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Everything posted by BlackWhiteGrey

  1. I soak my dog beds in the tub for a day or so before washing them. This helps get rid of the smells as well as the dirt. I have no cure for the dog hair though!
  2. I want to adopt a Chihuahua or mix...there's plenty of them on Gumtree (backyard bred)...but I would rather rescue one. They don't come up in shelters or pounds very often and when they do it seems they're out the door quickly. I've also enquired about mature Chi's for sale from registered breeders but they're either already gone or well over my budget. Since when did dogs become so expensive?
  3. The vet shortage is really biting in regional areas. Our town used to have a 24/7 emergency vet service. That's no longer the case. We have no vet between 8 pm and 8 am and it's too far to drive to another town to try to find a vet. Our vets earn every cent, they are over-worked, underpaid and under-appreciated. I make sure they know how much the care they provide means to us, I pay the bills on time, and I understand if they're running behind due to a call out or clinic emergency case. I just wish everyone could be as understanding and appreciative.
  4. It's hard to contact Sydney Dogs and Cats Home when looking to adopt though. I know I've tried to adopt a dog from there that was listed as in foster care and I didn't get a response to my application. It doesn't help that I don't live in Sydney but I can travel there to meet with a potential dog. I wish the shelter all the best and hope government support happens. I can't stand the RSPCA and can't stand that it's the one organisation that gets all the funding and attention.
  5. It's heartbreaking. I recently lost my chi mix very suddenly. One day she was fine, and literally the next morning, I thought she'd had a stroke. I took her into the vet not knowing if she'd come home again. It wasn't a stroke but a very aggressive tumor and she was gone before I knew it. She's buried in the garden near a gum tree. I still haven't adjusted to her loss...I'm very sorry for your loss and hope time helps you to cope.
  6. I completely agree! An older dog that has been in your home for many years isn't going to welcome a young playmate, especially if your other dog chooses to spend time with the new arrival over the older dog. I would wait for your older dog to cross the bridge before considering an addition.
  7. It isn't easy trying to find the right match, whether you're looking for a dog or looking to re-home a dog. I think outcomes depend on how we approach people in the first place. I recently lost my Chi mix to a tumor and as much as I'd love another dog, I'm not going to rush into anything. The right dog will come along. I think it's probably the same for a breeder wanting to re-home a dog: the right home will come along. Just take a breath, think about why you want to give a dog a home, and determine if your home is likely to suit the preferred breed/type of dog you're looking for. Best of luck!
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