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Everything posted by Weigirl

  1. Things must be different in different states re Neuter in Group. I do note in SA that the order we go into the ring with the neuters is different but the only neuter classes offered have been 18 and 18A. I have a bitch and there have been 3 orders we go in: Firstly after the other bitch classes and before the bitch challenge, directly after the bitch challenge and before best of breed or after best of breed. In all shows I have entered we have gone in for neuter in group then the group winner for neuter in show
  2. This may not be too helpful but we stayed at Macedon Caravan Park that has cabins. They were fine with us having the dogs in trailers etc but not in rooms. Its about half an hour from each location but there was heaps of room to walk the dogs
  3. I have one but it is at home. If you get no other takers I can scan and email you tonight. Just PM me your email address
  4. Jo Hartnetts daughter was 3rd in Juniors. Can't recall 2nd sorry
  5. Pacing is when the two legs on the one side of the body move in the same direction. A usual gait will have the front left and back right moving in the same direction and vice versa
  6. Woo hoo I was lucky to get a message to say I am the South Australian winner. A purple one on they way to me!!
  7. What about a Nova. Still in Group 3, on the ground and won't run as fast as the bigger gun dogs
  8. What are the sizes of the ones from BBQ galore?
  9. I am interested in understanding more about this. For those in SA note that Noahs Crossing Vet is holding a Stem Cell Seminar at Dogs SA on Thursday 28th July at 7pm. Their seminars have been fantastic for information purposes
  10. I use Paris Creek again similar story to the above its really nice and its my favourite so we share
  11. Not sure how much this will help but my weis have had contact allergy issues as well. I did find though that I actually cut down on the red meat intake in their diet feeding more lamb and chicken (limited roo and beef) and this helped. I also feed natural yoghurt in their diet which seems to be good for a number if issues. I did find though that to knock it on the head initially I needed to have a vet visit and treatment
  12. I am very excited to announce that my precious girl Diva attained her Neuter Champion Title today. From what I read here we are very lucky in SA that a number of the clubs have embraced the neuter class which has meant being able to show my girl to her title. I am proud of myself in that she is the first dog I have ever shown and the neuter class has given me the opportunity to get into the show ring and start to learn.
  13. Have a journal at work so quoting from that. Show training on Thursdays at Flaxley (near Mount Barker) at 7pm and 6.30pm for Child Handlers Bookings essential call Mrs Jane McDonald 8388-9546
  14. I just tried to add this software and see what it is like. Can anyone advise if there are any options if your breed does not come up?
  15. Thanks so much for the heads up. Managed to get one on Monday. Will be really handy for the away trips particularly when we want a bit more space
  16. My girl sadly lost her litter sister last September and she did not have any of the usual characteristics you would associate with a dog susceptible to bloat. One of the things we have done is started using these bowls for feeding to slow them down. Only wish we had a definitive answer My link
  17. Definitely not more than 1,000. Don't have a catalogue to be exact though sorry
  18. I usually send a SAE but have not received anything back yet I don't think. I do note they have cashed my cheque though (23rd March) so I wouldn't panic that they haven't got it
  19. Thanks for the help got there easily
  20. Thank you I am from the western suburbs so will use northern express. Will be out there tomorrow
  21. Hi all Just wondering when I received back my acknowledgment of entries there was a map to the new venue I think, now I can't seem to locate it. If anyone has it could they post it here or PM me Thanks
  22. Congratulations Kath and Hagen
  23. Got mine yesterday and will have its first use tomorrow night I think. The very helpful people in Adelaide HS said if they didn't have stock they would take an order at that price while its on sale then get it to the buyer later.
  24. I was at a show last night, where my little one won BEST NEUTER IN SHOW, and there were 20 neuters entered in the show! A) its a good way of getting newbies into showing Congratulations on your win last night. I was there with my neuter and was in the Show lineup with you. You are right about getting newbies in the show ring. It was our first weekend in the show ring and I was really happy with her at her first time out
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