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Loose Poo


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Morning Guys,

Just a quick question.

Buster will be turning 7 mths this week and more often than not he still has loose poos.

He is gaining plenty of weight and is extremly active so i,m pretty sure he is healthy enough, its just annoying that his poos are loose. Thank heavens he only poos in the garden which is very easy to clean up.

any suggestions??



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Some foods produce loose poohs, particularly those with a lot of (undigestable) grain in them. Try a high-end dry dogfood, if you're not using one already. Avoid canned food. Alternatively, try a BARF style diet . . . BARF dogs generally have hard little turds that turn white because they're so full of calcium.

There are differences between dogs in what they digest and what they don't . . . but if your present dry food is rich in maize corn it's a likely culprit. Corn meal goes right through a lot of dogs.

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Increasing bones and raw foods made my pup's poos normal. They were loose when I was ifeeding him mostly Supercoat Puppy. No longer feeding that.

Makes sense as pet mince, chicken necks, bones etc. are low fibre. Lots of carbs and fibre if you read what's in most kibble, even the pricier ones.

If you suggest a price range, people can suggest a suitable kibble, otherwise you'll get the usual suggestions for Eagle Pack, Nutro, Royal Canin etc. I thought about getting some Eagle Pack today, but it was $111 for 15kg :laugh: at the only local store that stocks it.

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