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Help! With New Puppy


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Hi everyone we're new to the forum :eek:

We picked up our 5 month old Doberman yesterday afternoon after she travelled from Melbourne to Brisbane. She is happy to play and we've taken her for walks and she seems really happy, but the minute we walk inside she starts barking and yelping and sooking :cool:

We have her booked in for an 8 week obedience course starting next Saturday, but I'm just wondering if anyone could suggest ANYTHING that could help us get her to settle especially at night time. Preferably we would like her to be an "outdoor" dog and sleep in her kennel, but last night we put her in her crate inside which seemed to help for about an hour at a time.

Any suggestions or maybe even some words of encouragement, we know this phase won't last, but it's a very noisy phase. '

Thanks in advance :cry:

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Welcome to DOL.

I know it's probably not what you want to hear, but this is likely to continue for a period of time. You've taken a baby away from what they know, whether that's their dam or litter mates or just the people (breeder) that they're used to. It's natural for them to be scared of being away- every time you leave their sight, it's like they think you're leaving them too.

The only thing I can suggest is to give the puppy space. Make sure they have toys outside to keep them occupied and when they bark and whine, don't pay them attention. The second you do, it's like saying 'Hey, bark and I will come'- what a training technique huh?

Don't be fooled by the whining- the dog is ok, it's just attention seeking.

Good luck.

Edited by tryamartimmy
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Be consistant but above all be patient ,this dog has gone through a big change in living,house,state etc etc.

She will whinged any way thats what Dobes do but make sure the routine is normal.

Where did she sleep before you got her??She may be used to sleeping in her crate & at this stage i would stick to the crate & with pups confidience growing start to wean her outside

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Hiya, congrats on the new pooch.

She may have learned that this behaviour gets attention in the past. However I'd probably take her to the vet for a check up and if that is all ok then I'd be inclined to completely ignore her until she stops and then give her praise the moment there is silence.

Crates are gret :laugh:

As showdog said, it's a good idea if you don't know, to find out where she slept and lived in her previous home.

Edited by sas
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Hey everyone thanks so much for the replies and advice

We took our girl to the vet the day after picking her up for her final puppy vaccination and just all over check. The vet didn't seem too worried about anything, in fact he was fairly laid back to be honest. Our normal vet sold his practice and I don't really like them anymore so we'll have to find a new vet.

Slowly Buffy seems to be settling in and getting to know us and realising that when we go inside we're not leaving her. She has slept inside in her crate since we picked her up on Friday, but she's outside now and seems happy. We have an indoor cat who does not seem to be too happy that we have an additional member in our family (he was attacked by another cat while staying with relatives) and does nothing but hiss at our friendly puppy.

We have taken Buffy for two big walks today, and throughout the day when she has been happily lying down we've given her treats and lots of praise, and just ignored her when she's barked. As I said she's lying down outside now and seems fairly content.

Our breeder recommended we start her obedience training with the Brisbane Sporting Dog Club straight away, but I don't know if we should start this so soon after her getting here. Plus I've already paid for obedience training with Wagtails (anyone used them??).

With time I know she will settle, we will be patient with her ... 'cause who couldn't love those big brown eyes :laugh:

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There's nothing wrong with starting her in obedience straight away. I've picked foster dogs up on a Friday night and taken them to class on Sunday, we've found it's helped establish the bond we need to work with them and establish leadership granted you're practicing leadership at home :laugh:

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Go to Training/ Obedience and Dog sports subforum. At the top is a pinned post "Triangle of Temptation".

I found it helpful in getting my dog to wait outside without barking or whingeing. As well as leadership, getting dog's attention and sit/stay. Myszka has a video of dobes doing it too, if you go on to the thread afterwards :laugh: .

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