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At The Beginning


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Im hoping to find some guidance regarding official obedience trialling (hope thats what its called :laugh: ).

I can take my girl, Wandy the Kelpie, to weekly dog club obedience where we are members, which is great and I will be continuing, but what else can I do at home to get my dog & I to a good enough standard to start competing??

Are there any really good books, websites, DVD's that will help me?

Are obedience rules the same Australia wide?

I want to improve my training abilities as well as improving my dogslearning, but being in the sticks theres not a huge number of physical persons I can call on to help out. I get frustrated very easily when I cant figure thingsout, why things dont work ( :D ), and dont want to risk wrecking or boring the dog or getting fed up myself. Any pointers would be great!

Wandy has done "kindy" class about 18 months ago and passed, in the rain with a score of 85/100. I was very proud of her as she hadnt really done much work at all. After trying to progress with the ridgeback :o I found working a kelpie is a breeze. Id like to move forward with my training abilities so I can then return to the ridgie and get her "obediencing" as well. :thumbsup:

I hope some of you wonderful competitors out there can help me onto the right track!


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Ask at your club about an obedience rule book. Then read it from cover to cover, then read it again. It will cover all the rules of trialling at the different levels, as well as a comprehensive description of the exercises.

Find out at your club if there are any trialling classes. One-on-one instruction, even for 10 minutes a week, can really help you along.

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Thanks guys - cant wait to really get into it. We have been doing weekly obedience classes for a while, but its just round in a circle, up and down stuff. I really need to learn what is required in the different levels!

Is the rules book the one on the ANKC website??


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Yep, that's the one, the title is: Rules for the conduct of Obedience Trials - (effective 1 January 2009)

Thanks guys - cant wait to really get into it. We have been doing weekly obedience classes for a while, but its just round in a circle, up and down stuff. I really need to learn what is required in the different levels!

Is the rules book the one on the ANKC website??


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