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Everything posted by lovemymutts

  1. :D :p Love it!! Thanks guys, I don't come across littlie terminology alot (which is why I had no idea!), in my bubble I just hear scruffers, mutts, boofheads & boxheads!
  2. There is probably already a thread somewhere about abbreviations & acronyms but I can't find anything. I have seen it a bit lately on DOL & wondered what SWF stood for? I am probably being really dumb here & should know what is means but anyway, just curious!
  3. Agree with the 1080 baiting, it is very inhumane, friends of ours lost their gorgeous little scruffer because he liked to visit the neighbours husky to play & they decided to throw a bait over, it was the most horrible thing I have ever seen The thing is thousands of other animals are affected by it (especially if it isn't done correctly). Our native animals were here first, we are the intruders. I would love to see the people take some 1080 & then see how they feel! It makes me mad reading a paper that says "our native wildlife increasingly intruding our neighbourhoods" so they should!! There are plenty of other ways around it, when I was younger, all the farmers & friends around here would go out once or twice a week spotlighting, it was all done humanely, not for inhumane drunken pleasure, just to reduce pest numbers & it worked quite well. I find now everyone is very slack with pest & weed control for that matter. The only people who seem to go out nowadays are drunken idiots who drive all over the road shooting at anything that moves! Rat & Snail baits should also be banned! I have been following your story & I am so glad everything is ok!!
  4. I'm constantly being dissapointed here on DOL One person starts a thread & then it just ends up on another tangent & bickering between DOLers. This thread was set up to share stories, that's all, not to share opinions etc. So let's share stories & read stories & be merry! P.S Beautiful Boxer you have I grew up with one & what a fantastic dog!
  5. A friend of mine also had a beautiful dobe 'Marsha' she was absolutely beautiful! Marsha would give a bark when someone came but then was the most gentle girl. This story has come from my friend. One day my friend had a handyman over doing a few odd jobs, in the end a small argument broke out (not her fault) & the man grabbed hold of my friend. Marsha got up, ran over & didn't attack the man, just got hold of his arm in her mouth, ever so gently & didn't let go until he released his grip & things calmed down. My friend is an elderly lady & Marsha was a great dog to her, never nasty just came to her owners help when needed
  6. Sorry but I highly doubt your dog would have killed the guy, or even seriously attacked him when it came down to it. Dogs aren't naturally protective in our sense of the word; they can be possessive but at the end of the day most acts of "protectiveness" comes from the dog feeling insecure themselves. I agree with Nekhbet, very few untrained dogs would actually step up to "protect" you, in most instances it's all noise and when properly challenged they have no idea what to do. Yes I know what you mean, my boy also chases rabbits but wouldn't know what to do with it if he ever caught one but if you weren't there you wouldn't know what it was like, Kaspa went for him when he put his hand down & I do believe he would have attacked this person had I opened the gate. I can't say for sure & I would never have done so but I was there & saw his reaction. That's all. Just posting what I thought & saw as everyone else has done.
  7. Wow! I too have had a similar experience. My old boy (12yrs) who then would have been 10 is a curly coated retriever x border collie. He always has 2 barks, A stupid bark & a bark when someone comes. It's great as I always know when someone's here. He has never hurt a fly, growled or anything. One day my sister & I were home alone. Next minute a guy walked around to our back gate which only friends use & asked if some other people lived here, I said no they don't, he then conituned to stand there making me feel quite uncomfortable. By this stage Kaspa was going absolutely ballistic! He was growling, frothing at the mouth & baring his teeth, if I had've opened the gate he probably would've killed this guy. It was frightening to see but also good as it made me feel more protected. Anyway then he started asking other questions about the house, of which I didn't answer. I knew something was up by the way Kaspa was acting (they know). Then he put his hand up and said 'that dogs a murderous dog, dog's like that should be put down' at that I said 'well they don't live here so bye' & I got my sister & went inside, leaving Kaspa out. Then he proceeded to walk around the back & tried to get into the shed! At this point I rung the police who said a patrol would be sent out immediately, the guy then walked over to our neighbours & tried to get into their shed! 30 minutes later the cops showed up (they tend to do this up here) I told them he had walked off up the road & they said they would go look for him then come back. Well they never returned I eventually found out he lived down the road & had been trying to get into peoples houses & going through their bins all week. He had a mental problem & hadn't been taking his medication. I would hate to think what would have happened if Kaspa had not been there that day. He is so good to have here. He had NEVER done that before & hasn't done it since. Now he is getting a little deaf & arthritic but I know he wouldn't hesitate to protect us if needed. How great are dogs, we as humans don't give them enough credit. I just love this quote: 'He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your pet. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.' my friend also added - your eyes & ears at night
  8. Yeh that's a bummer as myself & my mutts were looking forward to going too Is 7th Feb still happening then?
  9. I often have to ring the police to dispose of roos etc that some idiot has hit & left it to drag itself around in severe amounts of pain. Instead of hounding the cops why don't they do an article on all the idiots out there who just hit animals & leave them to suffer! The amount of times I have come across animals that have been hit but are still alive is disgusting, whether it be a kangaroo or a rabbit if you hit something, STOP & CHECK. If an adult roo has a broken leg there is NOTHING you can do because before anything could happen the roo would die from myopathy. Shooting it is a heck of a lot better than the alternative of just leaving it there & at least he made sure it was dead. I have come across a roo that had been shot int he head but not put out of it's misery & had still been wonkily hopping around for weeks in huge amounts of pain, it was later humanely euthanised. The police officer did the right thing in this situation.
