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Everything posted by Keira&Phoenix

  1. Sorry Wish I could come but I have a course with my pup at 8 in the morning that Sunday booo. Oh well. have fun!
  2. I didn't divide my crate and IT IS HUGE like Large dog sized lol no woopsies! Phoenix was awesome from the day I bought her home I never had to take her out to the toilet through the night she was 9 weeks old, I just made sure I took her out right before we went to bed and as soon as I got up in the morning. Also she pee's on command LOL I walk out and go "do wee wees" and off she trots into the garden. The only time I have had to get up for her was two nights a week or so ago when she was sick and had diarrhea and needed to go like 3 - 4 times during the night. You will find what works for you and the pup, there may or may not be accidents but it's a learning curve, like kids they are all so individual
  3. Have you considered an underwater treadmill? Or would that not be suitable for this injury?
  4. I am more than happy to organise an inner city meet. Even if that what everyone wants to do for April...? But as GG said need ample parking because we have to drive in from the outer suburbs. If someone can suss that out and get back to us that would be awesome! I would but I drive a gas guzzler and well its getting kinda expensive LOL
  5. My pup slept with me for the first two weeks and then I crated her (in my room) she cried at first but I gave her a firm "argh" and she quieted down and went straight to sleep, same the next night in the crate and then nothing after that. She now is allowed to sleep with in her crate or in bed with me, her choice. Usually she crates herself if its hot, cooler nights she comes up with me. Sometimes it best just to do what you think is right. I think there are many "right" ways to do it based on what you think is best for the pup and where you want the pup to sleep etc. Only 2 weeks! I bet your excited now!!
  6. Maybe they felt they were not getting enough people with separate venues. They wouldn't be using UQ this year as it was severely affected by the flooding. If your keen on joining our team let me know
  7. Im not a smoker but my partner is, he has always had to smoke outside but that is mainly because I don't want smoke smell lingering around the house, it tends to stick! I am not overly fussed about people smoking around my dogs as its not something that happens constantly and they are not blowing it into the dogs face. I wouldn't have my dogs in a car with a smoker with all the windows up though. I will point out that car fumes are much more deadly than cigarette smoke (for instance locked in a garage with a running car you would asphyxiate in a very short period of time, locked in with 10 smokers all night and you won't) and everyone here walks their dogs out by the side of the road where their dogs would be breathing in car fumes. Not trying to be smart just wanted to point it out. Also my Dad has smoked for 50 odd years, he is the healthiest person I know, rarely sick (even when everyone else is) and still works in an extremely physical job, but he is on a great diet and has been extremely strict about it for the past 10 years.
  8. Awesome Dandy! Let me know how many you round up. If I can get some definite answers from a few people in the next 1 - 2weeks then I will register the team Also I am keen for any suggestions for a team name. Would be good to obviously incorporate DOL/Dogz Online in some way.
  9. Its that time of year again! The Million Paws Walk I have never been (always wanted to somehow never made it ) I wanted to see if Brisbane DOLers would like to get together and register as a team to try and raise some funds and to have a great day out together. I am happy to be the team manager. I believe people can join the team along the way also so if someone decides down the track they want to join us they can. But I am obviously not going to make a team unless I have a few people who want to do it with me. I believe registration cost per person is still the same so $15 dollars. I am happy to either front the cost for rego until I can get money from DOLers at the regular meet or what ever is easiest. So obviously the sooner we get together and get registered the sooner we can start fund raising! Here is the Brisbane walk site http://qld.millionpawswalk.com.au/default.asp?PageID=19368 So come on all get involved Let me know as soon as you can if your keen. I am sure we can raise heaps of money for the RSPCA through our familes/friends/coworkers and the more people we have the more people we have to donate! On top of that it looks like it is just going to be good fun for us and for our pooches. Our team so far - DOL Doggies - Me with Pheonix - Registered Dandy with Raz - Registered Les with Jesse (a non DOL friend of mine) Kitt with Lucy - Registered Golden Girl with Lexie - Registered Minxy with Kyojin - Maybe
  10. German Shepherd and Ford The one were the Shepherd changes the track
  11. Sometimes people tell me about them sometimes I just research and find them I am always looking out for more places to take my furbabies! So Sunday week the 13th? I have nothing on that day so that is fine for me! You have my number too so you can always text me as it gets closer to let me know if you can or can't do it! Hey Flick Glad your coming! Just yourself + 2 doggies? Ok directions. Its on Pizzey Dr, Mermaid Waters, its not overly hard to get to. There is a few exits to take off the Pac Motorway, so best thing to do is look it up on the day or use your GPS and decide the best way for you to go, otherwise I am happy to meet people around the Southside somewhere and you can follow me. Here is a map anywho and the End sign is where the carpark for the lake/doggie area is. Up where Cotesloe and Oceanic Dr meet there is a round about, Pizzey Dr comes off that round about.
  12. Whenever you want Dandy, I am free all day Saturday's and Sunday arvos after 2/3ish (when there is no DOL meet)
  13. There is a quarry at the back of the Reserve near the Shailer's property. Its now full of water and is a mini lake ;) Here is some piccies I took in Jan when we were there, you can't really see the whole thing though just Keira in the water Wait I found one Sorry thread hijack :p
  14. British Bulldog in A law firms ads I think it was Slater and Gordon
  15. Yay! We are close by so should catch up one day for a play date. Also always keen to walk at Daisy Hill on a weekend as well. Have you been to the old quarry at Daisy Hill?
