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Water Safety


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Hi all - does anyone know of something that would help dogs climb out of a pool other than the steps? Our swimming pool has steps down one end but I'm thinking if the dog falls in/jumps in at the deep end I would like to attach something to the edge so they could get out without having to swim all the way to the shallow end. I have in mind a floating ramp or rope or something??? :laugh:

The dogs are never unsupervised around the pool and they cant get in without us opening the gate but I would like something that would entice them into the water a bit. They're Border Terriers so they're not that big but they have a double coat and will feel the heat.

I saw a picture - I think it was on here - of a pool with a beach entry - that looked fantastic...wish we had one of those.


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This isn't quite what your looking for but it is related to water safety.

I read an article about teaching your dog how to find the steps. Dogs will normally just try to get out via the nearest edge. The method involved a 'marker' near the steps that the dogs could easily see (there were notes on ideal positioning) and gradually teaching the dog to rely on that marker to learn where to get out.

Let me see if I can find the article....

Hmmm...can't find the article.

The key was some sort of pole, flag, sign etc...that could easily been seen from the dogs level. You then simply taught your dog to target the 'marker' to get out. Steps aren't easy to see from a dogs eye view in a pool.

Wish I could find the article.

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Thanks for that - I just read that dogs cant see the steps (cos they're underwater) so they learn to use a landmark like a tree to remember where the steps are. But Im sure a flag or something wont hurt.

I also came a cross a few dog pool ramps too - Scamper Ramp is available in Aust and there must be a few others around - I might ask at the pool shop or the dog shop.

Thanks all :laugh:

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