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Everything posted by Dumdum

  1. They likely will, public consensus. it’s a shame. The breed was created to be a very stable animal. wrong kind of people are ruining it by introducing aggressive dogs to their breeding. banning it drives it underground and it continues in that direction. Great shame.
  2. Bullmastiffs are ridiculously strong. Being lower to the ground helps them utilise their strength. If a bullmastiff wants to break free from you it can. Temperaments vary of course. Some are more mastiff like, not unlike Danes. Some are more bulldog like. With that comes a will to bring down things bigger than themselves. So socialisation and exposure to everything while young and you can still hold onto them is imperative. Did I mention they are ridiculously strong. Zoomies can break knees. They can run through brick walls. females are slightly easier to own if it’s your first. rewards of owning, they are very empathetic to their people and don’t really need a great deal of exercise. Short bursts wear them out quick. Because they exercise at 110% every time. They’re built for power not endurance. They are very fond of napping given a comfortable old couch and heaters also. But in summer you have to watch they don’t give 110% because they’ll cook. If raised with children and or smaller pets they are very doting and tolerant. around other dogs of they same age and size ( or larger ) they can be combatant. they make good watch dogs but they’re not really aggressive. Still, unlikely a burglar would call their bluff because they can give an intimidating performance. If the burglar brings pizza you’re getting robbed. they need to be close to their people. They are an inside dog. They will insist they are an inside dog. You will give in. You will sit in chairs now. Your dog has the lounge. You have to get everything in early with this breed. Under 4 months. Vets handling them. Other people patting them. Nail clipping, bathing. Because as a mature dog, if they don’t want to do something, they won’t do it. And theres not much you can do about it. They don’t respond to being firm with them. that will not work on them and they will double down. Even talk back to you. It’s positive reward for everything. No other option. as said earlier, temperaments vary. They’re formed in the litter. The bigger ones will be more easy going. The runts will be a challenge. The breeder should be able to match the right pup to you.
  3. Umbrella is a great tip. No dog is prepared to be umbrellered
  4. Thanks to everyone who’s posting in this. Really interesting reading. Especially coney’s with the rotties. I’ve always liked them but never had one. So I’ve owned - cattle dog. Hard wired breed that loves to bark. And I had a female and she was perhaps a bit over protective. But the males can be very happy go lucky. Kelpie. Which I inherited. Amazing dogs in so many ways. But he did have to go to a farm in the end. English bull terrier. I don’t mean this in a bad way. But he really was an idiot. A loveable idiot nevertheless. I’d own one again actually, purely for the entertainment value. Airedale terrier. He liked my girlfriend more than me. I think they warm to one person who they are gentle and devoted to. But he could be challenging even from young. They’re a real terrier . Don’t see many around nowadays. He was a smart dog though and did very well in obedience. You’ve never seen a dog sit up so straight. He had a certain ingrained discipline. Wolfhound. Wonderful faultless animals in temperament. Very sound in nature . Very calm and would assess any situation calmly. The problem with owning them comes from other dogs and unfortunately that happened often. I think most responsible people who’ve owned a wolfhound have had a great environment suited for it. And probably never witness what it’s actually capable of. It’s very capable of killing a wolf. And you might only witness it’s true power once or twice in the dog’s lifetime. But the wolfhound I had disciplined an unruly bull mastif at one time. And the bull mastiff was of the ground being shook around. It needed a lot of staples. If you don’t believe me have a look at a wolfhounds teeth sometime. If an owner will show you. As said, very clam, stable breed but don’t put it in a bad situation because it can kill a smaller dog all too easily. Not intentionally. Rhodesian ridgeback. Lovely sweet dogs, great companions. Not the sharpest tool in the shed though. Training is hit and miss but they don’t tend to cause any trouble anyway. I’ve heard they make good guard dogs. Mine definitely did not. Couldn’t be more disinterested in property protection. Insisted on being an inside dog and had its own couch. The couch was the most important thing in its life. currently own neopolitan mastiff and won’t be going back to dogs. These old molossers are a different species in my opinion. I could write a lot here but just don’t get one until you’ve thoroughly researched what your getting yourself into. They are not like other dogs. This thing is a lion. And he knows it. Very confident and a degree of entitlement that you have to manage. You can’t leave these dogs at home when nobody else is at home or not for very long anyway. They won’t cope with that. They’re also a dog that’s capable of taking its own initiative and despite their appearance, they can move fast and have supernatural strength. He’s very good in public though. Quite the gentleman. But they have a public persona and a home persona. At home he’s on duty. Not trained to be, just it’s what he is. Anything that he’s familiar wth he’s fine with. Anything out of the ordinary he’s on it. And he’s constantly assessing the situation. We have a few dogs here atm. Inside and outside access. He likes them because none of them he determines a threat. But if one goes outside and comes in again he will check it for id.
  5. If you are asking this advice you don’t have enough experience and relative knowledge to own either an American bulldog or an American pit bull terrier. They are a lot of work and need to be worked. They are also amazing and magnificent animals. full of character and devotion. But you’ve probably selected the worst possible choice for your cat situation. Bulldogs hate cats. That’s deeply ingrained in them. It will eventually find a way to get to that cat. It will try everything, eventually even including earning your trust and appearing safe and placid when the cat and it’s owners are present. it is still going to rag doll that cat the micro second it gets a good opportunity. get a king charles or a cocker spaniel and everyone lives happily ever after.
  6. Yes agree sorry to say, but quite possible another female will challenge when it starts to mature. Can happen in any breed. and they don’t really sort it out quickly and resolve it like males. you have to separate them and then both just wait to pick up where they left of at first opportunity. Just never ends. seems a few people have seen this. a neutered male and they will bond closely for life. She’ll be the boss but will tolerate everything unless it’s a raw bone or something really important. 99% of the time she will put up with a lot.
  7. Introducing a pup gives them a new lease on life. they don’t have a choice basically. The pup will give them a lot of stimulation and that’s normal. but it also keeps them more active and fit. Puppies are highly motivated. Couch potatoes look out. it’s not so much the number of dogs but the pack dynamic. Introducing another always changes that. You have a whole lot of new things to contend with. unfortunately the pack is only good as it’s dumbest link. No magic rule. But ideally an older female that dose’nt take any shit will keep it together.
  8. What breed and sex will you select for a second dog ?
  9. But yes some dogs are more carnivorous than others. Just not so common in domesticated dogs. Most dogs I’ve owned will kill a rabbit if they can catch it. but I’ve owned one that would kill it and eat it on the spot. He was from a very long line of working hunting dogs. Lineage way back to early sight hounds brought here to hunt roos. Greek family that had been breeding their own for generations. He was very intelligent but also could be very aggressive. Aggression is necessary for dogs that hunt wild animals because wild animals are highly aggressive. He had unusually large canines for a domestic dog too. I don’t own dogs like that today. Only family friendly pets. I’ve had some challenging ones in mastiffs but nothing that was as hard as dog as him. Not even close. Not hard to train, but hard in temperament. Very stoic animal.
  10. Nope. Labs are carnivores. Note the canine teeth and eyes front like us. they don’t have it in their genome to become omnivores no matter how you breed them. Can only breed them with the same species. dose’nt mean they won’t eat anything. They are labs. Bred for endurance so they’re going to gorge given any opportunity
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