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Everything posted by Sivvy

  1. Everytime I come in here, the pics are getting better and better Great job guys.
  2. They are pricey cause they are wonderful. Its the only slicker I will use here, they are softer than the rest, dont prick into the dogs skin like most others, and they last longer.
  3. Get doggyman, its the best, supermarket stuff is pretty crap.
  4. OMG, this thread has really slowed down. I only had to catch up 3 pages ;) Great job guys. They are looks so impressive. Keep up the good work.
  5. Firstly welcome gilbertgrape, did you get your name from the movie. Love that movie. If the leg pops in and out, then it could be patellas. But it also sounds like the problems may be coming from the hip. If they are aligned wrong hips and the patellas could both be giving way. Sorry I cant be of much help to you, I just hope their is something you could do for your dog.
  6. Wow Harminee, this one is a ripper. You are just too clever.
  7. Thankyou so much Harminee for sending this through to me. I just love it so much. Your work is always fabulous and you should be proud.
  8. They all look great Abbey and Harminee.
  9. Im using malaseb on two bitchs atm. Their ears are getting much better. Its been 3 days now on no scratching or whinging. Off the record some poodles need doing weekly. If they have the same UK line I have then the hair just grows so quickly, and you cant see the ear at all :rolleyes:
  10. This is really kewl Harminee, looks great. Everyone you are doing such fantastic pics here, they all look brilliant.
  11. All of these are fantastic guys. :rolleyes:
  12. :p ;) Oh Harminee is in fine form tonight
  13. no it turned out great. Im rapt. Will let you know what she says when she sees it. She isnt on the email everyday so its a surprise and I said a lovely doler done it for her. Her reply would probably be something like "What on earth is a doler" ;) Love the next frame you did too, you have some nice frames with you.
  14. Wow Harminee that is so lovely. Im sure she would love it. Excellent work. Thanks sweet.
  15. No matey, this is what she sent me, the were photos and I had to scan them on. They were also distant shots so this was the best I could get. Tis Ok will take them off.
  16. Sivaro Aiming To Win (Sini) ok have put them back up, but if they are hard thats ok will see if she can send me better shots. Thanks.
  17. Looks to me the wine is working on you Jag Smarty bum I'm all better now Even have a smile on my face Poor Jag monster. Could have invited me up to have one with you
  18. Wow, how cute, this is lovely Harminee ;)
  19. Awwwww me loves cavvys, they are soooooo sweet. Cant wait to see what Harminee does with this
  20. Looks to me the wine is working on you Jag ;)
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