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Should I Be Worried?


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Do the pinch test. Lift up the skin and drop it to see how fast it goes back to the same place.

One sign of dehydration is loss of skin elasticity. When the skin along the back is picked up into a fold, it should spring back into place. In dehydration, the skin stays up in a ridge. Another sign is dryness of the mouth.

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You can check for signs of dehydration by picking up the scruffy behind the neck and then releasing it. It is is slow to return to normal then that is a sign of dehydration. Also look inside the mouth/gum area and check colouring. The nose should also be a bit moist.

If you are concerned then definately take him to the vet for a check up.

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You can also touch the gums to check for dehydration. If your finger sticks its bad...if it slips off all is fine. Maz didn't drink much either in the first few days but he definitely knew where his water was because he would run there deliberately to drink...he didn't just stumble over it. Maybe check this out with cody..I also used to take him there every so often when I was worried, to remind him to have a drink, sometimes he did, sometimes he didn't but it didn't hurt. I think puppies are like toddlers, they get so caught up in playing etc that they forget to drink until they are sooooooper thirsty and they cant put it off any longer. Just keep an eye on him, he's probably fine.

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I noticed the same thing when Bruno (our brown standard poodle) was 3-4 months old. I almost never saw him drinking. I was worried because it's so hot here in Darwin. I constantly took him to the water bowl and splash his paws or nose in, sometimes he just had a sip, but more often not even that. Now (he is 10 months) he drinks water regularly.

I guess if Cody knows where the water is, which he most likely does, you shouldn't worry unless you notice some of the symptoms of dehydration.


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Yes his food is moist...cooked mince meat in water and puppy dry food, but I'm adding some raw meat that we feed Minx into his food, and yes he knows where the water is, I leave him outside for an hour or so in the day (and yes I can keep an eye on him) and the water is next to the door where he sits.

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Our Buffy is doing this too. She's almost 7 months old and I know she knows where her water is, but she never seems to drink anything!! She's not dehydrated, but goodness it was 30 odd degrees today and her water bowl is still over half full!

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