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all that glitters

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Posts posted by all that glitters

  1. I don't think I could ever bring myself to leave an electronic collar on my dogs unattended. I just cannot bring myself to trust them. That's me, though. Fortunately our dogs quit the barking when we moved them inside. They now stay in all day when I'm working in the city, which amounts to about 9.5 hours. When I'm working from home the door stays open, but mostly they snooze inside anyway. I was really sad about putting them inside rather than the yard, but I think I was wrong to be sad. They are happier inside from what I can tell. They are not spending the day barking in distress, so I can only assume they are happier inside.

    Yep totally my situation too, my GSD bitch is a LOT happier and calmer being kept indoors only when alone, with the door open she would run straight outside and distress bark - now with no outdoor access there's not even a whimper! She goes straight onto one of her many couches :rofl:

    So it seems that unlike yourself, I write with a purpose of clarity in explanation (I don't always succeed, but I try), rather than using words that might be technically correct but which create the wrong image and can deter people from using a training aid that might well be the best thing for the dog and the job.


    The "best" tool is the one that the owner is comfortable with using. If the owner doesn't want to apply an aversive electric current designed to make a dog uncomfortable to their pooch then an electric collar is not the right tool. Calling it a "stim" instead of a "shock" won't change that. I think you've done a fine job of painting the "right" image there to get by without also using ambiguous language. You are so fair, and then at the last moment, just when everyone's feeling nice and comfy, you start playing down the aversives. Don't play down aversives! It's not worth it, and you don't have to. You just have to be honest.

    I'm sure the anti-e-collar possy does like to use the word "shock". And that is pretty irrelevant. No one here is parading a "Ban E-collars!" sign.

    I don't see any of that, I just see Erny saying it how it is? I don't have a problem with what she's saying :)

  2. I think GSD's can be quite full on when they are young. My girl is 14 months old and plays quite rough, and when playing with smaller dogs she tends to 'paw' at them to catch them and interact with them which can be too rough with the little dogs! She has gotten better, but I wouldn't get a smaller sized dog as her companion til she was a few years older and a bit less enthusiastic! :thumbsup:

  3. Great shots the doggies looked like they were enjoying themselves, the weather looked great down there!

    We did our local one I just posted pics too. but unlike you I posted about 40. :laugh:

    Yeah I was going to put lots up then decided to hold back and put a link to them all if people want them all :rofl:

    :rofl: how cute is that little puggy !!

    Yep that's Hugo, Bindii's boy!

    Did you see the big black Newfie puppy?? He was huge and oh so cute! :rofl: I didn't get a photo op tho :)

    Is it okay if I add my MPW photos here too?

    (they are mainly on Maverick and Hector tho :( )

    I saw a HUGE HUGE newfie but thought it was an adult? It sorta looked clipped around the back end.. not sure if it was that one!

    And of course the more pics the better! :)

    beautiful pics! looks like everyone had a great day :) shame we did not meet, maybe next year :)

    Winnie slept all the way home in the car and then spent all night passed out on the futon! At 8.30pm she waddled out the back door and I found her in her cubby flat on her back snoring :D She did not even have the energy for her bedtime milk & cookie!

    Ok that's SO CUTE lol :D

  4. Well I am off to look at cameras today. :rofl: I'm going to look at the 1000D, 450D and OH wants me to check out the 550D too.

    Good choices! :laugh:

    I have the 450D, i've had it for quite a while now and i'm about to upgrade because I've finally got to the stage where I can look at a photo and tell you that my camera can't handle it. I'm also finding that my camera body isn't fast enough for the lenses I've been putting on it lately.

    My advice would be to buy the best that you can afford. If you're looking at the 450D and the 550D, have a look at the 500D too. They're all the same "level" of camera (the 450D being the oldest of the three) but the 500 and 550d have video capabilities.

    Wow! I was looking to get a 450D. Soo hard to choose when it's a lot of $! I want something awesome but not so awesome I can't handle it from the beginning LOL

  5. I blame the yoghurt container! If my dogs are getting cranky over something, its always a yoghurt container.

    Yep theres something about those yoghurt containers that dogs just love, hm wonder what it is :D

    Hope the pack are feeling better tomorrow including you!

  6. I had a friend that was being filmed for a segment for his show and he spent the entire time gawking at her chest. She got so over it that she proceeded to bend over and speak directly to his groin in return. After a few replies to his groin they stopped filming to ask what she was doing and she gave it to him in no uncertain terms... she said that once it was all over a lot of the behind the scenes tv people there commended her as not many people gave it back to him like that ;)

    LMFAO old perves, there's so many of em! I get enough of them at work, if Don comes in I'll be sure to pull my top up FAR :laugh: :p

  7. Thanks for all the good thoughts for my daughter, her and her children are devastated by jessie's death :laugh:

    I rang the Vet Association today to place a complaint about the whole thing, they too were shocked by the vets conducts. I will definately be going further with this and since then we have heard of other people having the same problem. Some of them were even clients!!!

    As far as I know, the vets, who are brother and sister, run the practise and I know they spent a lot of money doing the practise up before opening. They also sell kittens and puppies :eek: I don't know if it would be right, at this point, to name the vet clinic on a public board though....as much as I would like to shame them. I'll go through the proper channels and hope they will be hauled over the colas about it all.

    Sell sell them or re they available for adoption?

    That clinic sounds SO bad fancy not wanting to give the money back and giving u clinic credit WTF??

  8. I think the only thing we can do is carry pocket knifes and stab the attacking dog, how else do you get it off!

    I'm beginning to agree with you. Hell if you can't walk your own dogs on lead without being attacked by some other moron's dog, then yes go for it. But probably you would be charged for carrying an illegal weapon!!! Maybe do a citizens arrest and hold the lady and call the police. I don't go out with my dogs unless I have my mobile and one with a camera, then at least you can take a photo of the person and the dog - it's a lead that maybe useful.

    I also take my phone with camera! And keys and they are in a bumbag, thats all i carry on me. So defenseless :)

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