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Everything posted by doglova

  1. Hi, Just off the phone from the vets why do things happen out of hours on a weekend ggg Anyway the dogs were barking so went to see what was happening and my girl dog couldn't walk properly she was lifting her legs kind of uncontrolled and was hunched up at first i thought broken back. She stumbled inside and i lay her in front of the fire she was shivering so put a blanket on her. Within less than 5 minutes she stood up and is walking ok she still looking just not right you know how you know they aren't right. I rang vet who told me to give her metacam and keep an eye on her ring and bring her in if she gets worse. Shes now asleep next to the fire place shes not hunched up and looks ok while asleep but is really quiet and sooky when awake. After our pup broke her leg playing with this girl i'm feeling rather deflated and wondering why do i have pets..... Has anyone any ideas as to what it can be. I'm thinking either the other dog ran into her while playing and winded her or shes twisted and hurt her back. So bloody typical of my luck after she had a nice day watching the kids playing sport today then a nice picnic lunch and now this....
  2. I'm very very interested in this having a dog who is reward trained but for off lead recalls this is her sequence. I call her name say come shes a distance out of reach she stops looks around and continues on her way grrrrrrrr. She arrives back to me when she has finished her exploring. If my dog can never do anything else i don't care but i really want a reliable recall. In a confined area she will come straight away However.... if shes in a big paddock she knows i can't do anything about getting her she continues on her way. I have rewarded highly comes in the house paddock and other confined areas but as soon as shes out in a bigger paddock or slightly distracted nope shes on her own. Am i right in thinking if i had a e collar i would call her the second she doesn't respond she is annoyed with the collar then turned up if she still ignores. My only worry would be that she might bolt away further to escape the annoyance rahter than comming to me. Has this happended to anyone it is one thing stopping me from trying. I can see that it would work other than my fear of her nicking off further. Years ago we had a fence jumper and put an electric fence up she tried it twice then never again we only then put it on in when we knew a storm was coming so mostly in summer or knew fireworks were around. Sorrry for the long post but i'm really interested to hear any feed back before making my investment.
  3. Hi, Wow this looks like just what i need. A few of you are using chicken wings etc dos the wing come out or is it just that they can see and smell it. Then i guess after the dog tugs it get to eat the wing? Excuse my ignornace i have never seen one unfortunatley i'm the only one to use food and clickers at my dog club they are still into rip your dogs head off with a chain i have converted a few but its hard work. Anything that can prove a point i'm happy to try. Thanks
  4. Hi, Your poor little pug sounds a lot worse than my pp if you look at the x ray it is so straight the break looks like there is something drawn on the xray good thing for her was that it hadn't misalighned at all. Shes so good about it shes in the crate as well with a elizabethan collar in case she chews it when we aren't home but when we are home shes either in her crate on lead for a toilet stop or having a cuddle with the collar off. She doesn't even look like chewing it but just can't risk that she wont touch it when we aren't home it would really damage it i think if the cast came off while we were away and she moved around in her crate
  5. Hi, Well i certainly will be more careful next time i thought it would be ok as i was literally right there she just landed awkardly nothing to do with big dog doing anything. never can be too careful i guess. what about socializing how do you do that if there is no play and at what age do you allow then to play supervised of course.
  6. Hi She sure has been in the wars. I wondered today if the worms might have zapped some of her calcium weakening her bones i will ask when we go to the vet on Tuesday for check up. Shes in a crate right now eating a pigs ear. She came to work with me today she got plenty of sympathy don't think the boss was to happy but nothing was said she was in her crate and i let her go for a toilet stop at morning tea afternoon tea and lunch time she seems pretty content all things considered. Looks like she will be one of thoses dogs that gets everything wrong. Poor baby. Someone at work told me to look out for demodex mites as her immune system will now be compromised yet another thing to ask the vet next week.
  7. Hi, I'm devestated my 14 week old pup broke her leg last night. i was right there less than 1 metre away she was playing with our adult dog not rough play she jumped up to lick the adults face and just landed awkwardly she screamed like crazy and straight away her foot was swollen we thought it was her foot that broke we went straight to the vets who exrayed her green stick fracture. The vet said its the best type to have and wasn't displaced at all (OMG the best type to have great...). She has a splint with a bandage holding the leg still it will get changed every Tuesday for 4 weeks then re x ray. I just can't believe it could happen so easily esp with no rough housing just an awkward landing i guess she misjudged. Vet assures us there will be no long lasting effects lets just hope.
  8. would she send the to NSW couldn't get to Vic for a consult
  9. My bitch is having a phantom pregnancy. I was so worried she had been mated not that we have a male and i was super careful in letting her we don't have many strays but was still worried so got her checked by the vet nope no babies just a phantom. I'm so surprised she has milk and vet said she may even go through labour pains and will nurture thing. Is this common i haven't heard of this before this is my first entire bitch usually have them desexed but i am showing her. Will this happen every season should i breed from a bitch that does this or is it genetic. Breeder said they have never had a bitch do it before. Did i do something to encourage this to happen?
  10. My old dog who has now gone to rainbow bridge also did this he had spondlytis and nerve degeneration he wouls b asleep on his trampoline bed and the poo would just come out her had no idea and would be asleep you'd walk past and he would wake up and walk away totally oblivious did not upset him only us. Nothing helped him eventually he was too weak to stand so we had him put to sleep but he was incontinent pooing for a good year never incontinent with wee.
  11. Hi, Been to the vet alls going really well she is due to have another worm tablet on wednesday shes lost her hard "fat" belly her coat is shiny and i think today we finally got the hang of oing in the crate without a temper tantrum yeah!! One week of controlled crying has finally paid off.
