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Everything posted by spitzbaby

  1. I have been waiting for this thread to show up! But not sure yet atm.. if I manage to get my license in time (meaning passing my test) haha I'll go ETA: Bindii I'm still waiting to transfer the photos over.. it's taking forever
  2. I've just noticed most of my photos are of Kairu.. woopsie I'll be sure to take more next time! haha
  3. Okay,... here are mine.. that I quite like.. may not be the best quality shot though haha.. but I'm loving some of the expressions advance notice.. I've also been stealing Kairu's photo of everyone else... haha and I don't think I'll attempt to name anyone Oooo I shall do a parade for the humans.. woof Look at me! I can do this! Did you call me? Please watch yourstep friends Just chilling Hello there.. Hey Kairu, go check out the water! I'll watch you
  4. Ah!!! I see me!! watch ur eyes!! I'll look through what I had, hopefully something decent and upload them tomorrow hopefully Thanks all for today, really had fun
  5. Yay! I think if all is well and nothing comes up, I'll be there this sunday!! Thanks guys, looking forward to sunday
  6. Hi guys, Yesterday I spoke to the VET about meeting other dogs, what she said was that Kairu should be fine as long as the other dogs is vaccinated. I think all the kepala go-ers are dog aware and take care of their doggie's health so it should be fine, what do you all think?
  7. ooooooh I'm so excited now.. thanks kero for your offer!! I'll see the vet this wednesday and will definitely PM you pip: I shall find someone for upcoming months trip *cross fingers* edit: I'm not typing right
  8. CF: I will be coming from the cbd Poiintees: YAY! I'm hoping the same pip: I will talk to the vet and ask, apparently it should be fine.. but will double check. anyone coming from the cbd area? or driving pass to scoop me and kairu?
  9. Awww that's great to hear... He's having his next vaccination on the 8th... And this is on the 12th... Mayb if I can persuade someone to get me there.. If not then I'll need to plant the seed now for the october one
  10. awww.. I really want to come along... but I can't drive also my dog is still a puppy, is it okay to bring him? he is probably quite small to be squished
  11. WOW!! I bet you'll be very very excited when you visit her with all the lovely collies around ;) That means you're hoping she will carry a tri colour? sorry I'm not an expert with collies, but do they usually have tri or is it depending on chance? Thanks Naomi He is very worth it He will make some noise when he has to go, if he doesn't wake up, I wouldn't wake him up unless I know it's his meal time, I try to stick to a time for his meals so I know his "number 2" calls timing Thanks, which puppy are you looking at to get? another golden? I haven't had the experience but I know I'll need to leave my boy for 10 days in January, I'm already panicking now.. If the person minding your puppy is dog savvy maybe you can tell them the routine? maybe that'll help editted: because I was blind
  12. thanks I know the wait is such a torture.. I had the funny stomach feeling for agess... He is not that bad at night actually.. He needs to go every 2 hours though and since he came I have been recording the time when he needs to do number 2. So far he's been ok what breed is your puppy, puppy love?
  13. he is a japanese spitz I've been taking some photos of him.. will post it later
  14. Hi I'm also looking for an indoor tray.. Is there any similar to the cheap as chips one? The website says they're sold out except in one store that's not in Vic Don't think they post them either... Thanks
  15. Hi Ishy welcome to the waiting club haha... It's going to be a long 6 weeks for you! and everytime you come here and see all the cute puppies.. you're going to feel like you want yours right now! haha that's what's been happening to me.. Good luck with the new beagle pup have you decided on a name yet? any photos to share?
  16. boo: YAY!! congrats to you!! you must be very excited right now I'm so happy for you. Remember to keep us posted with how your baby is going Thanks Bundy's mum.. I was talking to my brother about where to turn near the airport and he was clueless! oh no maybe I'll do a test run too hehe thanks for the tips
  17. yay!! congrats!! are you getting the girl or boy? I'm so excited for you Evolving... Alera is so cute.. I won't be able to sleep these couple of days if it were me.. Hi boo, that's great news.. everyone's getting their baby this weekend and I'm so jealous now
  18. Hi all, Not sure if this falls under commercial posting or not.. (if yes, please tell me and I can delete it) Just want to share that they have dog stamps at the post office incase anyone else is interested in collecting them. You can look at it at the post office website.
  19. Thanks for that nicolatu, I was thinking he will actually come out at the same place with the humans! haha OOPS! lucky you tell me..
  20. Hi fellow mums and maybe dads . I have a question in picking up a puppy from the airport. I'm looking to go with dogtainers or jetpets but unsure about the procedure in picking up the puppy at the airport... Will the transport company be dealing with everything with their arrival and I'll just wait outside of the gates until they come out with my boy? or... do I have to do some processes with the airport staff? Would be much appreciated if anybody could give some information on this Thanks
  21. is that a Lappie? soo cute uh oh.. I better go get the XS then haha... thanks
  22. While we're at this topic... can I ask if anyone knows any closer to Melbourne city? I saw some classes near Albert Park and near the Lost Dogs Home.. Has anybody been there? any reviews on them? Thanks in advance and also to OP
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