  16. Ohhh no Minxy that sucks boooo. Hope you get your invitations done though So so far it is just - At 12 noon: Me + Phoenix GG85 + Lexie Possibly in the arvo: Dandy + Raz Hey GG, maybe you can PM anyone who has shown interest earlier in the week so we can confirm numbers and food...? ETA - As Scarlett also said earlier I am always up for play dates in between regular Brisbane meets. Weekends I am happy to travel anywhere, weekdays I can do late arvo in the local area!
  17. I hope you make it!!!! I want to see Raz get in and swim LOL. What time does Top Gear start and finish? I should know my brothers are going LOL oh well. Wish I could take Keira I know she would love it. I might take her another time when there won't be so many dogs around and put her on the lunge rein. Hopefully having the water to swim in and chase balls will keep her distracted. Might actually do her some good. I can't wait !! Can everyone start replying with if they are coming, if there are going to be there for 12 noon? How many people ie just 1 or 1 plus OH etc? So we can start organising food and who is bringing what. Thanks!
  18. Ok All, So the park was great. The Agility area is fully fenced, its not massive but its nice and shady because there is a small pine forest next to it. Its only 50 metres walk from there to the edge of the lake. No fencing around the lake but the park is actually situated well away from main roads at least a 1 km I would say, the lake is close to a road but it is only used for accessing the sporting fields and park and there is not much movement on it and anyone who is driving on it is only driving very slow, the other side of the road is bordered by the canal (the canal and lake are NOT connected in any way). The lake is good, its got a small beach like area where dogs who don't want to swim can splash around in the shallows and get their feet/legs wet, enough room to throw a ball along the shallows for the dogs to chase but plenty of room for dogs who want to have a proper swim. You can also walk around the whole lake its takes about 15 mins. There are ducks on the lake so just be aware if your dog has a high prey drive. I will be bringing a 30ft lunge rein to use with Phoenix and depending on how the day is going may or may not let her off but at least with that she can get in the water and muck around without me having to get in with her LOL. There is a toilet block only 200 metres from the lake etc. There is a BBQ but it wasn't very clean. There is also two covered patio type areas with seating and tables. Regarding food it might be too hot for anything BBQ'd and was thinking maybe we could bring cold meats, bread, salad, fruit salad, pasta salad etc for eating.....? Also thought I would mention there were a few dogs around but they were ALL very well mannered, none of them rushed up to me and Phoenix including a beautiful Stafford who was running around in the water (I actually complimented the owners on what a fabulous job they had done with him) most people that use the area seem to be people who have well behaved dogs because they have their dogs off leash in a non fenced area doing laps around the lake or swimming. No one used the agility area really except the Stafford owner for like 5 mins. ETA - There is also ample parking for everyone OK so see piccies below - Agility Area with toilet block in the background View to the lake from the agility area (you can see the tables/patio and bbq) Another view from the agility area to lake Lake shore area More lake shore area View from patio area towards BBQ and agility area
  19. My dog has had demodex and it cost over $1000 dollars to clear up, she just started thinning and then losing hair on spots on her body that was when she was 4 months old. No recurrence since. In saying that she currently has dry skin/fur and thinning fur around her spine at the base of her tail and towards the middle of her back, her hair is also uneven around parts of her body. I am currently seeing a Chiropractic/Homeopath Vet (she has HD as well) and he has given me Homeopathic treatments which seem to be working, her skin is clearing up and becoming less dry and her fur is shinier now, its only been a week. He seems to think its just an imbalance in her system and that he can clear it up 100% with natural treatments including what I am currently giving her and Chinese herbs which I will get in a few weeks. When I get home I will find out the name of the products I am using they are both natural and are used on humans as well. As someone else mentioned if you have previously visited a vet for ANY skin condition it will not be covered by any insurance you purchase now.
  20. Hey All Went to the park today will update this post tomorrow with pics etc but for now suffice to say its all good
  21. Yeah hard to tell if they are pure but they are pretty. They look in great condition. I would leave them be and not tell anyone else they are there. Eta for comparison here is a pic i took of a Dingo on Fraser last year, gorgeous specimen
  22. I would recommend it highly. I have a 3 yo female who had demodex at 4 months, luxatting patella at 10 months and has been diagnosed with hip displaxia and arthritis. She wasnr insured so not only have these conditions cost me thousands they will continue to cost me thousands throughout her life. Not much point in insurance now as she isnt covered for much so Its a case of having spare money in case of anything that comes up. For this reason i had Phoenix insured the day she came home. I am with Medicare on their top insurance which is $48 a month. Thats $100 excess a year per condition (so only $100 for the whole 12 months for each condition or resulting issues from a condition) then 100% of vet bills repaid. I also get back a certaim amount for desex or vaccinations, worming etc each year. About to claim on allergies and desexing but have been told they pay out in 5 days. I have also spoken to them and no increase in premium or exclusion for the small claim i am making for an allergic reaction she had.
  23. Seems strange she said you cant cross breed them though. There is no law against cross breeding pit bulls the dogs themselves are just illegal and breeding them pure or not is illegal. ( I'm referring to Qld only as this was in Qld obviously some states you can have them). Seems like a strange comment when thinking of it in those terms. Oh well. The more misguided bybers who think this the better.
  24. My 3yo makes the most gutteral noises in her throat when playing with my pup its very strange but definitely only a play noise. Still amusing after 4 months of hearing it.
  25. Hey All, Just letting you know I am going to check out the Mermaid Waters site tomorrow. Will take a few pics and let you know about fencing and bbqs.
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