  10. If you feel you would be able to better care for her then I would do what's in the puppys best interest as well as your own, you obviously have to look after yourself also. Not that helpful but if it was me & I felt I could better care for the dog then I would take it.
  11. Sounds like the weather might be somewhere in the middle which would be really nice!
  12. Spots look different, I don't think it's the same dog, which means there's another , which hopefully is getting treated also!
  13. Yes, I would agree with the dogs on lead, cats in cages. I was at the vet the other day with my staghound boy who HATES cats, & if given the chance would probably rip one to shreds but he hasn't been given the chance with me so I don't know. Anyway a bloke walks in with a cat in his arms who when it sees the dogs digs its claws into his shoulder, it looked absolutely terrified & I had to sit there worried the whole time that it got a fright & jumped off it could be mince meat! Meanwhile my boy is whinging & whining & carrying on because he wants to eat it! At least if a cats in a cage it's less stress for other dog owners in the clinic. Just had to add the other night was picking up some takeaway tea for my father with my stag boy in the car & was at the speaker box when a resident feral cat walks up to the speaker & promptly sits down & starts to clean itself eyeing my boy off, SO of course my boy starts his usual hysterics of wanting to leap out & rip the cat apart & the cat just sits there. I'm trying to order with the lady which was very unsuccessful & she is wondering what on earth is going on! When I got to pay I had to apologise & in the future will check there is no cats hanging around!
  14. My friend has got me hooked on deeries!! I have always loved big dogs like the deerhounds, wolfhounds, staghounds. She has two deeries - Cerydwyn & Lilly & a staghound - Django, her previous staghound boy Jabberwocky was stunning! Now I have two rescued deerhound x's the boy (Tashi) is smaller is hairier & the girl (Elsa) is taller & less hairy. Both were classified at the pound as wolfhound/staghounds but the boy looks more deerie. They are the most wonderful breed & I'll never be without one again!
  15. I was going through names with my staghound boy for ages until finally we were visiting a friend & she was telling me about this great new kids book called 'Tashi' it is a great childrens book with fabulous illustrations & is about a boy who comes from far away & goes on lots of adventures, well my boy comes from far away & will be going on lots of adventures so she said what about Tashi? As soon as she said that his head shot up & so Tashi it is! My other old boy is Kaspa She comes up with some fabulous names for her crew, the males are Bogart, Django & Jukkal (which is Romani for dog) & the girls are Nina, Lilly, Cerydwyn & Lady Day. Now I always go through names with my dogs, they'll let me know which one they want
  16. I'm hoping I'll be able to make it this time around with my staghound boy Might bring the new girl too... Looking forward to it!
  17. Here in SA it is illegal to own a Dingo or Dingo x. I had a bloke ring me last year asking if I could take his on as he'd moved down from the country, hadn't had any problems with the dog in the city but someone had seen it & reported it. I couldn't help out at the time but gave him some other contacts, hopefully he found someone! Anyway a friend of mine has a dog that looks nearly identical to your girl, she is kelpie x cattle dog with probably another 1 or 2 other breeds mixed in, a stunning looking dog but definetely not dingo. I think you should be fine Also she is probably walking that way because she is timid/scared (as others have said), from what you describe she obviously hasn't had the best start to life. I have a kelpie x girl in at the moment who is quite timid (didn't have a good start to life) & walks similar to as you described.
  18. Welcome LMM.....cant wait to meet you and the boy....i will not be attending the 3rd at this stage as i might be still intoxicated from New Years..... HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEARS TO ALL.. AND BE CAREFUL OF THE FIREWORKS........ Thanks, yeh I'm sure he's going to love it! Hehe I'm sure you won't be the only one! :D
  19. I am new but hoping to come down & say hi on the 3rd, im sure my boy would love meeting new friends if not I hope to get to others
  20. I totally understand where you're coming from! re natural products All my dogs get bones, I never buy pigs ears or any other 'treat type things' normally because they don't need it & I don't support the pig industry but saw these & thought that for people wanting to purchase pigs ears they were a better alternative for them... plus we don't have access to these products: Kangaroo tendons, beef ears, beef tendons, deer ears & it's kept in the dark but alot of roos that are shot are killed inhumanely, there are alot of issues regarding this that are best left to another time. Isn't everything manufactured artificial these days lol! It's ok, I'm not saying you should buy them, bones etc are definetely better
  21. I know we are a bit behind here in SA & you probably already have them interstate but I was really excited when I went into town today & discovered vegetarian pigs ears!! Some people might be saying 'what's next?' but they are still a very good price & I never buy any pork products including pigs ears because I do not support the pig industry (factory farms) etc. So I was pleasantly surprised when they had these in the shop today! Alot of my friends will be glad to hear this too Brought some home for my babies & they all absolutely loved them, even my old boy who is a fuss pot!! Just wanted to let you all know & it would be a good thing to support too, rather than buying products from factory farmed pigs. Bring on more animal friendly products!!!
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