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Everything posted by Weigirl

  1. That's right. Baby in Show was an Akita
  2. Handlers winner WA and runner up Qld. Sorry sure someone there knows their names
  3. BIS Gordon 2nd Pug 3rd Whippet 4th collie rough
  4. Grp 7 - Boston, great Dane, German Spitz Mittel, Bulldog Puppy Dalmatian
  5. Grp 5 Puppy - Sheltie Grp rough coat collie, Bouvier, Sheltie, Aussie Shepherd
  6. Grp 4 - Whippet, Irish Wolfhound, Beagle, Afghan
  7. Could be a yorky sorry should see myself
  8. 2nd in Senior Handlers was Ashlee Hartnett
  9. I see on the RAHS website it says they have found 2 overseas judges and will announce once they have received ANKC approval
  10. I switched my girl to it as I could never get any weight on her. It has really helped keeping weight on and I haven't really noticed any extra energy she is as mad as ever
  11. The Rotty that went BIS has 567 points in dogzonline so assume that's right for total show numbers
  12. Pointer is Kirby - Aust CH Beautelle Ova Th Rainbow
  13. Mine were cashed yesterday too looks like we are heading to Victoria
  14. Me too. Long way for us to come from SA if our entries haven't been received. I think show secretaries would get a lot less questions if we could see our cheques had been banked. Think the same thing happened last year and in SA our numbers hadn't arrived before we left home
  15. Whiskedaway the Open neuter classes are quite common in SA. I commenced showing my girl on New Years Eve 2010 and by about half way through 2011 (with the ability to only attend 1 of 2 weekend shows during winter)was able to attain her Neuter Title picking up a few Neuter in Group along the way.
  16. Love this link but note in that in the SA results for the weekend we had many changes of judges that aren't reflected in the results. How do we help to get this updated?
  17. Must say I didn't know what a crimp was called either as we had been looking for some too and only found the answer by accident. :D
  18. Woo hoo Hagen. Congratulations Kath and Ashley
  19. Adelaide Plains Kennel & Obedience Club Inc (this is a path for the schedule) http://www.dogssa.com.au/documents/APK&ODC_ACD_Champs.pdf
  20. Did you actually get the details Rebanne?
  21. Just to clarify for you the schedules on the SA website are the same schedules we get in our journal. It may seem it is not all the shows listed here but unlike other states we generally only have one option for shows on a weekend unless it is a long weekend and there may be alternatives.
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