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Is This An Ok Diet For My Puppy?


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After reading some threads here about Raw/BARF diets, it's made me a little worried that my puppy isn't getting a balance diet. Her daily diet is:

Breakfast - beef hearts cooked with rice and left-over veggies

During the day and her night meal is (possibly) Supacoat Puppy kibble (the one Dr Harry reccomends).

Is that going to be ok for a 14 week old border collie x? She gets RMBs and chicken necks daily to keep her busy but she's started swallowing the necks whole. Is there something else I can give her?

Thanks you guys.

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Freeze all bones - great for teething and makes them non swallowable!

So everyday she get beef hearts?!?! :cheer: I think I remember reading somewhere too much offal is not good either but then again I am no expert, but I sure someone will pop in advise you better! :cheer:

Heart is not actually offal but muscle/meat :cheer:

But I do agree with you, it doesn't seem like she is getting the most balanced diet. First of al she doesn't need rice, pasta or any other grains.

Raw meaty bones would be the best because you need to have the right balance of phosphors and calcium.

Meat contains phosphorous and bones contain calcium.

There is heaps of threads about raw diet and about good dry food on DOL.

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I would cut down on the beef hearts, feed maybe once or twice a week.

Ditch the rice it's not a natural thing for a dog to eat.

Add some raw meaty bones. Lamb bones are great.

Add some fish once a week. Tinned sardines are great.

You could try giving her frozen chicken necks to try and make her crunch on them more. Otherwise you could try chicken wings and carcusses.

If you want to feed a true Raw or BARF diet then you would have to cut out all dry food.

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Here's my feeding plan for my pugs. I do offal once a week and just chop it up and add it to their other food. They get 2 to 3 tablespoons of the veggie slops with their meat/bones. I actually cut the chicken necks up so that the pugs don't swallow them whole and choke. They still crunch the pieces a few times before they swallow them.


MONDAY -Chicken Necks & Slops

TUESDAY- Fish & Slops

WEDNESDAY - Chicken Necks & Yoghurt & Slops

THURSDAY- Kangaroo & Slops

FRIDAY- Chicken Necks & Offal & Slops

SATURDAY - Lamb bones & Slops

SUNDAY- Beef or Lamb or Kangaroo & Slops


Things I always include:

- container of alfala spouts

- bunch of spinach (roots cut off)

- 1 to 2 green capsicums (stalk cut off & seeds out)

- 1 to 2 red caspsicums (stalk cut off & seeds removed)

- bag of carrots

- bunch of celary

- 4 zuccinis

- 3 to 4 oranges (peeled)

- 1 pumpkin (seeds removed)

- 2 to 4 apples (pips taken out)

- 2 to 4 bannanas (peeled)

- 8 to 10 eggs (whole including shell)

- flaxseed oil (approx 250mL)

- kelp (approx 100g)

What else you can put in:

- bunch of silverbeet

- turnip

- squash

- sweet potato

- 2 to 4 pears

- half to 1 pinapple

- brussel sprouts

- brocoli

- cauliflower

- bag of beans

- Apple Cider Vinegar

- Vitamin C

Chop up then process up in blender/food processor so that things turn to slops. Put each blender batch into a big bucket. Usually leave the eggs & flaxseed oil for things that don't blend very well like the pumpkin and carrots. Ingredients should fill up a bucket. Mix bucket with big ladel till all mixed through then put into take away containers & freeze untill needed.

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She's getting her necks frozen and it's just not slowing her down anymore, she's been getting beef soup bones daily. My biggest problem is getting my parents to respect my feeding decisions...

Get some chicken carcusses. Also beef bones are very hard. Does she manage to consume the whole bone or just rip the meat and fat off them? Dogs need to actually eat the whole of the bone not just the meat off it for them to have a balanced ratio of calcium and meat. If she is not eating the whole bone then I would change her to lamb bones.

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I found wings and chicken frames best for a puppy enthusiastic about necks... another good bone (if you can find it) is Turkey necks...

I would keep feeding beef heart but i would not be cooking it... i would also change it up so that it is either beef heart or another meat, such as chicken/lamb/kangaroo.

Interesting you can get beef heart i can't seem to find it anywhere, only lamb heart :rofl:

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She's mostly just eating the meat and fat off them, she does steal the littler bones bits from our bigger dog but I've been worried about letting her eat those. After watching her throw up a lot of chicken neck bones I'm a bit more paranoid. I've printed your veggie list and directions off, I'd love to switch my parents dog over to a healthier diet because he's a fatty fat fat and no amount of excercise is changing that.

