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Posts posted by Cordelia

  1. i have them on a puppy replacement milk and i have a prob with some getting constipated and some have diorea.

    You need to follow the forumla directions exactly. Constipated or diarrhoea usually means that the formula you are using is either made up too strong or unsuitable. What are you using? Divetalac can cause more issues (personal experience) than Biolac.

    Runny poos are also often a sign of stress. The more they scour, the more likely they are to dehydrate and drop off.

    its just i always thought hand raised pups are smaller in the long run.

    is this true?

    No it isn't. Fed properly and appropriately, they will grow to what their genetic limitations tell them to.

  2. Don't bet on it not being a tick area.

    I have ALWAYS vouched for not being in an area where ticks are an issue but in the last 4mths, I have pulled over 20 off my cats (4 cats). I've never used prevention for it previously but I do now (and no longer an issue for them).... the dogs don't go into the bush around here so I've never found any on them but the cats go off in there so can't not treat them now.

  3. Vets are like any other professional field.. some are good, some are great with extensive knowledge (had you gone to a vet known for seeing show dogs you would have got a different reaction) and some completely suck.

    I had a vet tell me there was no way my Merle Great Dane could hear because she has a lot of white AND has bilateral blue eyes..... really?? "Gen come".. over she came... hmmm :)

    Just as some vets understand Rescue and Ethics and some don't (like another vet who told me I should breed Genevieve because she is so tall for a Dane bitch) and she '"seemed sound enough". WTF! :rofl:

  4. I would worry that a dog that has been done with a 10 and is in the sun a lot would get sunburn - use 5f.

    No they don't :mad

    I ALWAYS clip every dog I need to with a #10 blade. Maltese, Shih Tzu, Poodles (including my own), Lab x poos etc etc... anyone getting a haircut here gets it and never once had an issue with sunburn due to a short clip... they still have fur.. it's just bloody short. :laugh:

    My Poodle was looking somewhat Rastafarian... now she looks somewhat long legged rat like :mad ... ok, so I am easily amused but it sure makes my life easier when they have nothing worth brushing and run around scrub and swim every day in summer! :laugh:

  5. Desexing younger DOES decrease the liklihood of scent marking in males... as long as they haven't already started the behaviour. Desexing young in some bitches can increase this behaviour. Merely going on experience (since a lot of my experience is with desexed pups from 8wks).

    The breeder has already warned you that her lines tend to do this younger than usual so desexing at around 14-16wks may help. Desexing at 10-12wks will decrease the liklihood futher.

  6. Almost need a degree for it, or a course in temperment testing.

    There should be. It would prevent people looking at a photo and getting it stuck in their head that the dog is just wonderful yet misunderstood.

    Too many people look at photo of a sad dog and get sucked in because it "looks like such a lovely dog".. what the?? A photo tells you NOTHING of a dog.

    Too often dogs are rescued with an assessment that is so heavily based on emotions instead of actual knowledge... especially the people expected to foster the dog..... when homechecks are NOT done and transport people or foster carers are given completely false information (or completely fluffed up information in order to get them to take the dog) it is TOTALLY unacceptable. Fosters should NEVER be put in the situation of feeling bad about a dog they can't handle or contain (when fences have never been checked or if they have little kids, work full time etc) and transport people should NEVER be held responsible for having to make a decision to take a dog back to the pound because of the stuff ups and lies passed on by the people who organise a release.

    Good post Shmoo!

  7. The tests... did the vet specifically test for E-Coli??

    Any rats around your place Peibe?

    Are Jewel and Zephyr related at all?? FSF could be worth looking into... onset at the same time could merely be coincidental.

  8. I would hazzard a guess that they are trying to re-establish their pack order now that your other pooch has gone.. not just being territorial. They're out of kilter a bit and it should settle down over time... though I would do as suggested and remove the beds for a week. Just keep an extra eye on their posturing etc... a tiff may be on the cards in the next few weeks while they're sorting themselves out.

  9. I wonder where the refuse goes to from the pounds? I can only "assume/presume" that it is storm water and goes straight into the various water sources they end up at? What if it hasn't been treated first and what about hosing the left-over faeces/vomit that couldn't be picked up out and into the drains???? I imagine if this is the case it can't do much for control in the community.

    It is illegal for a kennel facility to have drains going into stormwater run offs.

    Pound usually have what is known as a "shit pit". :mad Basically... a concrete or industrial plastic spetic tank that gets emptied when needed (depending on size).

    Another way is to dig a large, deep hole... fill it with gravel/road base and have the pipes leading to it..... solid would need to picked up first and the runoff/water when cleaned then goes into the pit and is soaked deep into the earth. This type of drainage pit is not allowed within a certain distance to a dwelling (can't remember what the measurements are though).

