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  1. It may have been a bit of an overreaction but I Don't think the woman would have been scarred for life by a few swear words. it sounds like she was pretty rude to you too - no greeting or lead into her questions. I wouldn't let a bad experience stop you from taking Zorro to the beach
  2. Paddy is a bit the same, he embarrassed me at his first obedience lesson yesterday - started barking and squealing and trying to hide when he saw all those people and then their dogs! He settled down within a few minutes though. I guess I haven't done a very good job socialising him so far I'm planning on getting him out a bit more to meet some more people before next week so hopefully he wont do it again!
  3. False alarm... Found my earring under the couch
  4. Hi I never posted but Paddy was a real biter when we first got him, he would latch on to any part of us that moved! He even drew blood a few times and had me in tears. He is our first pup and we didn't know what to expect but we've had him for 6 weeks now and even in that short time he's become a lovely dog, still nibbles at us every now and then when he's a bit excited but growing up really fast although still a pup so maybe more trouble to come lol
  5. Thanks everyone, I thought it would be ok but just wanted to check
  6. hi, my 14 week old cocker spaniel pup just pulled my earring off and started chewing. I tried to get whatever was in his mouth out but couldn't find anything and now I can't find the back of my earring. Will it do any damage if he has swallowed it?
  7. Here is a photo of Paddy having a cuddle when he was 9 weeks old Yes Ali the dogs could still see each other when we separated them and it wasn't until we put one outside that Paddy decide to settle down. Thanks for your reassurance everyone, he's always talking to us humans so I shouldn't have been surprised when he started talking to dogs too lol
  8. Hi everyone just after a bit of advice about my 12 wk old cocker. We've had him for 4 weeks now and on the weekend we took him to meet my parents dog who growls a lot during play. Paddy has never growled before but last night when playing roughly with a friends dog he started to growl. We decided that they needed to have a break from play so we held them apart to try to calm them down and Paddy started growling and nibbling on my arm to try to get back to the other dog. Being a first time dog owner I'm not sure if this behavior is normal for a pup or if he is showing signs of aggression. Any advice would be much appreciated
  9. Hi we've been having a similar problem with our pup Paddy. He chews everything and especially loves chewing our shoes even when they are on our feet! We tried giving him a tap on the nose and telling him no but it didn't really work, so weve just been distracting him with his toys and rewarding him when he chews the right thing. He had also been nipping our hands sometimes when playing so we have been putting a treat in a closed fist to encourage him to lick rather than bite. We've only had him for three weeks and he seems to be getting better although we are hardly experts and may be doing things the wrong way but this is what we've tried!
  10. Thanks everyone for your suggestions, Paddy still only poops on the concrete but at least it's not inside
  11. Zorro looks like a real sweetie! Paddy has been having some accidents inside as well, but we are both learning when it's time to go outside! Paddy has kinda learnt come but haven't had any luck with much else yet. He hasn't been very interested in food for the first few days but is starting to get his appetite back I think He is a bit chubby so I think he must normally eat a bit more than he has been!
  12. Yep we've had Paddy for 3 days now, this is a photo of him on the way home from the breeders He's such a little cutie but his teeth are a bit sharp lol Toilet training isn't going as well as I'd planned but we'll get there eventually. How is Zorro settling in?
  13. Thanks for your suggestions, I'll definitely take them on board. We did talk about getting a crate but in the end decided to do without, although might reconsider if things don't improve I wish it would stop raining because neither of us like going out into the wet grass lol We've only had him here for 2 full days so I think I'm expecting a bit much from him, I'm sure he'll pick it up soon
  14. Hi, We got our new puppy 3 days ago and have a few questions about toilet training. For some reason he will only poo on concrete, we put him on the grass and he does a wee, but walks off onto the concrete to do a poo. Any suggestions on how to get him to do both on the grass? We were also a bit confused about what to do overnight as we don't want to encourage him to cry at night but weren't sure if we should go to him to take him out to the toilet. He is currently spending nights in our back room. Thanks for any suggestions, Shelley
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