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Posts posted by Rebanne

  1. I gave my 4 week old pups a small section of lamb rib today. One got stuck into it straight away, ripping the meat off, the other was a bit slower. So yes pups can have bones and yes I didn't leave the bones with the puppies after they had finished with them, the big dogs cleaned up after them.

  2. if you follow prey model diets you are meant to be feeding raw whole animals

    here all I see is diets based on offcuts of processed meats which is NOT a complete diet for your dogs :) I dont see how a dog can be healthy on a few hearts and carcasses alone.

    that was my understanding also plus you didn't have to feed them everyday. Mince certainly has no part in a prey diet. I was on a prey diet list 4/5 years ago and dared to suggest stuffing a chicken carcass with mince, boy was I attacked :) I can laugh about it now but I didn't then.

  3. Billinghurst says if you have to feed grains oats are the best one to feed. I feed it to my dogs in the winter time, nice and warm, for breakfast. One of my dogs gets a bit itchy when fed dry but has no problems with her porridge. I just feed the quick cook oats.

  4. Thanks for the "driving" lesson Gayle K, I will practise when I start up again.

    ETA both my previous dogs "leaned" into the collar and yep I would say my GSD pulled for 18 or the 20 k's

    and I thought the "obedience" test was just something to show your dog was willing to still work with you at the end of the ET. Both my previous dogs were obedience trained so no problem. Wonder if they will let me gait and stack Fern for her test? :mad

  5. I'm using the same bike I used in the 2 previous ET's I took the dogs in. What is it? I don't know but I love the tyres! They are a cross between road and dirt, fairly smooth in the middle with heavy tread on the edges :thumbsup: I still can't use the gears very well and I have had it at least 10 years :laugh:

  6. Well it all back fired at the benalla show if would not walk on the lead again to much going on for him oh well ill have to keep working with him

    yeah but a show is so different to walking around a familiar area. Use rewards at the next few shows. Pay the pup for a job well done. Don't fret too much, but if you really want to, try driving some where in the car, get out, go for a little walk, then go home.

    I had to carry my 12 week old greyhound pup all over the place the first couple of shows and she was good on lead. They soon learn.

  7. I've been using extender leads since they first came out and have never had an accident. Like all things - common sense is the answer, use them where applicable and know how to use them. I've still got the first one I bought, no cheapies around back then, I think it cost me about $40 and it's still in excellent order. If you want to use one then get a good one, extra money is worth it.

    me too, mine was $50, well worth the money. Got it about 15 years ago, not used a lot but invaluable for when I do need it.

  8. have you tried adding kelp to his food? It's a natural boost for the thyroid.

    :( I had Fern's T4 tested recently as greyhounds can have a low thryoid and her reading was 15.7 within a normal range of 1 - 19. I always knew greyhounds naturally had a lower range but it is interesting that other dogs are between 20 - 60.

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