  12. EEEEKKKKK my new puppy has worms just got her yesterday and wormed her yesterday this morning she is pooing roundworms they are dead well not moving oh my god its horrible. We are now being super hygenic with handwashing etc and watch her like crazy so we can pick the poo up and throw it in the rubbish bin. I've made an appointment at the vets for tommorrow couldn't get in for today but raced out yesterday when we got home just in time to get the worm tablets. My question is will there be any long lasting effects. we rang the breeder who said none of his dogs would have worms i was only ringing to tell him not to complain but she has to have got them from her mum from what i can read. How long does it take to pass them all still had some come out this morning we wormed her yesterday afternoon.
  13. We had a really old shetland pony (RIP) who wouldn't shed his winter coat vet said it was not enough protein in his diet. We changed his food and it did make a small change not much but some did drop out. Wonder if its the same in dogs??
  14. We inherited a foxie when we bought our place ie. he was left here after the owners moved out he lived here for 6 months here totally by himself so he is quite independant knows where every roo hole in every fence is we said if he looked like hurting the kids or our dogs we would get rid of him but to my shock hes one of the best dogs we have ever owned. My daughter who is 8 has just started to train him in agility hes taken to it like a duck on water and shes very novice forgets to reward him and he just keeps trying so i would say go for he has made me a terrier convert. Magics mum
  15. Yes this is exactly the issue do you think it is a dalmatian hereditry thing my old dalmatian who is 10 yr old has never had nay skin issues this girl is going to be the death of me!!! I have spent a fortune at vets trying to get an answer i really want to show her so have to wash her before a show i usualyy go to one a month sometimes 2 a month i just can't seem to rid her coat of this redish pinkish tinge. Magics mum
  16. Wow now i'm really confused i thought i'd just trust the vet mmmm She has pinkish verging on red skin thinning coat this is only on her back whenever she is washed she gets lumps when she is wet it is easier to see the pinkish red skin there is tiny little sores that kind of resemble pimples and from what it looks like it is on a hair follicle then that hair falls out hence the thinning fur i have been washing in malaseb but now reading the thread on lumps after bathing im wondering if thats the right thing thats what the vet gave me. I can only assume the chicken and rice was to elimnate preservatives. It was intersting to read the daily feed chart that puggy puggy sent thatnks for that i might have to try that. She isn't vomiting just thsi skin issue
  17. Hi, I did have the vet and a chiro check her out and she was all ok that was my first thing i thought she might have been tender somewhere but not bad enough to be lame magics mum
  18. Hello, Thankyou bear i think you got it for me i just ran her on a different lead no check chain and actually let my other dog ran around her so it was a bit of competition and she was flying yeah!!!! I know i can't do that in the show but just wanted to muck around and HAVE FUN But definately got to take the video to the next show and also video her at home i'm now definately convinced its me. Magics Mum
  19. Hi, How long would you need to have your dog on a bland diet of say chicken mince and rice for to see any improvement in coat allergies. We are just starting this and wondered how long it will take to see a difference. Als how long can you feed just this it doesn't seem very balanced the vet didn't really say how long and while in there you never think of things till you drive home and think it through Thanks
  20. Thats intersting i have some head and shoulders have to use it on my 5 year old who still gets cradle cap might try that i have found that her coat was a little dry but relucant to try something else i have used the natural shampoo but that gave her the lumps so might have to try that but not before a show Thanks
  21. Thanks for the advice i will go faster on the bike i end up dragging her along if i went faster than she wasnted to so yes i guess she is dictating the speed mmm maybe she is being bossy and me weak.... ok more fun and faster. I'll encourage her go fast i guess in a way i have stuffed her up as when she was younger if she did gallop i corrected her so now she thinks stuff this for a joke i have today off work so will go and give her ago Thanks magics mum
  22. She is a dalmatian. Only this week i have started to "train" her to heel at a really fast pace but my fast pace for obedience would be the same as the gait speed she likes. Sometimes i feel like giving up but then when i'm at the shows i enjoy myself but feel slack holding up others
  23. Our camera has died waiting to buy a new one bugga.. I have been told at shows that she has the correct angles front and rear i'm new to the show i would prefer obedience and the other dog sports. At home when shes running free she will gait heaps faster this is why i'm thinking its me doing something my next step is to take a toy and reward strongly fast gaiting at home have to admit its also not something that i train at home i kind of assumed they woud just do it naturally but maybe not
  24. Hi, My pup well not so much a pup now but still my baby!!! is 17 months old i have been showing her problem is shes lazy. When we go in the ring she gaits soooo slow that i'm beating her at a jog. This week i thought if i rode my bike and then she could go faster nope she still goes her own pace tail in the air happy as larry going her own speed.The problem in the ring is that i'm holding up the other dogs and its not a good look getting over taken in the ring plus not fair on the other dogs behind us. Anyone have any ideas.
  25. Hello, My dog does exactly the same thing her skin is now always pinkish as she has a white coat you can see it. I now wash her in malaseb and she doesn't get the reaction. I was told to try oatmeal shampoo but haven't as the malaseb worked maybe try the oatmeal. In my dog i also believe it might be a food allergy. I once did a google search of dalmatian and skin problems have a read of the this site it was right on the mark explaining my dogs issues www.thedca.org/derm.html It doesn't explain alot obout solving it but at least it explains what causes it. I also tried phyohex but for me the malaseb was better. Its so upsetting esp in a show dog. Magicsmum
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