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4 Paws

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Everything posted by 4 Paws

  1. I did think that may have contributed actually and the other dog was barking back as well. Have a session booked in tomorrow with the trainer so will play it by ear to see how she goes before deceiding where to go I have been given the phone number of another trainer by another DOL'er who comes down this way so may speak to him beofre I deceied my next step
  2. The private trainer is a Delta trainer Thanks for your input
  3. Thanks for your reply Cosmolo,I'm not really sure what started my girls aggression as I didn't get her till she was older but it's defianetly learned I had been training with a combination of corrections(prong collar) and food rewards and than started attending a local obedience club where naturally I was not allowed to use the prong so we went back to a limited slip (1/2 leather)and still used corrections(she was also showing signs of fear,shaking etc).Unfortunately one of the instructors there took her from me one day before training and took her for a walk and when she reacted he hit her across the nose with the leather lead.Naturally I was not happy so have not taken her back I have started seeing a private trainer who does not allow corrections and I've seen him 3 times and don't really feel we've made any progress using his methods,infact I think she reacting to dogs at more of a distance than she previously was. Previously At obedience I was actually able to get within about 1 1/2 mts while heeling whereas now its quite a bit further
  4. Just wondering what training methods poeple who own dog aggressive dogs have used and if they were successful.What training tools did you use(collars etc) I guess I'm needing a good outcome story to peep me up.I thought I was making good progress with my gsd who basically has "Learned" aggression and than yesterday we were sitting out the front and a guy walked past with his husky (didn't see him coming due to a car blocking the view)and my girl totally lost,I was totally dissapointed and now feel we've gone backwards ETA-he was walking with his dog,she is not human aggressive
  5. That's great Rebanne,actually now I come to think of it one of my dogs is not too fussed on turning right with the walky dog either:confused:
  6. Have not heard of anyone there selling it,but feel free to PM me if you'd like an idea on delivery costs
  7. Hi, I'm not a huge fan of head halters but thought I'd give the Blackdog Infin8 a try.Gave it a quick go today but as i hold the lead in my right hand I found the nose piece starts getting all off centre as the collar martingale piece starts falling to the dogs right handside seeing the lead is in my right hand. Do other uses hold the lead in there left hand instead and have it coming from directly behind the dogs head or have I done something wrong?
  8. You have to now go to a 2 day seminar to deceide if you'd like to go further ($350)and than course fees in total will be less than previous years due to the reduction in the number of residentials and the fact that the live in component is no longer required.
  9. I have just been sent the details on the new Delta course.It's apparently cheaper than it has previously cost by a few hundred dollars
  10. http://www.pawzazzpetz.com.au/gpage3.html What on earth is hoki!? type of fish http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_grenadier
  11. superminty,do you recommend the Brenda Aloffs book over click to calm?I have the click to calm but might grab the other one if you think its a better read
  12. I have a container of Natures Way Kids Smart capsule things the kids are no longer taking so wondered if it woudl be ok to give to the dogs instead to use up,I'm guessing it will be ok as it says each capsule contains Fish Oil Natural 500mg http://www.naturesway.com.au/docs/vitamin.asp
  13. Clipper blade sharpening-nicestman here's Colin's website http://www.freewebs.com/clipperbladesharpe...eningprices.htm
  14. I recently had to get some anti inflamatories for one of my dogs.A bit over a week later after the tablets were finished she reinjured her shoulder so I called into the vets to see if I could get some more.They asked if I still had the container with the label on it.I did have the container but unfortunately I'd removed the label so she had to charge me the dispensing fee again.If I'd still had the label she apparently could have given them to me without the fee again
  15. haven't personally used it myself by Groomers Edge make a really great range and they have a black shampoo http://www.clipperworld.com.au/shop/index....p;productId=159
  16. Sorry no idea but wanted to say if you're interested in doing obedience training in Wollongong there's a few of us DOL'ers attending South Coast Dog Training at Dapto ,PM me if you'd like any details Good luck ETA-that reminds me jemappelle,we haven't seen you there yet
  17. It's also worth thinking about what collar/harness you might use.I started this thread recently about the subject http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=144686 I have ordered a Black Dog y-Front harness as someone suggested it in that thread.Hoping it will arrive soon to try it out.
  18. here's some links to some recent walky dog topics incase no one answers you http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...mp;hl=walky+dog http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...mp;hl=walky+dog http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...mp;hl=walky+dog that should keep you busy till someon else replies
  19. I have been asked to start training to become an instructor at our local obedience club and when I enquired if they have a course they said they put you with another instructor until the next Canine Council Instructors course is being run. Just wondered if anyone has completed it,what it was like and how much work is involved.One of the current club instructors gave me some books she needed for a course she did last year I think it was
  20. our foxie is the same,is totally obsessed with food.If you walk outside with any human food he will not take his eyes off you,drives me insane.One of my shepherds likes her food but is not as bad as he foxie,th other gsd is totaly the opposite which can still drive you crazy,if you give her a treat other than moist food(devon,frankfurts etc)she'll just spit it out
  21. vampy,the formula's I've purchased form here http://www.floweressences.com.au/dog.htm are just used once per day,you can also give them twice a day for a few days as well. If using straight rescue remedy they can be used as required 4Paws - Have these worked well for your dogs? I was looking at a combination of calming and courage for Duke who is storm phobic. I was giving my girl the courage remedy as she was fear aggressive.Combined with training she seems a lot better with the fear part and now looks like we're just dealing with learned aggression(aggressive behaviour she has taught herself as a way of responding in certain situations) On Marlene's suggestion she's just made me a combination Communication, Focus, Calm & Habit so will see how we go If you contact her and tell her your dogs aliments she'll make a suggestion for a suitable fomula(tell her Julie mentioned her website)) I've also being giving an anxiety wrap a go as well which is apparently very good for thunderstorm problems
  22. vampy,the formula's I've purchased form here http://www.floweressences.com.au/dog.htm are just used once per day,you can also give them twice a day for a few days as well. If using straight rescue remedy they can be used as required
  23. you can also get get rescue remedy with other ingredients made specifically for dogs http://stores.ebay.com.au/Sacred-Space-Ess...4QQftidZ2QQtZkm or this lady is really lovely to deal with and can make you a combination or formulas http://www.floweressences.com.au/dog.htm Just email her your dogs problems and she will give you suggestions.I'm just getting one made up with a combination of 4 formulas at the moment.She also donates formulas to rescue groups for dogs with problems so woth supporting
  24. not sure if an agitation collar will actually help you getting your dog to stop slipping his collar,probably beteer off with a martingale I can get these collars custom made
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