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Sam the man

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Everything posted by Sam the man

  1. I might try and chop the meat up finely and see how that goes. Glenda
  2. I have bought a mini food processor from Big W for Sam's raw vegies. However he wouldn't eat them. Maybe I'd processed them too much. I'd used carrot, zuchinni & some green leafy vegetable (boc choy?). Before this I'd just grate up some carrot, apple & zuchinni and mix it in with the mince and most would get eaten. Now I've started giving him chunky meat instead of the mince. How do I do the raw vegies so he'll eat them? Should I try and mix it in with the meat more? I like to give him raw vegies a couple times a week. What are the best vegies to use. He does have some fruit at other times during the week. Thanks Glenda
  3. Interesting to read all the replies in this topic. Sam is due for yearly vaccination in early April. I was going to put him on the yearly heartworm injection than as well but will reconsider it and do some net research. I have reminders re: all his medications etc. put into Microsoft Calender so no problems about forgetting them. I would be interested to know if any other JRT owners have had dogs with an adverse reaction to heartworm injection. Regards Glenda
  4. Thanks "Missey's Mum". I have printed out the pages 'What games to do you play with you dog?' and will read through them after I finish on DOL Glenda
  5. Hi everyone Thanks to all who have replied to my query and all the good advice. I have bought a mat and will start teaching Sam to go "On the mat". I like him to have a walk around inside for a while ( to stretch his legs and use some energy) before I take him outside for his toilet walk before going to bed. I have noticed since we've been letting him have some time inside he is a lot calmer when I take him outside and mostly goes to the toilet reasonably quickly. Because we have no fence & no street lights and cane toads Sam is always on the lead for his night walk. Regards Glenda
  6. Hello everyone We have a 13½ month old JRT Sam who is outside most of the time (in a fenced area near the house) but sleeps inside in the garage. A couple weeks ago I started letting him come into our living area for about an hour each night. He used to just walk around and look/sniff at things (and sometimes annoy the budgie) but last night seemed extra lively i.e. getting the cushions off the chairs. I have started using some of his inside time to get back into some training, which has been sadly neglected for a few months. Does anyone know any good games or things we could be doing with Sam to make his inside time more interesting and mentally stimulating for him and keep him out of mischief? What are some good inside toys? Thanks Glenda
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