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Exercise After Sterilisation

Guest Tiggy

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Banjo was sterilised on Friday and the Vet Nurse said I could start walking him in a couple of days but to keep him on lead. I'm taking him on short walks to the park and back and was wondering do I stick with short walks until he gets his stitches out or can I start taking him on his usual half an hour walk. I was thinking I'd wait until this Friday before increasing his walks.

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I just want to be extra careful as after Sophie was sterilised she got a golf ball size swelling because she's such an active dog but I think that was more to do with running around the backyard than walks.

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I don't think the length of walks is as much of an issue as the degree of strenuousness (is that a word?). You don't want to tear the wound open. I generally find they're fine after four or five days if not in circumstances where they'll go crazy doing puppy play.

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I have had some with lumps and no lumps.

If they lick alot then they may get infected, but girls more so then boys.

I guess it is easier to keep one puppy quiet as opposed to several.

I have no idea how I would keep a couple puppies quiet after desex.

Like holding back the tides. Would be a nice change though.

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No jumping up. Zoomie-type play would be worse than a nice walk on leash.

My desexed male seemed back to normal 2 days after op, but I made sure there were less zoomies (crazy racing about with lots of changes of direction etc.). For a 6 month old large breed, they're not meant to have long walks anyway.

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