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Everything posted by Casster17

  1. all of the above... Farmer dave needs to do some homework
  2. wonderful post. I look forward to reading the final product
  3. Oh dear I hope China is ok... Healthing vibes and best wishes from all of us here...
  4. Also A dogs Life in Ferntree Gully would help you. A dogs Life
  5. C&S - have you had the vet check his back??? Maybe he is sore and the lady touched a sore spot.
  6. I echo Erny... I have also worked with Glenn and have seen Steve Work. Your Bo is in really good hands...
  7. I have used Woofpurnay in Narre Warren. Someone on site day and night. All dogs/cats checked on twice overnight. 24hr Vet Clinic so there is always someone there.
  8. To be honest I commend the OP... I have 2 very difficult excitable dogs to handle. If I had been in the situation, neither myself nor my partner would have been able to handle both dogs whilst that was going on... I believe the OP made the best decision she could in the circumstances.
  9. mine are outsde dogs but even on the 40 degree days they will cycle between sun baking and lying in the shade. My female will dig the ground to make her sun baking spot cooler too on hot days
  10. what about changing the "look" command. I had to do that with my recall. COME had bad inplecation for my dog. So changed it. Works a treat now. Friend had the same problem with Stand. Stand made her rotty lean into her. But we changed it to Rock and he would stand next to her without leaning. What about using something like watch instead of look???
  11. biggd i look forward to seeing pics and hearing the stories of your b/c pup...
  12. Jed it great to see you back... I am glad you are on the road (even if its a slow one) to recovery... My thoughts are with you as you continue to recover, The fur kids send many cuddles and sloppy kisses...
  13. Thanks Stitch, i dont feed barf and will not be feeding many bones in the near future... But thank you
  14. Yes she is on the perscription one... the blood tests were re done when i took her back last week. did i forget to mention that???? The enzymes had returned to the normal level. i am aware that i have to be careful otherwise she can have another bout of pancreatitis. Hence why if she is off colour i worry... $1200 for hospitalisation is alot of money, I do not wish to fork out again.
  15. Thanks all... Cassie seems much brighter today. I'm getting the Royal Canin Gastro Intestinal Dry food tonight to mix in and bulk up her bland meat and rice diet. and then use that to faze in her normal diet... I am monitoring her closely and so far so good. she finished the Gastro intestinal protectant last night and seems more herself. I have heard that the Inner Health Plus Tablets for humans is good for dogs can anyone confirm???
  16. ok so what other tests do i ask them to do??? Edit to say: My Vet has alway been trustworthy, they have been straight up with me from the moment she went into hospital. I forgot to mention they suspected as there was evidence that she has/had huge worm bundle despite my worming her regularly. Having said that the last time i went to the vet clinic she didn't see our usual vet. And she seems to be ok tonight...
  17. sllebasi - vets say it can be up to 4 weeks before the attack of pancreatitis as it takes time for the enzymes to begin attacking or somthing like that if I understand what the vets said. That was the only fatty stuff she had... yellowgirl - Human grade Mince chicken. I know about pet grade and have always fed her human grade where possible. She is also reacts to Perservatives do I try where possible to to get preservative free human grade food. She has Coprice normally as her dry food as she has had no reaction to it. Both of our dogs are fed the same. The only difference was the margarine. Vets believe given how she is doing with food and no throwing up and the weight gain, she will be right to move onto her normal diet. However I am now wondering if there is something else an under lying problem. Vets said the Pancreatitis explains most of her syptoms but not the blood in the diaherria. But so far have not found anything else wrong
  18. Vets think she will be fine on her normal diet... As we know what caused the issue.
  19. Hi all, On the 11/11/10 my 4yr 10mth old staffie x heeler, Cassie, was admitted to Vet Hospital following a night a vomitting and the bloody diaherria. At 6pm on 10/11 i noticed she was throwing up but only the once, I didn't take much notice as this occasionaly happens, at 10pm she refused her dinner and then began throwing up every 20 mins. Her stomache muscles were very tight. At Midnight I did a mercy dash to 24hr vet clinic, I was told gastro bug. they gave her some meds and sent me home with antibiotics and said if she is not better by midday bring her back. I stayed up with her for about an hour in which see seems fine so I went to bed. 4 hrs later my OH got up to find she had thrown up all over the house. I got up and she looked shocking. Unfortunately I had to go to work to facilitate a hugh forum I could not get out of. I asked my sister to come over and monitor her. I left at 815am. At 845am my sister messages me with pics of blood in her diaherria. I told her to call vet and explain. They said bring her in at 11.45. Cassie went down hill very quickly. 1145am admitted and rushed through to treatment room. She had lost 2.5kgs overnight. Fluids, strong pain killers and anti nausea administered. Blood tests followed to identify Pancreatitis. (Silly dog had eaten 1 whole tub of marg 2 weeks prior). The Antibiotics administered. 4 days later she returned home on 2 types of antibiotics and special gastro intestinal diet. return visit 3 days later all good and vet very happy with her improval. 1 week after follow up, I had Cassie back at vet with pale almost white gums. More Blood test and an rectum examination they could find nothing wrong. Put Vet put her on Gastro Intestinal Protectant for 5 days. She is slowly regaining weight. How ever she still doesn't seem right. Very lethargic, very clingy and just not the Happy go lucky dog she was before. She is now allowed low fat meat and rice 3 x time daily and have been told in about 1 week I can try to move her back onto her normal diet... minus the stealing for margarine off the bench. Can anyone tell me how long it take for a dog to recover from this???? I miss my happy go lucky dog..
  20. Sweet tooth - Where in vic are you??? PM me if you prefer
  21. aw so... cute. Congratulations on the successful litter
  22. hmmm...... I see they gloss over most areas of the Bill and concentrate on the Dangerous Dogs section... A quick mention of unregistered dogs but thats about it... Erny have you had a chat to Luke yet??? I think i understand what they are trying to do but... They are going about it the wrong way...
  23. just recieved an email from Willian Sykes the bill will be passed on Thursday with no further debate and will be going to the upper house on 27th July... I guess its time to switch to sending letters to the upper parliament. Mr Sykes apologised claiming he did not have much time to debate it.
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