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Agility Equipment Wanted

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Hello everyone,

I'm just starting out at agility and was looking for relatively cheap (2nd hand is fine) practice 'backyard/park' equipment that somebody may want to sell? I need to be able to move the equipment around easily without help, and it'd be great if it can be pulled apart and stored away easily. I am incapable of making my own jumps etc - I'm just bad at that kind of stuff! Would anyone have anything for sale? Jumps, tunnels, weaves, see-saw... the list goes on!

On another note, what do you recommend practicing flyball swimming turns on - at the moment I have an old wooden board leaning on a few bricks I stacked up... it's not the most stable thing. Maybe somebody out there has an inexpensive alternative?

Many thanks! :)

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Did anyone PM you?

Jumps are easy peasy to make, the guys at bunnings can cut your pvc into required lengths and essentially you just need to put caps on and connectors.

If you want to make it downright simple I would suggest buying the 4 way or 5 way connectors and jump cups or jump cup strips from cleanrun.com store.

I can give you length measurements if you like.

The best price for a competition tunnel right now is from Plasticoat ->Mine ventilation ducting ->Mineflex.

I have bought these then just added my own pvc poles and end caps. Although there seems to be a few guys around making the 2x2 weave pole bases if that's what you prefer.

Mel. :laugh:

Edited by Staff'n'Toller
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What breed of dog do you do agility with??

I bought a kids tunnel from Bunnings for $10, works well as a agility tunnel. Both my border and golden fit thru it, goldies are a bit of a squeeze, but he goes thru it well now.

Jumps: many different ways of making them. Mine are two pieces of pvc stuck in the ground parrlell, with nails to hold the bar on.

Weave Poles: you can just stick pvc pipes in the ground, works really well.

And I got my chute on ebay.

This is a video of backyard agility with my dogs, with my home made agility equipment.


hope this helps :thumbsup:

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The best price for a competition tunnel right now is from Plasticoat ->Mine ventilation ducting ->Mineflex.

That's a cool idea - I never thought of using ducting as a tunnel.

Can I please ask, how much did this cost to buy? They don't seem to have prices on their website. And have you found it to be hard wearing?

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$240 was the quote they gave me for a 5m length and that is the same stuff a lot of the club flexi tunnels are made out of here so its not a cheap option. A cheapie option would be leftover air conditioning ducting if you can find some being thrown out.

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I'm pretty sure mine came from there....quite a few years ago I can't remember! LOL

It has been out in the rain, spent about 15mths at a club being used once a week and it's still in good nick. :thumbsup:

I just have a small amount of wire sticking out of one end now, but should be fine once it's snipped off.

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$240 was the quote they gave me for a 5m length and that is the same stuff a lot of the club flexi tunnels are made out of here so its not a cheap option. A cheapie option would be leftover air conditioning ducting if you can find some being thrown out.

Thanks Ness! I found a 4.5m tunnel for NZ$240 over here, so I guess mineflex won't save me any money. I might look into air conditioning ducting as you suggest. :thumbsup:

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What breed of dog do you do agility with??

I bought a kids tunnel from Bunnings for $10, works well as a agility tunnel. Both my border and golden fit thru it, goldies are a bit of a squeeze, but he goes thru it well now.

Jumps: many different ways of making them. Mine are two pieces of pvc stuck in the ground parrlell, with nails to hold the bar on.

Weave Poles: you can just stick pvc pipes in the ground, works really well.

And I got my chute on ebay.

This is a video of backyard agility with my dogs, with my home made agility equipment.


hope this helps :birthday:

OMG!!! That fantastic! Both you, the dogs, and the equipment. thanks for the ideas!

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  • 3 months later...
I got a tunnel from Air dogs for $130. http://www.airdogs.com.au/agility/home.php?cat=250. Not one that you could leave outside but it is fairly portable.

Hello guys,

Thanks everybody for your help! Strangely enough I couldn't work out how to find this thread or see who answered and so I gave up... things came up as they usually do and now I'm back to trying to find equipment and getting started on agility again and now I have found the thread I started months later when browsing around HAHAHA shows how computer savvy I am. I'm going to try that plasticoat place - thanks for that suggestion Mel sounds great. Can you post a link to the type of thing you buy for the weaves on ebay mel as the link you previously posted for the item has expired (obviously by now :laugh: ) so I can't see what it was... or maybe I'll pm you if I work out how to do pm!

Thanks sorry for not responding ages ago!!!

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