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Everything posted by Keira&Phoenix

  1. Thats amazing but so sad he is missing. I hope they find him
  2. Lol some people are so silly. Look at all the cross Peis Peiradise had at Woofstock
  3. Back to the vet. I know its costly but maybe ask for xrays to check out the joints etc to see whats going on hope ur poor pupper is ok.
  4. I got her an Orbee Ball from the Nose to Tail stand. So far so good its nice and flexible so it doesn't snap in two when she chews on it (like tennis balls) and floats!! Bummer about the snake but I guess that is likely to happen in a lot of places at the moment that's something we should definitely keep our eyes open for at all the meets actually. Yeah the beachy area had debri when I dropped in, wasn't too bad, I think there was a king tide on Friday though so might have gotten worse again. Oh well maybe that one is good for next year during summer or good just to use the park if we want.
  5. Yeah I bought a new floaty toy for Keira! She loves it we went for a swim yesty arvo and she couldn't get enough of it!
  6. Hey Flick, It won't be big I doubt we will have many more than 6 -7 if we are lucky I am comfortable with you bringing Louie no problems, as I said to you yesterday (maybe you were talking to me not GG85 LOL) that I have had the same issue with my older dog so completely understand. As long as everyone is aware and keeps an eye on there dogs I doubt there will be issues, and if you bring a crate you can always crate him if he is playing up Someone asked about the fencing, I am unsure at this stage but will probably take a trip down to check it out this week as I am on holidays, so me and Phi will go for a ride and have a look at the park and make sure its fully fenced etc and I will let you know as soon as I get back Can't wait will be a good meet. Re: Food I will check if there is BBQ's and get back to you also then we can start planning who will bring what food as well. Thanks.
  7. What time does everyone want to meet? Obviously Dandy and anyone who cant make it early can meet us when they like. Is 12 ish too early too late?
  8. Understand completely it was wayyyyy to hot and yeah a bit dissappointing. Hopefully next year then can do it during winter and spread out the stands etc a bit more.
  9. Was nice to meet everyone! Yeah was pretty small and soooooo hot, they should look at holding it through winter rather than summer!
  10. OK I have written down everybody who is coming and with what dog so we know who to look out for and who needs to be there before we head inside. Kyojin we will see you and maybe Scarlett inside the gates
  11. Woo cant wait. Dandy I dont have ur number but i will pm u mine hopefully you will get it before u leave and u can let me know if ur going to be late See you all there.
  12. I saw the thread i hope the poor darling is ok!!! Pass on our love and healing vibes to her.
  13. Ok so everyone is keen for Mermaid Waters for the March meet?? No objections?
  14. Hey guys, I have found a good one in the Logan Area http://www.thereporter.com.au/story/2011/0...a-dogs-day-out/ Its 3000 square metres so around 3/4 acre which is pretty big, my yard is 1/4 so I can sort of visualize the size. Plus it has all new equipment etc. Read the story apparently it cost $55,000 to do. And brand new! Its in Logan Central.
  15. OK I am losing track LOL, here is what I have so far, add or delete your name if it is incorrect. Keira&Phoenix (with Tess) Minxy + OH (with Kyojin) & Friends (with BC) GoldenGirl85 (with Lexi) Dandybrush (with Raz) + sister (with dog) LuvLottie (with Lottie) Maybes Boronia (with Penny, Mac & Daisy) Scarlett (with Scarlett) Huski (without dog?) Flick Mac (maybe dogless) I think that is it...? Just try to keep us informed on if your going to meet at the front gate so we don't accidentally leave before everyone arrives or so we are not waiting when your not going to be there. Thanks.
  16. Once again im super jealous. I despise my current job but need the $$$'s. Looks awesome
  17. I think notifying the council is the best bet they will come have a chat to him and hopefully he will do the right thing. The dog may never get hit or it could get hit tomorrow. If it does get hit Im sure you will feel horrible for not reporting it when you had the chance.
  18. that and feeling bad for the dog because she cant go out. Big deal, you are meant to be the dogs primary concern not other dogs. In fact meeting so many new dogs in unnatural for a wild canine, it will usually end in posturing or territorial display instead of a bum wag and a play time. When you have chronic pain, it tarnishes your experiences in life. Trust me I have it. Her arousal level is probably more due to associating outside = pain, then you not taking her out. If she is still in pain, she fulfills her own expectation ... that outside the house and other dogs = pain. Take her out again, she sees a dog, everything is sore anyway so dog brain goes 'ahaaa see I KNEW IT WOULD HURT!' and flips her lid. You did not mention genetics. If the sister is DA, what are the parents like. It could be environmental but it wouldnt surprise me if she also has DA tendencies. Saying that, a predisposition is not a guarentee. If I rode that wave then all 3 of my dogs should technically be tearing either other dogs or people apart. And they dont. Sounds like you need to invest in a prong collar before anything else. Its not that I want her to go out and meet hundreds of other dogs I just want her to be able to come out and spend time with me and Phoenix outside of the house, she cries when I put Phoenix in the car and take her out somewhere and I want to be able to include her so she doesn't feel left out or sad (yes I know sad is a human feeling but she cries I don't know how else to interpret that). I want her to have a good life not just to survive. For Keira that's going out and exploring because that's something she enjoys/loves doing, but at the moment its hard because if we accidentally come upon a dog I have to try and hang onto her and Phoenix, I also don't want Phoenix around when she is carrying on like that. But if she associated outside/walks with pain would she be excited to go? Like when I pull out her lead she is visibly excited definitely not scared or worried. Or is what you are saying that over time the association has just moved onto dogs she sees whilst out walking/out of the house? Sorry I am just trying to make sense of what you are saying in my own terms. Yeah sorry I only remembered today as I was replying to people that her sister is DA to a certain degree. I understand its not a guaranteed reason as to why she has these issues I just mentioned it as a curio/possible contributor to the issues. Oh ok, so you would recommend a prong collar? I get mixed reviews/remarks about them depending on the person I am speaking to. Would a prong collar help to modify the behaviour or just to manage it? Thanks for your reply's Nehkbet. ETA: Just read about your dog Diesel, poor fella. Keira isn't that bad but she also has severe skin issues and had demodex mites when she was 4 months old, she is currently suffering from skin irritation on her back from her tail towards her mid section, which I am struggling to get rid of.
