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Sudden Loss Of Appetite? (4 Months)


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Hey everyone,

My pup Grizzly is 4 months old. I'm used to him scoffing down his food like each mouthful is his last licking the bowl clean. Over the past few days he's just been nibbling at his food eating half as much as usual. I thought this may be related to his teething so I mixed in warm water with his dry food to soften it but he still only ate a little. I gave him some BRAW which he normally absolutley loves and which wouldn't hurt his mouth if he's teething, but again he still only ate a little. He still has the same bubly personallity and is still energetic :cry: Sorry if i'm being paranoid but im just a bit worried. I've gathered the phone number of his vet and i'll give them a call just to be sure...

Again sorry if i'm being an idiot (ie. worried for nothing) :banghead:


Josh :laugh:

Edited: Added info

Edited by Joshua
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Best to give the vet a call--Loss of appeteite can be a symptom of lots of things- and the fact it has gone on for several days is a worry.

A few things to consider-

has it been hot the last few days ?

Could he be getting food somewhere else?

Have you checked his mouth for either loose teeth or something stuck?

What;s his breath like?

What are his droppings like? does he go the same amount as before? Are they the same consistency as before?

Is he drinking more/less?

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Teething can play havoc & they can go days & weeks picking at there food.

My current youngster has just finished this process.For a month or so it was a pain with food due to teething but now back to being a hoover.

I did hand feed my boy BUT it was done during training sessions so any food he got was his reward for learning as he would aeat more this way BUT dont hand feed for no reward .

Basically dont pander either & chop & change.

For my boy re adding some goats milk did the trick

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