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One Of My Dogs Stitches Has Come Loose


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Mine did the same the second he came home from the vet. licked/chewed one of the stitches off.

I rang the vet and they told me to bring him back in and they put a new stitch in and gave him a nice collar to keep him away from them which did not work so well without some modifications.

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If the dog has done it you need to prevent him from doing any more. An e collar will take care of this. Stitches don't usually work themselves loose so you can assume he's done it while you're not looking.

If the wound isnt' gaping with that suture missing then it doesn't need treatment. Just prevention.

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Seeing he was just desexed I would suggest calling your vet and he will probably put new stitches in. With male desexing they only use a couple of stitches so if one has broken then there isn't much else holding him together.

If it had been about 5 days I would have said not to worry because the wound would have healed sufficently.

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Hi Took him back to the vet yesterday.

And he tied the stitch back up. I also bought an E Collar.

I should have got them on the day They came home.

But instead I bought a bitter antiseptic (SP?) spray.

Thanks for the advice

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