    Biomax systems http://www.biomax.com.au/default.htm

    Biocycle - http://www.biocyclejowagroup.com.au/biocycle/index.html

  10. Name: Cordelia = Jacqueline

    Age (optional): 35yrs

    Location: Rouse Hill (Nth west syd)

    Rescue Group: Founder/President Cordelia's Canine Rescue Inc. (Registered Charity, DGR Status)

    Time in Rescue: 8yrs. (5yrs full time)

    Who can vouch for: Sas, Freckles, Pixie, Rachaels, Peibe, Gillbear, Winterpaws, Shmoo, Griff, Warley, Paula, Jed & numerous others.

    Preferred Breed: Labradors and Great Danes (and a hell of a lot in between).

    Experience (if any): Cert II in Animal Studies, Richmond TAFE, 12mths of Cert IV Veterinary Nursing (left due to personal circumstances), Dog Welfare Officers Course AWL (with Dr J Righetti), running CCR for the last 5yrs, several yrs working casual as a vet nurse. Currently doing MDBA Rescue course.

    Other: Doing NDTF course next year with a view to eventually do the behaviourist and detection dog courses.

    Microchip Yep. Authorised Implanter.

    Vaccination Yep. Age appropriate for how ever long they are here for.

    Desexing Absolutely. From 8wks of age. Done PRIOR to leaving my care.

    Heartworm test If over 2yrs. From 12mths if from a known infestation area.

    worming Every 2wks for bubs. 1st of the month for all adults.

    flea treatment Monthly treatments with Advantage Duo

    vet work if required Yes

    basic training/teach manners. Yes for adults. Pups are flooded with socialising but formal obedience training is not started here.

    house train dogs Kennel facility so no formal house training is done.

    Dogs inside the home or outside. As above. Kennels, so only occasionally is a dog in care is in my house over night (if they don't cope in the kennels).

    Are you prepared to give extra care for a submissive nervous dog. Depends entirely on the individual dog and behaviours expressed. If they don't cope in the kennels, foster care is tried.

  11. Most common age for desexing is 5-6mths so they should have done a few months ago.... before they actually start marking... not once they are already doing it... far easier to prevent it rather than stop it once it starts.

  12. The name of this 'condition' would be great.

    She was displaying a limp, runny nose, puffy eyes and a cough.

    Aside from the limp, it sounds remarkably like a simple dose of Kennel Cough... which wiol also cause pups to stop eating and possibly drinking if they feel bad enough.... which in turn leads to dehydration... increase in sodium levels as well as putting other levels outta whack.

    Please post the name of the condition.. would love to read up about it!

  13. Hi there,

    was it a fine needle aspirate or a proper biopsy?

    It was a fine needle aspirate.

    your description on x-ray of the lump as well as its location makes me wonder if it couldn't be an osteosarcoma (bone tumor) they are difficult to diagnosis even on biopsy and they can look like a soft tissue sarcoma on histopath.

    Osteosarcoma is usually coupled with pain (and is usually on the bone). Kaeleigh is not in any pain whatsoever, even on deep palpation she is not at all bothered by the growth.... and it isn't actually attached to any bone.

    i wouldn't suggest waiting for the lump to get bigger before doing anything surgically - soft tissue sarcomas can change their grade and become more aggressive even when left alone.

    Unfortunately, the other side of that coin is that an attempt at surgical removal of a spindle cell sarcoma and not getting all surrounding tissue (impossible in this case) is more likely to result in the tumour returning very aggressively and in further locations. If left alone, yes, it 'may' become aggressive.... or it may not. Due to the location of the tumour, the impossibility of removing it all safely AND the fact that Kaelieigh is showing absolutely no signs of discomfort or illness at this point... alternatives are being looked into to halt growth or shrink the tumour without surgical intervention.

  14. True hotspots are actually a Staph infection. Often starts out as a very small scratch and due to moisture (humidity, licking etc), develops an infection (staph is always present on skin).

    Using tea tree based products is potentially dangerous. Tea tree should NEVER be put on an open wound. Hotspots are quite painful and some dogs are prone to them.

    My Lab gets hotspots if she eats certain commercial dry foods. I always use INFLAMOL from the vet.

  15. Just to clarify here.... constipation is NOT colic.

    Using liquid parrafin over long periods to relieve this problem will eventually cause weakness in the muscles of the bowel and your dogs (like people) will become dependant on the oil to be able to evacuate his bowel.

    You seriously need to look at his overall diet and change whatever is actually causing the constipation.

    Using Buscopan to STOP the spasms in the bowel and then using parrafin to CAUSE spasms is not the way to help your boy. Check the gripe water too... the more old fashioned ones used to have alcohol in them.

    Using cod liver or giving sardines in oil (small amounts) every second day should be more benficial to him... but i still advise changing his diet... start by getting rid of the rice... he doesn't need it and it can act as a binding agent. Not good in a dog suffering long term bowel issues.

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