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Posts posted by oonga

  1. cavNrott,

    Thank goodness for the good news this morning.

    I think ringing the oncologist is a great idea. I hope they can help :o

    Gentle, healing, strengthening and loving vibes and hugs being sent to Sophie.

    comforting hugs to you and the other puppies there


  2. cavNrott,

    i believe you and Sophie are off to see the oncologist today?

    Good luck with any tests that may be done today.

    Also good luck if you decide to take Sophie of some of her traditional medications after meeting with the oncologist.

    Big hugs to you all!! :)

  3. cavNrott,

    sorry to hear that Sophie has been through a sad patch and that the natural therapy doesn't seem to be working,

    hopefully the new lot will do a better job!

    But very happy to hear that a walk cheered her up again :laugh:

    I loved reading your post about when you first bought Sophie home :laugh:

    In my eyes though you are still protecting her,

    I have no doubt that Sophie still sees you as her protector.

    BIG hugs to you all :laugh:

  4. oh thank goodness for those results cavNrott!! :laugh:

    i totally agree with the mistletoe and giving it a go!!!

    from what i can see the natural things are really helping so it is worth a go!!!!

    as for the hills sd yes i agree with you, forget about it!!

    it totally contradicts with your feeding regime, and your beliefs on what constitutes a good canine diet.

    I admire you for staying true to your beliefs and keeping up with what YOU know is working for YOUR Sophie :(

    thanks for the update :laugh:

  5. cavNrott,

    Good luck with the results today!!!

    I feel that you are quite right, although things may not be as positive as they were last month,

    they will not be as negative as you fear either.

    Sending you ALL big hugs.

  6. The measurements aren't hard, there is a diagram that shows you where to measure. Jenny will also email you if something doesn't sound right aswell.

    Were you one of the ones she had to email about dodgy sounding measurments ;) :)

    All the doggies look awesome in their personalised harnesses!!! :thumbsup:

    Now I want one for my dog and we don't even do Flyball ;)

  7. cavNrott,

    just doing the regular check up as there has not been an update on Sophie and yourself for a few days.

    Hope all is still going great!!

    are your other puppies still going well and not really reacting to any changes with Sophie?

    Hugs to you all!!

  8. cavNrott,

    yes you could very well be projecting or just seeing things differently because of the way you are feeling?

    glad she is no worse and somewhat better than yesterday.

    she could just have overdone things though like you said :laugh:

    are you ok? hope whatever had you feeling unhappy yesterday has been overcome.

  9. I hope Sophie was just a bit tired from her run and play today.

    For some reason i was exhausted yesterday, even though i was less busy than normal,

    so i wonder if the cold is doing something??

    Yesterday was cold even in the sun i thought!

    I really think that extremes of weather can make us very tired.

    especially while our bodies are trying to deal with the changes.

    I am sure she will be fine, but can you please update us today anyway :)

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