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Posts posted by Waggy

  1. I copied this from the dogs Vic f/b page for those who are interested.

    DOGS Victoria

    Update on shows being held weekend of 25 & 26 February 2012

    * Berwick Ag Show Saturday - refer ABC 7pm News Friday - cancelled if forecast temperature is 38 degrees. (group seven will now be judged by Mr T Horchner after group 6)

    * Rochester A & P Society Inc - show commences at 9.30am as per schedule

    * Warrnambool & District - shows will commence at 8am both days

    * Naracoorte Kennel Club (SA) shows 25 February are cancelled. The show scheduled for Sunday 26 will go ahead.

  2. Thanks brentland ... we have a blanket policy in NSW, not that its much better than individual choice...

    Edited to add that I have just checked the website and see that the two shows for Naracoote (sp?) have been cancelled.

    isn't NSW policy that the show must stop if it gets to a certain temperature? so people then wait till it drops?

    Naracoorte is Sth Aust ... they have a definitive policy ... if forecast is 37c or higher the show is CANCELLED.

    Well done SA ... I believe all States should have a "blanket" policy.

    i agree - it stops alot of confusion.

  3. It's really incredible that $$&$ get quicker Rego whereas other wise it takes 3 weeks. I wonder how long the regular lot sit unattended in pile for someone to pull their finger out.

    A bit off topic as it's not for puppy rego, but we've been waiting almost 6 weeks for a title application, where we'll collect once ready. So we called this week and were told it's ready but we can't come and get it until someone contacts us and that they're short staffed so it might be awhile :shrug::confused:

    Yes we have been waiting six weeks too for a title certificate and we personally took in the paperwork so they could not misplace it as they did the last time we applied for a title application!! :confused::eek:

  4. I agree with all these comments - it is frustrating arriving early to see all the decent spots taken by people who dont arrive until just before their breed judging. But as we have all noticed some dog people are so selfish. I know one exhibitor who shows several dogs, runs around the ring etc but uses the disabled parking spot because she is too lazy to walk and arrives late as her friends save her a spot. Some dog people think they are above the rules unfortunately. :eek:

  5. Did you guys at lang Lang get the heat that Benalla had?

    Congrats on all the winners.


    No Lang Lang did not get the extremely hot weather experienced at Benalla - it was quite overcast at first the the sun broke out but certainly not too hot. :)

  6. I would have to say the challenges for our group were available in a reasonable time and i felt the shows were well run. I guess it depends on what group you were at. We also need to remember all the people running these shows do if for nothing and without them there would be no shows. :)

  7. The two twilight shows over the last two nights have been great.

    I would not like to do it on Sunday night and have to go to work on Monday.

    Friday night start 7pm Saturday 5 or 6pm.

    These shows have been raising money for the lights.

    Last year O suggested they do barometer like they did got the walls. Has not happened.

    I agree the two twilight shows this week were great - especially for those exhibiting outside. It even got a little chilly later on in the evening too. A 7 o'clock start also missed the really hot temperatures.

  8. BB this show is NOT the twilight show, I get the twilight show is cooler because of no sun, however travelling to the show and set up is sometimes in the hot part of the day.

    This is the one for Monday starting at 9am with a predicted temperature of 40 degrees. I still stand by my statement, whether it has a temp predicted to be 38 or 40 IMHO it is still too hot for dog showing or anythig else IMO. And I still believe it should be cancelled. To show inside would be like a sauna in there as the building holds the heat at the best of times in summer, after it has been roasted yesterday, and again today it will be hot in there and the air will be thick!

    But then you will always have those that have to show regardless of what the high temperature is going to be....... :shrug:

    I am entered for the show on Monday, I will not be attending, common sense tells me to stay home regardless of whether the show goes on or not, my safety and those of my dogs is paramount. As I have a background in OH&S it is clear to me for everybody's sake what needs to be done.

    Too many dog people don't really care about the welfare of their dogs only care about the chance to get that next challenge whatever the weather or conditions. Thats why shows with extreme weather forecasts like Monday should be cancelled to protect the welfare of the dogs.

    How I see it - Maybe it will take an unfortunate accident / incident to happen before common sense will prevail and concrete policies are to be put in place and to be implemented ...but that is my opinion and one I see from the OH&S side and the duty of care side for all of the committee, judges, stewards and exhibitors etc .......we live in a very litigious world.

  9. happy-new-year-2012.jpg

    Wishing you all a Happy New year - Yes, even the lurkers :wave:

    Thank you to everyone who helped out at shows, donated their time, smiled, helped another exhibitor, posted or phoned in results.

    Thank you to the judges, committee members and exhibitors, thanks for a fun and interesting year, wishing you all the best in 2012.

    A Lovely message - best wishes for a happy 2012 to all.

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