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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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Well, just when everything was going along great, something goes bam !! as usual :( got another message about Bundy last night but this time he is coming back, i'm not leaving him there to get more and more confused....the only thing is though that i'm seriously thinking of having him PTS as i would be worrying about him all the time if i placed him again :( what if the next person kept him for 8 mths and then returned him ??? it's not fair.... its not the thing i would normaly consider because im a sook and have always found it hard to do even on the farm with cows and sheep !! will see how things go when he is here.

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Well, just when everything was going along great, something goes bam !! as usual :( got another message about Bundy last night but this time he is coming back, i'm not leaving him there to get more and more confused....the only thing is though that i'm seriously thinking of having him PTS as i would be worrying about him all the time if i placed him again :( what if the next person kept him for 8 mths and then returned him ??? it's not fair.... its not the thing i would normaly consider because im a sook and have always found it hard to do even on the farm with cows and sheep !! will see how things go when he is here.

Oh no!!! That's awful. Well I hope he settles in good-o at your place, because Bundy being PTS because of that stupid Woman would just be disgusting. :(

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Oh Linda thats awful, Poor little fella, hope he copes ok and you don't have to have him PTS.

Hows everyone else doing?

What do i do ??? If he is doing what she say's he is it is her teaching him he can do it and get away with it .... what happens if he does it to my Mum when i'm in Hospital ?? i just dont know what to do, i think i will be to woosy to have him pts, i could never be present when it was done at work years ago :( I can teach him whatever but then when he leaves here i cant be sure the person who takes him would keep up with what i say.....just like this girl has done :( and then there is her boyfriend.....he has too much money and likes to travel so im wondering if he wants her to travel with him but she cant because of the dog, Bundy doesnt like her Dad so she is reluctant to leave him with her parents while she goes away....i dont know...... will wait and see how he is when he gets here......

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What is it exactly that he is doing? Sorry I may have missed a post somewhere? Is she an experienced dog person?

No, she's not, but has had a so called Trainer in and the Trainer told her he was born like it cos he hasnt made as much progress as he expected :eek: when he gets a fright , like getting woken all of a sudden he bites ??? so she says, i'm thinking the boyfriend may be picking him up and throwing him outside cos he doesnt get along with him ???

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Well the boy just arrived home, i took him from her and she said carefull he will bite my answer ? no he wont and just took him, i didnt invite them in or nothing, i felt rude doing it but i was sooo mad, on the up side ( maybe ) Bundy knows the name * Bundy * more so than * Bailey * and hasnt stopped wagging his body he is smiling and very happy to be here by the way he is acting , all the dogs have greeted him like a long lost buddy :thumbsup:

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I'm not an accredited dog trainer Tenties but it sounds to me like Bundy wasn't feeling very secure in his new "home". Thus his tendency to take a snap when woken or startled - it's a fear response. :(

As for "trainer" there is some really good ones out there and there are some shockers, to me the accreditation doesn't mean much - results do.

If there is anything that crops up behaviour wise that concerns you then maybe look at getting someone in, but it sounds to me like Bundy is where he needs to be, what's another one when you've already got 8 :D

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Hi Guys, hows everyone doin? I was wondering if anyone knows of anyone who would be interested in a CKCS? He is around 3 years old, micro chipped, desexed and free to good home. If anyone wants more info and knows of anyone who might be interested PM for more details.

We have had a bit of a rough trot, Seans mums been in hospital 'again' and after 3 surgerys this week alone we are hoping thats the end of her run of dam bad luck. We had our hot water service blow a gasket on Sunday so had to get a plumber out and he installed a temporary system then Monday came back and installed a new unit. I would definatley recommend them if anyone needs emergency plumbing or just plumbing in general. It was Phil Kavanagh.

So hoping our luck will change a bit now, we don't need any more bad luck. Dogs are all good and fighting fit (touch wood) Lacy had a bit of a sore leg for a day but that was it, she was doing zoomies at the park and jumped a ditch that was way too wide for her little legs and landed funny, she came limping over with the foot up, I checked it and nothing broken, she was walking on it again pretty much right away with a bit of a limp, by the next arvo she was fine, so I think it was a bit of a sprain. Apart from that all good!

Hope everyone else is well and coping with this windy crazy weather!

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Seans about to head up shortly, hopefully she will be a bit better than yesterday, they had to get her out of bed to sit in the chair as she is high risk for DVT and it was agony for her so hopefully today she is feeling a bit better. The amount of things she has wrong with her is a mile long so this broken leg was just the last straw. :(

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Seans about to head up shortly, hopefully she will be a bit better than yesterday, they had to get her out of bed to sit in the chair as she is high risk for DVT and it was agony for her so hopefully today she is feeling a bit better. The amount of things she has wrong with her is a mile long so this broken leg was just the last straw. :(

Poor Woman. That really sucks. Aren't there special stockings to prevent DVT so she doesn't have to sit up in pain???

Hope Sean's coping ok.... it's hard to watch sometimes.

My Dad has so many health issues, has had so many surgeries with horrible recovery periods, sometimes he says he'd rather it was all over :( . He has good days peppered sparingly amongst the bad.

Hope she's on the mend soon! :)

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Thanks JJ, you have been through it so you know exactly what it's like. She certainly has a long road ahead, she has always had health issues for as long I can remember (25 years)

Yes she has the stockings but earlier in last week she had a lump cut out of one leg (tennis ball size, it appeared after the fall) so she can't wear the stocking on that leg and she has the other leg bandaged as well. She also has celulitis in her legs which makes it difficult for her to wear the stockings. Plus a cut under one foot (same leg as the broken leg) which has to be kept open due to an infection which is only controlled by anti biotics. :( At one point they were contemplating amputating the foot but for now its being managed by long term AB's. There is a list a mile long really there is more but I won't bore you with all the details.

The Dr came in tonight when we were there and he showed us some photo copies of the leg and what they did to it, they were amazing, the new rod they put in replaced the original one in her hip and goes right down the length of the top part of the leg, nearly to the knee.

Sean is worried and has had the week off work to be there with her as much as possible, he is very good to his mum and does so much for her, even down to helping her with her meals etc, makes her cup of tea for her, takes her treats, (chips soft drinks, paper mags etc)

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TLC, Bundy Bum is as happy as a pig in mud he is still scared of certain movements you make but as soon as i say his name his whole body wags and i swear he smiles lol i walked into the kitchen last night to catch him humping the kitten lol and here i was worried about him getting on with it :o his mate Zippy loves the fact his humping buddy is back :o the 2 of them take it outside when i tell them.... Bundy is even chook friendly i have 7 in the carport and they have the dogs yard during the day and it looks funny all the dogs out there and these chooks amongst them :laugh:

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Sounds like Bundy is settling right in, hope all is still going smoothly!

It around about hair cut time for my lot again, I staggered them last time so the boys were due first, I decided to day I would clip Bronson first and when I got to his face it was fairly boofy and hard to get even so I went radical and made him into a little poodley boy. :laugh: Man O Man he has such a long nose, you don't realize when it is covered in fur. I have clipped his face short before but never this short. My mum said he looks distinguished. :laugh:




hanging with the girlies


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Bronsons getting a complex, not one comment on his new (very short snoz cut. :rofl: ) So far I have had "omg what have you done to poor Bronsons" :laugh: and OMG that poor Dog, he has to walk around like that you know. " :laugh: But mostly nice comments, like it suits him and makes him look handsome! Either way its only a short hair cut it will grow back. It certainly makes him look older, he always looks so puppyish with his teddy snout!

Whats news with everyone else.

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