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Poop Accidents


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Hi there,

I have a 4month old golden Lhasa Apso puppy - Benny. We've had him since a month and all this while he has been consistently pooping outside on the grass when we take him for his walks (once in the morning and once in the evening. Sometimes once in the afternoon). He did have one accident earlier when he pooped inside but it looked like he had a stomach upset so we let it go. But today a few hours after his morning walk and having pooped outside twice he pooped in the apartment. His poop seemed normal so I'm concerned as to why he did that?

That said, he didn't seem to have any interest in his food when we tried to feed him this morning. He just moved away from the food bowl but he did eat when I took the food in my hand and fed him. I'm wondering is this is all connected? Is there is something wrong with him because it's unlike him to poop inside but his poop seemed fine?

Any input on why this is happening will be greatly valuable. Please let me know what you think.

Many thanks,



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Does he have somewhere to poop, like newspaper or puppy pads? or do you only give him a chance to poop on your walks?

We have the pads positioned on the tile area where there is no carpet. We also use those puppy training drops that are supposed to attract him to pee on the pad but he never does. For some reason he thinks the pad is a toy and wants to rip it apart. Same with newspaper.

So yes, he gets his chances on his 2 or 3 walks.

Also, we have a balcony, and we've tried several times to make him pee there but he always pees on the carpet. We lose our patience, open the door of the balcony and voila - out comes the pee on the carpet. Mind you we wait with him in the balcony so we are ready to praise profusely when he pees but he just doesn't. We've put newspapers and pads in the balcony too but no luck!

Please help! :)

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Are you saying you have had your puppy since he was a month old or you have had him for a month?

Has he had all of his vaccinations and when was his last one? When did you last worm him?

Apart from him maybe being sick he is 4 months old and of course he is still going to have accidents.

I sickness has been ruled out do not pander to his no eating. Put his food down and leave it for 10 minutes. If he does not eat it remove it and try again at his next feed time.

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Thanks puggy puggy.

Benny is 4 months old and we've had him since the past month. He's had all his vaccinations - his last one was this weekend and we last wormed him 2 weeks ago.

Thanks for the feeding suggestion, I will try that.

Thanks again :)

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The toileting accident and not wanting food could be related to his vaccination that he had on the weekend. Many dogs feel lethargic etc after vaccinations.

If you are unable to supervise him put him into a puppy pen or crate. This will help stop the toileting accidents but I wouldn't expect a puppy to be totally toilet trained untill they were at least 6 months or older.

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maybe he likes the feel of the grass to do his business, perhaps you could get some fake grass and put it out on the balcony, and after meals and playtime put him on the grass and say "go wees" or something like that if you keep him on there he will eventually go it may take 20 mins or something the first time but after he wees on the grass and you congratulate him he will eventually get the hint. also when out walking and he goes to the toilet say the word "go wees" or alternative whilst he is doing his business he will eventually assosiate this word with going to the toilet :(

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I have to agree with Harlosmummy I think he might like the feel of grass under the paws, that might be why the goes on the carpet, Hugo was toilet trained quickly however I would take him out in the yard every couple of hours. Now he will only go on grass, we have concrete areas in the yard but he's never done any business there, even if it's raining he will stick his front paws out on the grass and keep half his body on the covered area and he will "aim" for the grass... it's quite the spectacle!

Maybe try to restrict his access to carpet areas, for the balcony have a look at that fake grass product in pet stores.

I think 2 or 3 times a day is not enough for a pup Hugo used to go way more than that, but maybe it depends on the dog?!

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I have to agree with Harlosmummy I think he might like the feel of grass under the paws, that might be why the goes on the carpet, Hugo was toilet trained quickly however I would take him out in the yard every couple of hours. Now he will only go on grass, we have concrete areas in the yard but he's never done any business there, even if it's raining he will stick his front paws out on the grass and keep half his body on the covered area and he will "aim" for the grass... it's quite the spectacle!

Maybe try to restrict his access to carpet areas, for the balcony have a look at that fake grass product in pet stores.

I think 2 or 3 times a day is not enough for a pup Hugo used to go way more than that, but maybe it depends on the dog?!

Thanks Chiara and Harlosmummy. I'm going to get some grass somehow from somewhere and try that. I'm quite excited, I think it will work! Wish me luck!

I'm just unsure of where to get the grass from... The ones int he pet store are bloody expensive - like 300 to 500$ !! the home loo or something they call it. I might try to get just normal false grass :thumbsup:

fingers crossed :cheer:

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I have to agree with Harlosmummy I think he might like the feel of grass under the paws, that might be why the goes on the carpet, Hugo was toilet trained quickly however I would take him out in the yard every couple of hours. Now he will only go on grass, we have concrete areas in the yard but he's never done any business there, even if it's raining he will stick his front paws out on the grass and keep half his body on the covered area and he will "aim" for the grass... it's quite the spectacle!

Maybe try to restrict his access to carpet areas, for the balcony have a look at that fake grass product in pet stores.

I think 2 or 3 times a day is not enough for a pup Hugo used to go way more than that, but maybe it depends on the dog?!

Thanks Chiara and Harlosmummy. I'm going to get some grass somehow from somewhere and try that. I'm quite excited, I think it will work! Wish me luck!

I'm just unsure of where to get the grass from... The ones in the pet store are bloody expensive - like 300 to 500$ !! the home loo or something they call it. I'll try to get just normal false grass :thumbsup:

fingers crossed :cheer:

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yer just buy the normal fake grass and you can just pick up the poo or hose it down. dont want to spend $300-$500 if he decideds he doesnt want to use it. you can get the fake grass from bunnings, i remember seeing it the other day

That's awesome, thanks harlosmummy! I'll let you know how I go

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Hi, I've only got my 1st puppy a week ago so I'm no expert.

I live in an apartment as well, and have been teaching Bailey to toilet out in the balcony. What we did was made something similar like the pet loo that's being sold in pet stores, but we made it ourselves from materials from Bunnings instead. They do sell artificial grass and all. Might be a worthy investment if you're into DIY. It's been working wonderful at the moment. Have got him for 7 days and it's been 2 full days without mistakes. Still gonna keep a close watch over him for a long long time though. Haha. :cry:

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