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I've been wanting to start her on a mince/veg/offal diet but the thought of blendering offal revoltes me. Is it possible to make a raw mince/veg mix and add raw offal a few times a week?

I've been feeding a BARF diet for about 13+ years now. I switched my previous Bull Terrier over when she was about 3 years and it was the best thing that I ever did for her. Pele, almost 3.5 years has been fed BARF since she came home at 8 weeks.

I don't feed any cereal or grains - rice, pasta etc. Sometimes Pele might get some leftover pasta or rice dish, but that's ok it's not her regular diet.

When Pele was a pup she used to swallow the chicken necks, so I gave her chicken wings. The soup bones are more for recreational chewing.

I'm not too keen on offal either :laugh: What I do is cut it up when it's still partially frozen and portion it into small freezer bags or containers until needed.

Get hold of Dr Ian Billinghurst's books "Give Your Dog A Bone", "Grow Your up With Bones" and "The BARF Diet". Try your local library. Mine has all 3 books. In the BARF diet there are recipes for a meat/veg mix.

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Border Collies are active, intelligent puppies so think about keeping her occupied as well as feeding her. Chicken frames are good (and cheap) as part of the diet and also make them think about how to eat their meal. She won't be able to bolt it down and figuring out how best to tackle it will give her a problem to solve for a few minutes. As she gets older, you can add chicken marylands for the same purpose.

Lamb offcuts are good and will keep her busy as well. Change her kibble to a better quality one......Eagle Pack, Nutrience, Pro Plan, and feed it in a Kong or an empty plastic soft drink bottle so that she has to think about how to get it out rather than just wolf it down.

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Got some HUGE lamb off-cuts at woolies yesterday, tones of meat and bones and yummy stuff for her gave her one at 6am when she decided it was time to get up. It's a public holiday dammit! We're sleeping in! It kept her quiet and happy in her crate. Surprisingly my mother is willing to switch both dogs to the raw/barf diet and is getting the Veg at the markets tomorrow. She's definitely got the border collie energy now, if I can't walk her at night she won't sleep.

This is my baby girl:


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Zero got his first chicken frame yesterday (i'd only been told to feed necks, which he swallows nearly whole, and wings) and it took him a good couple of minutes to eat - they looked good for a pup to have. They still have some meat on them too which i thought was fantastic. Zero just loved it! He has 3 more to get through so he'll get the others over the weekend. They were cheap too! 50 cents each!

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So I've started my girl on the raw/BARF diet, and she's not bothered by the strange green splodge mixed in with her mince. There's been really nasty farts though! I'm hoping it's just her system getting cleaned. She loves the chicken frames, one will keep her quiet for a few hours. Once our older dog finishes his current heart/rice mix he's getting switched to the new stuff too.

Also, blendering the veggies became a family thing. My mother and older brother helped which is good because it was gross and smelt funny! I know it's only veggies, but still!

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So I've started my girl on the raw/BARF diet, and she's not bothered by the strange green splodge mixed in with her mince. There's been really nasty farts though! I'm hoping it's just her system getting cleaned. She loves the chicken frames, one will keep her quiet for a few hours. Once our older dog finishes his current heart/rice mix he's getting switched to the new stuff too.

Also, blendering the veggies became a family thing. My mother and older brother helped which is good because it was gross and smelt funny! I know it's only veggies, but still!

Glad to hear that you've taken the plunge for a healthier diet. The doggies will love you for it :laugh:

Here's quite a good BARF site with lots of links to help you BARF for Beginners

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So I've started my girl on the raw/BARF diet, and she's not bothered by the strange green splodge mixed in with her mince. There's been really nasty farts though! I'm hoping it's just her system getting cleaned. She loves the chicken frames, one will keep her quiet for a few hours. Once our older dog finishes his current heart/rice mix he's getting switched to the new stuff too.

Also, blendering the veggies became a family thing. My mother and older brother helped which is good because it was gross and smelt funny! I know it's only veggies, but still!

Glad to hear that you've taken the plunge for a healthier diet. The doggies will love you for it :laugh:

Here's quite a good BARF site with lots of links to help you BARF for Beginners

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