommend Guard Dog Training Centre, do a search on here about them.

    Is there a reason you want boarding and training as opposed to going to a club? Clubs train weekly all around Sydney, don't cost a lot of money, and train handlers and dogs together instead of someone else training the dog and then showing you what they've done. Training is a lot about the connection between dogs and handlers and about consistency in rewarding/correction.

    If you really would prefer to send your dog to a centre, Pet Resorts Australia is Steve Austin's new place in Dural.


    not just a drop the dog of and come back in a few weeks,

    not atack work, obed only

  2. "The shelter’s canine behavior assessment for puppy number 43063 notes that the puppy, “Approaches the front of the kennel seeking evaluator’s attention. Happily greets evaluator. Is sociable. Initiates gentle, physical contact. Wanted to be in evaluator’s lap. Moves closer for further attention. In evaluator’s lap playing. Wiggly. Leans against you. Bouncing around. Very lovey"

  3. the american pitbull terrier is the one most commonly talked about when BSL pops up is becasue there a very popular dog.

    And the term pitbull is a name that branches over many breeds like the APBT, amstaff, american bully and even stafordshires,

    the other restricted breeds are popular among people, and not just your local thugs. i find that its more elderly and dog experianced people that own these breeds, or people who want the breed that is from there homeland so to speek.

    and calsonic is 100% right these dogs are just media hype and what i belive to be a passing phase, sooner rather then later i hope

    weather your dog is purebred or crossed with one of these resticted breeds its all comes down to responsible handling of these dogs, as like any other breed.

    and you wont hear much about the other resticted breeds beacue the genral public and even some dog savy people wouldnet know what they looked liked even if they were 3 feet away from one,

    its just easy to say the "pitbull" type dog attacked me

  4. I dont understand your question but what i understand American pitbull terriers that were born before a cirtain date do not have to comply with BSL.

    they contunie to multiply because of back yard breeding and american pitbull kennels that there are still plenty of around,

    The aim of BSL is to eventually make this breed extinct but this will never happen no matter how hard they try,

    All BSL is doing is creating more and more BYB breeders,

    That is incorrect , in NSW it didn't matter when your APBT was born, when BSL was introduced it applied to ALL APBT's and crosses

    ETA: Here's the ACT, it covers both restricted and dangerous dogs


    Pit bulls owned before Aug. 29, 2005 or born in the next 90 days, are “restricted”

    But what if you get one after that date?

    then it states Puppies born after November 27, 2005 will be considered illegal, and must be shipped out of the province, sent to a research facility or destroyed.

  5. I dont understand your question but what i understand American pitbull terriers that were born before a cirtain date do not have to comply with BSL.

    they contunie to multiply because of back yard breeding and american pitbull kennels that there are still plenty of around,

    The aim of BSL is to eventually make this breed extinct but this will never happen no matter how hard they try,

    All BSL is doing is creating more and more BYB breeders,

  6. ive looked into a kennel when my girl was sleeping outside, but i found a decent kennel to be far to expensive.

    i was given one for free and its great but still, even that was about $300

    google how to make a dog kennel and there is some great ones you can make that are wind proof ect, could make it for under $50,

    Thanks APBT, will do! I love making things out of wood so could be a good weekend job. Many thanks

    no problem, ive been trying to find the link i used to have its a great dog kennel and the way its's wind proof and insulated

    as soon as i find it il post it up

    EDIT: found it http://www.angelfire.com/nc2/uniquekennels...eblueprints.htm

  7. ive looked into a kennel when my girl was sleeping outside, but i found a decent kennel to be far to expensive.

    i was given one for free and its great but still, even that was about $300

    google how to make a dog kennel and there is some great ones you can make that are wind proof ect, could make it for under $50,

  8. At the moment she gets

    In the morning a Kong full of science diet, a chicken stick and sealed with optimum dog food, and closed with doggie cookie. She also gets something to chew on like a bone or a denta bone stuffed into a kong (otherwise one chomp and it is gone :laugh: ) to keep her amused while we are at work.

    At night she gets Science Diet, Optimum and some mixed vegies.

    She also gets a couple of treats when we go out walking (Mainly for things like listening to me when there is another dog around) and a few for training.

    As far as excercise goes we have only been able to start walking from Saturday as she has been in season (so we played lots of fetch). But since Saturday she gets a walk twice a day for at least 20mins but usually 40+ each. Every second day during the week i run (not very fast) and she comes with me. We also have at least one session of fetch till she is puffing. I just ordered her a backpack as she does not seem to get tired at all when we go for walks and i think she would like it (everyone elses dogs seem to :rofl: )

    We will be monitoring her weight pretty closely and adjust her food as needed of course, but so far she is at least maintaining her weight, but I think she looks to have put on a little bit of weight.

    Another question out of curiosity, she is due to be desexed on the 6th of july, does desexing usually cause them to gain weight or not really?

    i would defiantly drop the breakfast meal of the science diet and dog cookie, maybe a different kibble or a fatty meat like lamb

    i would also drop the denta and give a RMB during the day.

    and kibble again for the night with the veg sounds good

    maybe add a few "satin balls" to a meal or two every couple of days as well


    This recipe is one for putting weight on an animal quickly, as some use it for putting a couple extra pounds on a show animal prior to the big day, or an animal that may have been ill and needs a weight gain program. It has also been reported that this recipe will help with some forms of hair loss, such as when your dog(s) blow their coat, to keep the coat healthy and shiny. This recipe is entended to be fed raw.

    10# hamburger meat

    1 jar wheat germ

    1 lg box of oatmeal (uncooked)

    1 1/4 Cup vegetable oil

    10 eggs

    10 sm pkgs unflavored gelatin

    1 1/4 Cup unflavored molasses

    A pinch of salt

    1 lg box Total cereal (2lb's)

    (You may also add a pinch of garlic powder to add flavor)

    Mix all ingredients together well, much like a meatloaf....put into separate freezer bags and freeze, thawing out as needed. It puts weight on in a very short time, not to mention the gloss in their coat. You can use it every day when they have a show to do and it does not produce diarrhea. It can be fed alone or with kibble.

  9. with toilet training, take him out evey 2 hours or so, the less accidents in teh house the better and quicker tiolet training will be, i dont create, but i restricted my pup to just one room of the house, and when no one was home she was on the veranda and she could not get out,

    but once you get the pup you will get into the swing of things.

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