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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Sorry Myszka I just meant I wasn't sure as to who I was getting directions from. It's coll now, got them from Steve. K9 - My thoughts exactly!
  2. Ok - money sent to Steve Directions - still confused where they are coming from, but hey - who needs directions
  3. OMG Cass that is sooo sad! What a horrible thing to happen to you and your baby boy! My thoughts are with you and your family!
  4. Ok -I can come!!!!!!!!! I worked it out and I will be there!!!!! myszka - EFT money to Steve right? How about directions etc? You or steve?
  5. I don't know what to say except to send you lots of Fingers crossed it all works out! I don't know how I would cope in the same situation!
  6. I am trying very hard to get out of my commitment on Tuesday - will let you know ASAP!
  7. myszka - You know how much I love you for introducing me to Steve to begin with, but unfortunately I have commitments on Tuesday evenings. I would get out of it for Steve, but I am not home from work until around 7pm, so wouldn't be able to make it anyway. Thanks for organising again, hopefully I can make the next one! Enjoy everyone - You won't be disappointed!
  8. How did Oliver pull through the weekend? Is he back to his usual self yet? Hope so! :rolleyes:
  9. Ohhhh thank gosh!!!!!!!!! Fingers crossed he continues on his road to recovery!!!!! Please keep us updated!!!!! Pwease!
  10. Oh no :p Please let us know how you go!
  11. Isaviz - How is Oliver? Is he alright? Hope your night went by without any issues and Oliver is back to his usual self again!
  12. Great to hear Wags! :D Glad he is alright - he is an adorable boy (even those big teeth are cute ) :D
  13. isaviz - Oh its not your fault :D Not at all! I can't tell you not to feel that way, as no matter how many times someone says it, it won't change how YOU feel. Just remember that you were trying to do something good. To help them both. You were doing a good deed. The owners will understand. There should be more people like you around!
  14. Mana - how did you go at the markets? Get what you needed? Cheap?
  15. Only $50 per mth - really? That is great! I thought it would be much more then that! If you don't do veggies, what do you feed if you don't mind me asking.
  16. Oh my god - this sounds way to complicated! Everything seems so difficult at the moment! Meat, bones, chicken, fish, eggs - Jeebers, I bet I stuff it all up and make my baby boy sick knowing my luck! :rolleyes: myszka, thank you very much for the offer. Much appreciated. That is very nice of you. I am at work at the moment but will try give you a call a bit later if I can get away from all the eager ears listening, if not will try and call another time.
  17. Thank you very much ML - I think I have a heap of reading on my hands today! Much appreciated. :rolleyes:
  18. Hi everyone, I have done lots of searches on DOL for info on BARF and have found quite a bit, but I haven't found exactly what I am after. I don't expect anyone to retype everything, but you can send me towards to links etc that would be greatly appreciated. I feed Bear Hills Science Diet and am thinking of switching to BARF but I don't completely understand what it is or what needs to be done :rolleyes: I understand I have to make up food with bones, meat and veggies, but I have some question. 1. How do I know how much of everything and what to put in? 2. Do you have to mince it all up in a juicer? Some info I have seen says you make patties, others say it is to runny? 3. You have to add vitamins etc? 4. Does anyone have an idea on what it would possibly cost to feed 1 GSD? 5. I don't mind spending time to make his food if it is the best thing for him, but can anyone tell me approx. how long it all takes? I am happy to buy books to get all this info if needed, just not sure where to start. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
  19. My puppy school accepted Bear from 9 weeks old to socalise and started classes at 12 weeks old.
  20. Thanks everyone. I really appreciate your input and opinions! Thanks again. From The Worry Wart!
  21. Thanks for those pics Myszka! I know you were cooling him down, but how cute is that towel on the head pic! Pretty sure he just looks like the other pics with his tounge out the front. He isn't getting to this point, nor does he seem exhauseted in anyway. He still walks around etc. I also haven't noticed any kind of "hurting" signs the next day etc so I think I am just a big worry wart as usual!
  22. Thanks Ci - Bear doesn't ever seem to be struggling for breath or make funny noises or big gaps or vomit or anything like that, just takes a good 15 mins to calm down. Just lots of little panting breathes with his belly going like crazy! It is sounding more and more like it is very normal now
  23. Thanks KitKat - just wanted to get an idea if it was a normal thing for dogs to pant a fair bit after exercise. I understand it would be hard for anyone to give me a real idea without seeing it, so I might just wait a few more days and see what happens. If I don't feel any better I might just ask the vet. I am not overally concerned as he doesn't seem to be struggling for breath or anything, just panting, panting, panting!
  24. Out the front or side of his mouth - ummmm now your asking....hmmm..... I am pretty sure its the front but sometimes I have seen him running with it flopping out the side of his mouth so now I am confused. Almost certain it is out the front when he is panting. Is this good or bad?
  25. I know it has only been 2 hours since I posted, but please can anyone help?
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