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Everything posted by Gemelo

  1. Yep I'll be getting a floor this weekend hopefully!
  2. Pffft its not even purple its more a dark blue! That would be because i have washed it once since Ive owned it I dont wash my car ever.. its a boys job.. Glad to hear you are going well Goldenwei! I felt so much better after my first week of show training, helped my show trainer was stewarding on the day as well so she knew it was my first show, calmed the nerves alot!
  3. Honestly, I think im the biggest purple fanatic, i have a purple CAR!! so
  4. ash if you get a purple gazebo I will never sit in mine again.
  5. No Ash you are doing SATURDAY am! LOL Im the one doing Sunday
  6. I wont look at his feet if you dont look at Peaches
  7. Bec you are doing an awesome job grooming Toby, he always looks great, except for if there is a bit of wind around, the he looks like he is going to blow away!
  8. I can do that for you next time we are out and about Jess, if you can make it to Hillsborough for training next week I'll bring my camera with me.. And who took that fabulous photo of Cuteso on his profile! I noticed you also put them on facebook so they can't be too bad! I've got some more of both boys to put on CD so i'll do that for you and give it to you at training on Tuesday - if either of us remember.. Peach hasnt got a profile yet either, she needs one, and Ive got the photos ready, just dont know what to write so havent done it yet!
  9. Aw thanks for the offer ...And, I would take you up on it, but with the squishyness in the toy ring at HB I always get nervous visiting you guys cause last time we went up there we got 'yelled' at for making someones dogs pipe up I hope you told them to mind their own freakin' business! How rude, we all know that toys never shut up anyway! GoldenWei, everybody expects babies to be silly in their class and in baby sweepstakes, we always enter sweepies because its good practice for them, can't say Peach really enjoyed the time it took 45 minutes though! even I was bored
  10. Im happy to get some shots for you at Hillsborough if you like Deb.. I dont think we're going to have a problem with Peach wanting to play though, little snob!
  11. I feed Proplan at the moment, its good because I can feed an all age food so only need to buy one bag.. I liked the way my guys were on Artemis but I can't find a local supplier, it annoys me having to spend more getting it shipped up, especially because I would have to buy 3 different types at the moment.
  12. She is fine, been swimming in her shell all day.. and yes, she does like cabanossi! You know shes going to hit you up for the good whenever she see's you now! Happy to play with Toby on the table anytime! Dragon is gorgeous, and huge! he makes my poor squidget midget look even smaller, will be interesting to see how we go against each other for opposite on the sunday at Hillsborough (because both our fabulous dogs are sure to win their classes!)
  13. Suuure you did Glad my dog spewed in your car now!
  14. ProPlan also have a working dog formula that is suitable for all ages.
  15. How Very Rude! Poor Andy, Im going to call him now and tell him he doesnt count. Shame on you! We will hopefully make it next time too, I want to meet Archie! However, it may mean OH wants a gsp again instead of a silly pointee like yours Ash!
  16. You keep that smile on your face for as long as you can girl. You deserve to after such a fantastic win. Must have been the great grooming and show training from mwah!!! It's ok, I am joking, you are doing a fantastic job with her! Its not planning on leaving anytime soon! You and T can share 20% of the proudness, I was nodding and shaking my head at T to see if I had stacked her right so I didn't panic at the end of our in show class ETA: Hopefully we will see you tonight Deb! Looking forward to meeting Dragon!
  17. Who's the class in show winner? Oh thats right its Peach! Still cant wipe the stupid smile from my face Hopefully the rain clears up! Dog doesnt mind the rain but I do!
  18. Woo go the puggies and the pointee!!
  19. Today at Medowie and district My girl and I had some fabulous results! We have only been showing for just over two months, so to have a brag this early on makes me very very proud! Tuscamada Peaches N Cream: BABY PUPPY IN SHOW She behaved so, so well, I couldn't have asked any more of her, especially considering it was so damn hot!
  20. My pug gets along fine with my cats, I got one cat when she was a puppy, abut 4-5 months old, and they played together all the time, then I got another cat when Gherks was an adult, fine again, I just keep the cats claws trimmed.
  21. My OH is so much worse than me when it comes to the dogs.. He has his 'own' dog and the rest are mine apparently.. Sparky gets carried around like a big baby, he hugs around OH's neck with his front legs and he gets carried around. I'll take something off the dog and OH looks at me and says 'but he wants it " he is just as bad with the others though, this is him with gherkin.. he also spoons her in the bed and she sleeps on his pillows and he moves down so she can stay there.. pardon his boxers...
  22. Aussies seem to be fairly popular around here, at our bigger shows we see numbers in the low twenties.
  23. Gayle Im contemplating going into Pointer territory as well Damn Sammy B's gorgeous girl kite, she goes well with the aussies!
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