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4 Paws

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Posts posted by 4 Paws

  1. i use it in my dog grooming business,not sure where you can get it from in Vic but i can order in it.Have you tried the aroma shampoo and the spray?


    No, i've only used the pink stuff..... everything else is plush puppy at the moment :thumbsup:. I believe that pet way only supply to businesses correct?

    yep-businesses only!,cames in 250ml and 500ml bottles as well as bulk 5lt for grooming.

  2. I use plush puppy for my 'show dog' and I love the smell of it.

    I also quite like the oakwood shampoo.

    But in terms of keeping the dogs really clean, whites white and a smell that still smells *really* nice after a dip in a stinky dam.... it is this pink shampoo stuff. I'll hunt up the name of the stuff for you - I think you get it from Qld or something - not sure..... but I love it!

    hey leopuppy04,

    are you thinking of the Petway supergroom pink shampoo with essential oils?They also now have an aroma care shampoo as well which is the same shampoo but with lavender essential olis in it and is purple.Smells divine

    The aroma care spray with essential oils of lavender and chamomile is an beautiful deoderising spray that lasts for days as well


    Yep - thats the one!!!! LOL - how on earth did you get that out so quick?!?! :thumbsup: Where can I get it from in Vic? Do you stock them? I won't be running out for a while, but when I do I want some more - the stuff is fab - smells great and for a shampoo that isn't specifically for whites, it really does bring out the whites well :laugh:.

    i use it in my dog grooming business,not sure where you can get it from in Vic but i can order in it.Have you tried the aroma shampoo and the spray?


  3. I use plush puppy for my 'show dog' and I love the smell of it.

    I also quite like the oakwood shampoo.

    But in terms of keeping the dogs really clean, whites white and a smell that still smells *really* nice after a dip in a stinky dam.... it is this pink shampoo stuff. I'll hunt up the name of the stuff for you - I think you get it from Qld or something - not sure..... but I love it!

    hey leopuppy04,

    are you thinking of the Petway supergroom pink shampoo with essential oils?They also now have an aroma care shampoo as well which is the same shampoo but with lavender essential olis in it and is purple.Smells divine

    The aroma care spray with essential oils of lavender and chamomile is an beautiful deoderising spray that lasts for days as well


  4. Does anyone have a plastic Hydrobath

    I have one of the BARF shop ones and I have bee very happy with it. Very solid, big enough to take my biggest dogs and low enough for a shorta*se like me to reach to the bottom, even with it on a trolley. I have had it for almost 2 years, and even with it kept outside (albeit under the house eaves and with a BBQ cover over it) it shows no signs of stress, weathering or the like even with regular (though not quite full on commercial) use.


    which model one do you have?Have been looking around for a hydrobath as will be selling my mobile dog wash business(it's a king's fiberglass trailer that has a built in hydrobath) as soon as i sell our house and will be needing a hydrobath for my own dogs


  5. Going to get him now, i dont think he is ready, but Kaos is driving me mad! sitting at the door, shaking and crying

    Wish someone loved me that much!

    Hey Terrorbull,

    i shake and cry everytime i hear from you,does that make you feel better :laugh:


  6. I have a problem with my german shepherd scratching but no where near the extent you have described.I have posted here on DOL as well and will share with you a few helpful post that were made to me.

    Some dogs are allergic to Lamb so i have just changed from Nutro lamb and rice to the Sensitive(chicken and rice) to see if that makes a difference.

    Add some kind of oil to there food-i use flaxseed oil

    Spray any sores etc with colloidal silver spray,it helped with my gsd a few weeks ago when she got a very nasty sore on her tail and cleared it up within a few days.It can also be given internally(drinking water or added to food)

    good luck,i hope you find some answers


  7. thnaks for the tips guys.

    I did actually pop some aloveen conditioner in his coat,so hopefully that will help.

    I didn't actually run the hydrobath too much with the sards in.I really just wet him down with the water in the hydrobath ,than rubbed the soap in and than rinsed off and out the plug.I think with him having so much oil etc on his coat it kind off stoped it foaming up for the little while i did actually run it,just rewetting him really

    thanks again


  8. thanks for the suggestions.

    Washed the dog yesterday and used the sards wonder soap as a pre wash than used the regular Groomers Edge Alpha White shampoo in the hydrobath.

    He came up great with a lot less scrubbing.Have told owners to keep an eye on him to see if there is any reaction to the sards,fingers crossed there won't be as it certainley made my job a lot easier.



  9. I'm lucky in that most of the vets here(apart from 1 that actually offers grooming)keep my business card on show and give to people looking for a washer/groomer

    Maybe worth while going into vets and asking could you leave some flyers there and go through with them the services you offer and mention the shampoos etc that you use.In general conversation mention it's clean water,you disinfect between clients etc etc.Can't hurt and might get you more clients

    good luck


  10. Hi,

    does any one know of a shampoo suitable for use in a hydrobath for getting oil and grease out of a white bull terrier?This is a clients dog and it goes to work with him each day and lays around in the grease and oil and is totally black each time i go to wash him.I am currently using Groomer Edge Alpha White shampoo and a LOT of elbow grease,scrubbing him with a zoom groom and shampoo poured onto his coat,not just in the hydrobath.

    Seems to take for ages and a few loads of water to get him looking half decent.

    Told owner we need to spray him with some pre -wash laundry spray :laugh:



  11. There was a mobile groomer in the street yesterday and I looked for a hose going to the trailer from the front tap of the house and there wasn't one.

    Hi cavNrot,,you may find some groomers have a water storage tank on the trailer or may just bucket a bit of water into the hydrobath.

    I have a kings fiberglass trailer and it has a 120lt storage tank under the trailer so don't need any water for doing quite a few dogs.



  12. Unfortunately I cannot get everything I want from there and still need to source the Nutro for my girl from another supplier.


    Hi TashaBailey,

    where abouts are you located?Some of the newer suppliers of Nutro are yet to be listed on the website so if you let us know your location,someone may be able to point you in the right direction



  13. Hi,

    came accross this on a website but haven't tried it so not sure about results

    Vinegar is poured into the area and massaged and left to dry for a few minutes.The hair is than washed.

    The process is repeated daily until the dandruff dissapears,usually within a couple of days

    Good luck


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