  19. Are you sure? Sounds like she would hate them, but I can only go off what you have described above. Yes I am sure, I do know my dog and its not like we didn't used to do it, it just became very irregular due to her pain and then things became like it is now. She enjoys going out, going to the beach, being with me and seeing new places, people etc and I can't do that with her right now because she is so reactive. I have no doubt at all that she does enjoy going out and being with you, but in situations where she is being reactive (e.g dog park, DOL meetings) she can't tell you any more clearly that she doesn't like being there than by being reactive. I do understand what it is like living with a reactive dog, apart from having one of my own I work with half a dozen or more every week, and I know that things that your dog really enjoys can be limited because of factors you can't fully control for your dog. But if you find yourself in situations where your dog is barking, lunging etc it's a good sign to avoid that situation. Every reactive dog is a little bit different. I can walk lots of places with other dogs because my dog is trained, but I avoid places where we can't get plenty of room when we need it. She doesn't enjoy herself if she has to "deal with it" and much prefers if we stay off the beaten track a bit. Totally get what your saying. Sorry I am having trouble expressing exactly what I mean I guess. She is the sort of dog who absolutely looked forward to going to the park and meeting all the other dogs (sniffing bums and all that ) , she LOVED it, I think through lack of doing it due to her health issues it has become such a cause of high arousal levels (due to excitement) it then turns to stress and anxiousness because she can't deal with it and she can't get to the dog to meet it (I think she also pre-empts the fact that she isn't going to meet the dogs) and that's when this behaviour presents. In a familiar situation (like home which doesn't present the same excitement levels as say a walk or drive) ie: when my brother brings his dog over or with Phoenix it doesn't happen at all and she plays with them happy as larry. Phoenix can be carrying on like a loony (jumping around being a general pup and showing high arousal levels) and she has no reaction at all. On another interesting note could it partly be blamed on bad genes?? I know people who also own one of her sisters from the same litter and she is DA and has actually attacked other dogs on 2 occasions.
  20. I totally get that, I am the same with Phi, don't like her to miss playgroup as its the best environment for her to play with and meet other dogs, but as she is out this weekend anyways (desexing too ), it all works out for the best this weekend. Well you should come say hi at the gate at 10:30 if your still around.
  21. What feelings do you think I am putting on the dog? Sorry just curious as to what I said that made you think I was doing that. As I said I am getting behaviorists in as soon as I possibly can but it doesn't come cheap and I also wanted her to see the specialist vet and get his recommendations, see what treatment we can do for her pain then get the behaviorist in. See above Are you sure? Sounds like she would hate them, but I can only go off what you have described above. Yes I am sure, I do know my dog and its not like we didn't used to do it, it just became very irregular due to her pain and then things became like it is now. She enjoys going out, going to the beach, being with me and seeing new places, people etc and I can't do that with her right now because she is so reactive. I also think the lack of doing those things is causing the situation to become worse, because her arousal levels are higher because she is excited to be doing them. Thanks Corvus, I try not to put her in a situation where I know she is going to react, so I walk her after dark mostly as its not busy not much chance of passing dogs but we do pass houses with barking dogs behind fences, mostly they are across the street and her reaction is not as bad although her panting picks up a bit and she might whine, but if she looks then looks away without reacting I am making sure to click and treat that. If we do happen to come up to a dog, I walk off to the side, ask for a sit and click reward for attention to me. I will keep an eye on her tail from now on. Cheers. A black dog infin8 collar.
  22. Keira&Phoenix (with Tess) Minxy + OH (with Kyojin) & Friends (with BC) GoldenGirl85 (with Lexi) Dandybrush (with Raz) + sister (with dog) LuvLottie (with Lottie) Maybes Boronia (with Penny, Mac & Daisy) Scarlett (with Scarlett)
  23. HI Christine, Thanks for your reply. I have ordered the Click to Calm book, I am hoping that can be of assistance. I will look into a few other books also. In regards to her physical condition its hard to tell really she doesn't really show it, she will still carry on like a pup when excited. In saying that because of her hip displaxia the physio said she already has arthritis, obviously that will continue to worsen so its possible that it has gotten to a stage in which she is in a fair amount of pain from that but not showing it really, she is a bit stiff when making small movements but as I said before will carry on like a pup when excited. I manage it by only short walks, walking on grass not pavement and swimming, I hope its making a difference. I am also taking her to see a highly recommend Vet/Chiro down in Ormeau - Rowan at Animal Options next Tuesday apparently he can work wonders, so I am hoping there is something he can tell me that can help to reduce any pain she may be in, hopefully I will see at least a small change in behaviour then. I deal with a good Behavioural trainer through my puppy classes, I have already spoken to him about Keira and gotten a few pointers. I will be having them out to see her as soon as I possibly can. I am a stress head and I had a bit of a break down early, I have calmed down a bit now and come up with a plan of attack to start off with. Wow 4 years is a very long time, good on you for sticking to it, I hope it doesn't take that long for Keira but I am willing to do whatever it takes. Sometimes I think that even if I can get her to a stage where she doesn't react or ignores other dogs to a degree, I can deal with that I don't need her to make friends at least then she can be with us when we go places. Thanks again for your reply!
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