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Posts posted by oonga

  1. cavNrott,

    so sorry and sad to read about Sophie's lymph nodes :)

    however she sounds very happy which is the most important thing at the moment.

    BIG BIG hugs to you all!!!


    I love the thereapy dogs idea for Diesel :)

    He will be like a VIP :thanks:

  2. cavNrott,

    So glad you listened to your gut instinct with that Chemo drug and that someone was kind hearted enough to give you some of their chinese herbs.

    Those results are just simply amazing!!!! :D

    hopefully over the next week or two the herbs will kick in and that tumour will stop growing as well :(

    BIG hugs to you :D

  3. I am a little perplexed though, as I was always under the impression that Dennis was an advocate of electrical collars and now the opposite seems to be true. Has there been a change of heart or am I confuzzled somewhere? P.S. If I am, I blame the hormones :love:

    I think you mean Dennis Carthy http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showuser=5849

    Denis Cody

    This Denis posting in this thread according to this post is a different person.

    The similarity in the names is uncanny :)

  4. :whip: :whip: :whip: EXCELLENT news!!!

    You have enough to think about and decisions to make,

    so i am pleased the Oncologist agree with you and could see what is crystal clear about the bond you and Sophie share :cheer:

    Look forward to hearing of the results tomorrow,

    i really hope they come tomorrow and you don't have to wait until monday!

    BIG hugs to you, Sophie and all your other puppies :cheer:

  5. cavNrott,

    It is blatantly obvious that more than anything it is the way you are in tune with Sophie and her needs that has kept her here,

    so I hope the oncologists did not push you too much or try to bully you!!!


    great news about your Diesel!!! :D

    Hope he continues to improve like this!! :p

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