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Limp. Ocd? Advice Wanted Please


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If you're really worried and unsure- ask for a referral to a specialist Orthopedic Vet and get them to take and read the X-Rays.

Particularly if the Vet X-Rays and is unsure- go to the experts- it's your right to do that!

Mel. :cry:

I agree with Mel. Go to a specialist vet - it saves time and money in the end.

I've gone through OCD with a dog, and the first set of x-rays taken by my ordinary vet weren't good enough for the eventual operation, so had to have them done again by the specialist vet. Apart from the double cost, there were 2 GA's instead of one. Don't want that if it's not necessary.

If it really is a bad case of OCD all the anti-inflammatories and stuff won't stop the dog needing the operation in the end. We did all the medication, rest, waiting, and still had to have the op. Good news is that the op was perfectly successful, and after the recovery period he went on to lead a perfectly normal and very active life :rofl:

Good luck! I hope it isn't actually OCD, but if it is, your dog has every chance of making a perfect recovery from the op.

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My amstaff developed a limp at around 5 months of age that was most noticable upon rising & would slowly get better as he moved about. I took him to the vet.. vet did x-rays & sent them off to the ortho vet whos reports comes back saying its definately not ocd, ed or a sesamoid problem and definately no sign of arthritis. So put it down to growing pains & prescribed a 4week course of cartrophen shots & if no improvement a further 2 shots with follow up x-rays a week or so after the shots finish. There was no improvement with the cartrophen shots, so as I waited for the x-rays I took Diesel to a chiro who said it was the opposite should muscle & definately not a joint problem, rest him & he will be fine in a month.

Then I heard back from the orth vet & he says it is ED and must operate ASAP or my dog will not be able to walk by the time he is 4.

I took him to Syd Uni for a second opinion & they said from the very first x-rays you could actually see the shard in his joint and the arthritis and that he needed to be operated on as soon as possible as he was a prime candidate for an ulna oestectomy as well as removal of the shard. So he was operated on a few days later.

I would be very wary of a vet making a diagnosis based upon what you have said. The ortho that operated on Diesel told me that medium to larg breed pups should be off puppy kibble by the time they are 6months old as the overall calorie content is too high for them & can cause accelarated growth. She did say some of the premium large breed puppy kibbles are ok, but as a general rule advised against it. The theory being that growth should be slowed as much as possible to stop joint issues from developing... personally I would be seeking out the best ortho vet you can find (does WA have a university specialist centre?) and preferably one that does digital x-rays because many joint issues are difficult to see on a normal x-ray & the added clarity of the digital x-rays really helps with things like this.

Goodluck with it all & please let us know how you go. :rofl:

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... personally I would be seeking out the best ortho vet you can find (does WA have a university specialist centre?) and preferably one that does digital x-rays because many joint issues are difficult to see on a normal x-ray & the added clarity of the digital x-rays really helps with things like this.

That was exactly the problem with our first x-rays.

Did Diesel make a full recovery?

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My (then) 6 Month old ACD was diagnosed with OCD, after X Rays were taken. We initially gave her anti inflams, which didn't make much difference. We then had a course of cartrophen which worked really well. It wasn't until the third or fourth injection that we noticed a difference.

It has been over 2 years and thankfully we have not had a reoccurence. She is very active and it has not slowed her down.

We give her Sashas blend every day to help things along but thankfully an operation, for us, was not required. :cry:

(PS One thing I didn't realised was that a GA would be needed for the Xrays. I suppose it should have been obvious but as with all GAs try to avoid them if at all possible. I'm not sure whether you can diagnose OCD without them :rofl: )

Good Luck

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... personally I would be seeking out the best ortho vet you can find (does WA have a university specialist centre?) and preferably one that does digital x-rays because many joint issues are difficult to see on a normal x-ray & the added clarity of the digital x-rays really helps with things like this.

That was exactly the problem with our first x-rays.

Did Diesel make a full recovery?

We were just unlucky. The first film x-rays showed the fragment but remained undiagnosed until the second set :rofl: but as the fragment is rarely visible on x-rays, the digital x-ray could make all the difference. :cry:

Unfortunately Diesel didn't make a full recovery & the follow-up x-rays 8 weeks after the surgery showed much more severe arthritis and his limp is only slightly better than before the op, though he doesn't let it hold him back and at times you wouldn't know he has a limp at all.

I've found that glucosamine supplements have helped him heaps so far.... but he is only 15months old so will have to wait and see how he goes over time.

edited to add: IF the diagnosis had been made at 5 months when the initial x-rays were done I have been told that there is a chance the op may have been more successful... I wish I had gotten the second opinion earlier.

Edited by ILuvAmstaffs
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We have been through the OCD trauma. We had the op done on a very big pup at 5 months 35kg . I took the pup to a specialist on the Sunshine Coast QLD and had the op done by arthroscope . This was so much better that a full open shoulder op as way less trauma to the muscle and tissues. Recovery was slow in such as growth spirts would still create pain and limpping. We were advised to put the pup on adult food and keep all weight off him till at least 9 months and restrict excersise and rough play. He was crated for 2 months after the op with only short toilet walks then the excersise slowly increases.

I use Joint Forte, a human suppliment made by Wagners,it contains high doses of condrilcin, glucosomine and MSN. This is definately helping, along with Ester C, a non acidic vitamin C. This stuff is great!

I hope that it is not an OCD and your pup is fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all your replies :rolleyes: Ellie is improving drastically day by day. We had her on anti inflams for 10 days, combined with 2 fish oil tabs and 1 glucosamine tab daily and 1 aspirin every 2 days. Also bought a crate and crated her regularly to force rest upon her throughout the day. SHe is going great guns now. Still a bit stiff when first getting up but can run around as normal (which we do not encourage but.. pups will be pups and we crate her as soon as we catch her :thumbsup:

My question is now, how long should I contiune with the current amount of fish oil, glucosaminen and aspirin? Do I cut the amount down or keep her on that for a while? My plan is to keep the current amount for the next few weeks then re assess. Does this sound OK?

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  • 1 month later...

Good to hear it has gone well!

I went through the same dramas with Angus (dane) who had a limp which came and went and seemed to shift but there was no tendereness etc and the vet was telling me OCD etc etc xrays xrays xrays (over $700 quoted) but I turned to dane owners on here for advice and the issue of panocretitis (growing pains) was raised.

I was feeding a giant breed specific puppy food but looking at its protein level plus the other food I was giving him it was suggested there was too much protein in his diet.

We switched to Eukanuba (23% protein I think compared to over 32%) and kept him quiet for 6-8 weeks. Also started on Ester C on his food.

Since then - no problems with limping!

Am glad I waited!

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