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Hey guys.

My friends girl has just come back from having X- Rays and its possible that it could be Osteoarthritis. She has been given Deramaxx for it, i thought maybe i could get some info on it from people who have used it before? All i know is that its an anti-inflammatory so I am not much help :cry:

She has read up on some of the possible side affects and to be quite honest, after i read them, it kind of put her and me off wanting to use it.

Any help and past experiences would be appreciated.

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If you read the leaflets for the other NSAID's they all same much the same thing.

Deramaxx is a new generation Cox 2 inhibitor which is specifically geared for Osteoarthritis and Orthopaedic surgery.

Make sure she gives them to her dog with a decent amount of food. I assume this is a short dose to see how her dog goes?


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