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Everything posted by redarachnid

  1. And i can assure you to the contrary. Can you honestly say with 100% accuracy that cheap vets = cheap care? Because that's a bold generalisation. Don't you mean sometimes cheap vets = cheap care?? What I'm saying is sometimes expensive does not equal best. No one is right or wrong, why should there be? We all have different experiences. I see no need to be corrected on my observations. Everyone is entitled to an opinion on their own experience. But no need to insinuate someone is wrong coz they don't agree with you. It doesn't make sense to make adamant assumptions about the entire vet world.
  2. Read MY post. Did I say expensive was good? The point of my post, I don't care what it costs if I know my dog is in trusted, capable and caring hands. Why shop around if I have a vet I trust my dogs with? You don't have to. I'm speaking to the OP. You do whatever the hell you want. My advice is for the OP, not YOU. That's why i posted... FOR THE OP. And they can take it or leave it, up to them. BYE
  3. Does as far as I am concerned, as I know my vet and trust him, and he knows my dogs. I know they will be well cared for. WoUld you shop around for a cheap surgeon for yourself, or would you go to someone you know and trust? I would find a cheap surgeon that I trust. Expensive doesn't always equal good. Not judging anyone, read my post it's worded carefully to say... Expensive does not always equal good, so shop around. My vet charges half what a standard clinic would charge and is on call for me 24/7 and goes above and beyond to care for my dogs. So coz he's dirt cheap...does it mean his level of care is poor. Definitely not. Expensive does not always equal good.
  4. I disagree. Inflated vet prices are often due to greed and over-servicing. Lower vet fees do not always mean lower care. Usually smaller owner-run business are cheaper... as opposed to chain-run or larger hospitals whose owners are not the vets working there, but business people looking for profit. A vet is not somewhere that the saying "you get what you pay for" usually applies. High cost does not always equal high care.
  5. she has been quoted $280 for the dog ( shes a pom) then more if on heat and more again if she is in pup been on heat a week now i believe and mating today I agree that this is a ridiculous price. You should be able to get it done for $150 - $200. You need to shop around.
  6. I had a dog get to a bitch in season and they mated and i did not want the pups. You should wait til the season is finished then vet will desex and abort foetuses. It's much safer to do the surgery after the season than during it. It should not cost much more than regular desexing. I'm only guessing, but i wouldn't say more than double a regular desexing cost.
  7. I would strongly advise against this. KC is a highly contagious airbourne virus so it doesn't matter if you walk in quiet back streets...you will still be contagious to other neighbourhood dogs. I wouldn't be happy if you were walking the back street/alley behind my yard. House arrest for 2 weeks minimum, preferably 3wks.
  8. If you're at all worried just give her a childrens' dose. It's quite hard to overdose them on it...they'd have to drink a fair amount. But start with the kids' dose so you're not worried about her.
  9. Benadryl Adult cough syrup, adult dose. House arrest for minimum 14 days. No dogs to visit either. If pet owners visit your house, they should spray disinfectant on their hands and feet before entering their home. It's highly infectious. If you think your dog is very unwell, straight to the vet as there are some nasty strains about.
  10. Tomas, it is simply NOT possible to leave whiskers on some show breeds who have clipped faces like american cockers or poodles. You can NOT scissor their faces off either. You would simply Not be able to compete with natural fluffly faces. THAT"S a FACT not a justification! Petition the ANKC if it's so cruel.
  11. Surely this is an exaggeration?? There's blood and pain and infection when you cut dog's whiskers?? I'm not questioning your theory, just this analogy seems inflated.
  12. For showing Afghans and Shih Tzu, it's a crime to NOT use conditioner!!!
  13. The amount you could take off would be only a couple of millimetres or they'll bleed. I would leave then, they are fine. Walk her on the road or concrete to wear them down naturally. Also if they're cut, they will be even sharper til they wear down.
  14. Where did you purchase him from? Is he from a registered breeder ( like someone who shows labs) ?? Asking just to know if he was bred to be a correct size. If he's not, then it's hard to guess what size he will turn out.
  15. Thanks for that. I was a bit annoyed with him (vet). He did the desexing and now can't fix it. I read on internet that desexed bitches sometimes become incontinant from a low hormone level. What other causes for this problem? She is healthy for her age, eats well, does'nt drink too much (diabetes) The nearest specialist would be Brisbane almost 900ks away. If that's the case maybe try being more insistant with your vet for a result. You don't have to accept what he says as gospel. YOU have to live with the dog and YOU know what's wrong. If you push for further treatment and diagnosis, the vet may research it further. Sometimes they need a push! Also poodlefan's idea about crate and vet bed is excellent.
  16. Go to another vet for a second opinion. Or get your vet to refer you to a specialist if he can't solve the problem. It needs to be dealt with. Wishing you the best of luck with her.
  17. I believe a puppy this lethargic, that needs to be carried is an URGENT veterinary case. He needs an urgent vet check and blood work. I wouldn't wait another minute. Please take him and i really hope it is not serious. Good Luck.
  18. Sounds like it wasn't too good a job!! BUT... I do have a Pug I groom that has exactly the same amount (mountains) of hair falling off him when he comes in AND when he goes out. Some dogs are just like that. I could groom him til he was bald and he would still drop hair.
  19. I come into contact with a slicker regularly on a daily basis for decades, in the course of my profession, so I know how they feel. You would have to try pretty hard to cause bleeding with slicker. It's not impossible, but uncommon.
  20. I am a groomer. You never remove all of the loose hair. It is normal that you will touch her and get hair on you. Being bathed, blown out and raked will loosen dead hair and it will fall out more over the next couple of days. The brush you bought (don't know what type, maybe a slicker?) does NOT hurt, the dog just doesn't want you to do it or isn't used to it. A slicker used every day will help remove the excess loose hair. A good groomer should explain all this to you or give you written info like i do.
  21. I have sighthounds too! Afghans, salukis. It was afghan babies that i had the problem with.
  22. I would just leave him for tonight and reassess in the morning. If nothing is swollen or physically abnormal, then it's probably as i mentioned above. I won't do a 3rd vacc now because of this, it's too much for them. He will probably just be sleepy and sore for a couple of days. It's basically just a vaccine overload. Just for now offer him food and water so he doesn't have to get up. Water is the most important to keep him hydrated. But as i said, if it seems more than this, then don't hesitate to take him back to your vet.
  23. This does happen now and again from my experience. They get sore and sick for a few days after a vacc. And the m/chip is a very thick needle. If you have concerns, go back straight away to the vet that did it. Only YOU know if there's something really wrong. It has happened to me before with 3rd vacc for babies so i don't do it anymore. My two pups were very lethargic, off their food, depressed and sore. Hope your boy gets better soon and it's nothing serious.
  24. You should ABSOLUTELY seek advice from a SPECIALIST. Ask your vet to send you to one. You should find out from a SPECIALIST what can and cannot be done for Benson. Specialists can do things that vets don't even know about. You will have lost NOTHING by seeing a specialist and will always know you did everything possible for him. Not enough vets refer their patients to specialists. They keep on giving meds and repeat consults and some owners don't even know specialists exist. Way too many animals are euthanised every year when a specialist could have been suggested and maybe a life prolonged. I have a friend who is a specialist vet (orthopaedics and oncology) and hear him complain of this all the time.l Wishing all the best for you and Benson.
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