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Border Collie With Front Leg Lameness


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My BC's front leg lameness (previous topic) has shifted to the other leg. We had his front leg x-rayed before and it come up clear. Now his lameness has shifted to the other leg. I am a bit concerned about this now and am seeking advice again. Thanks!

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That was exactly what happened to my Cavalier and after many weeks and thousands of dollars later the diagnosis was loose shoulder muscles which in turn caused very tight trigger points.

Fixed by exercises from a canine physio and trigger point therapy from a vet.

All is good now.She goes back every 3 months for a "tune up" :confused:

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Bugga - this is what happened to CK, our little guy who is about the same age as yours. We had him treated and when it didn't come good in two weeks I insisted on X-ray, it showed up the problem immediately - fortunately while it was serious, it wasn't nasty. Don't take chances - get them to x-ray. (My vet didn't put CK out for the x-ray.)


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How old is your puppy? Lameness changing from leg to leg COULD be a symptom of growing pains.

He is 7 months now and this has been going on for about 2 months. First I thought he heart this leg repeatedly jumping down a retaining wall during play. Now I am not so sure anymore. Because he has not visited my sister's place, where it happened, in a while and I have not played any strenous games with him we only did obedience and walks on the lead. I have read up about growing pains, which are usually a symptom of a bone desease, so I am really concerned now.

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Bugga - this is what happened to CK, our little guy who is about the same age as yours. We had him treated and when it didn't come good in two weeks I insisted on X-ray, it showed up the problem immediately - fortunately while it was serious, it wasn't nasty. Don't take chances - get them to x-ray. (My vet didn't put CK out for the x-ray.)


What did you puppy have? I am thinking it may be Pano, but I am not a vet of course. Like I mentioned the first xray of leg one came up clear. No dark spots, no bone damage, but I will definitely go back on Tuesday for another look and consultation. I also will try to get a second opinion if this does not improve.

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How much exercise has your puppy been getting. Too much can cause pain in the joints of young puppies. I'd take pup along to the vet for another look. It could be just growing pains but it's best to be sure.

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What did you puppy have? I am thinking it may be Pano, but I am not a vet of course. Like I mentioned the first xray of leg one came up clear. No dark spots, no bone damage, but I will definitely go back on Tuesday for another look and consultation. I also will try to get a second opinion if this does not improve.

Cracked tip on the elbow. Been 3 weeks since we saw the vet last and have another 3 before we are going to xray him again. Just taking him to obedience and walking on lead atm - perhaps one or four sneaky ball tosses every couple of days in the back yard too (10m or so) - all vet approved.

He's really good now, the temptation to let him have a run is so great because he sooooo wants to - especially when our other pup is running around, but must stay strong. Hope all works out for Kirby. I know what you are going through and my thoughts are with you.



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How old is your puppy? Lameness changing from leg to leg COULD be a symptom of growing pains.

He is 7 months now and this has been going on for about 2 months. First I thought he heart this leg repeatedly jumping down a retaining wall during play. Now I am not so sure anymore. Because he has not visited my sister's place, where it happened, in a while and I have not played any strenous games with him we only did obedience and walks on the lead. I have read up about growing pains, which are usually a symptom of a bone desease, so I am really concerned now.

Don't panic too much - if it is something like growing pains or Pano, they often get through it with rest. Maybe a second vet opinion would be best just to make sure there is no drama with the cruciate ligaments etc. It's hard to get a busy puppy to rest isn't it! I do lots of brain work with my lad - even sitting at a cafe for an hour is enough to tire him out....or searching for toys in the house or some clicker work. Make sure you've got his diet covered off too....whether you are feeding raw or commercial food, most importantly ensure the calcium to phosphorus ratio is correct - too much calcium is as bad as not enough.

Good luck!

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How old is your puppy? Lameness changing from leg to leg COULD be a symptom of growing pains.

He is 7 months now and this has been going on for about 2 months. First I thought he heart this leg repeatedly jumping down a retaining wall during play. Now I am not so sure anymore. Because he has not visited my sister's place, where it happened, in a while and I have not played any strenous games with him we only did obedience and walks on the lead. I have read up about growing pains, which are usually a symptom of a bone desease, so I am really concerned now.

Don't panic too much - if it is something like growing pains or Pano, they often get through it with rest. Maybe a second vet opinion would be best just to make sure there is no drama with the cruciate ligaments etc. It's hard to get a busy puppy to rest isn't it! I do lots of brain work with my lad - even sitting at a cafe for an hour is enough to tire him out....or searching for toys in the house or some clicker work. Make sure you've got his diet covered off too....whether you are feeding raw or commercial food, most importantly ensure the calcium to phosphorus ratio is correct - too much calcium is as bad as not enough.

Good luck!

THanks! I will speak to my Vet again. As mentioned one leg was xrayed and it was fine. I may get the other one xrayed if problems persists. The next available Chiro is in Tumut 2,5 hours away or Canberra same distance. He has been getting only walks on lead and obedience work to keep him from running in the yard too much. He still digs holes, but seems to be quite happy otherwise. Not getting too distructive as BC's tend to do if underexercised or stimulated. We are currently waiting for our next obedience class to start.

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