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Beagle Pupps Has Gone Mad


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Hi Everyone,

I'm ready to be *told*. I realise now I have done wrong.

Pup is Charlie, just on 4 months old, purebreed beagel - and VERY true to his breed!

My husband has been away for 3.5 weeks. Before he went, pup slept with us. In this time away, Charlie has continued to sleep in bed with me, and our lives have been completly intertwined. We had a lovely routine. He was a little norty at times in the mornings but I would correct him by either removing him, or saying *no*. Of course I continued to reward good behavior.

My husband has come home and Charlie has gotten quite loud and excited. Extra barking, attacking hubby in bed (chewing his hair etc) just being more destrutive than usual. When we put him outside (if we are trying to clean or he has been too destructive) he BARKS and BARKS and BARKS. Charlie is an indoor and outdoor pup. When we are home he can normally have access to inside and out, when we go out he has access to outside and *his room* in the garage via a doggy door. Its gotten to the stage that now, with my husband home, I can't control him anymore. I think this is my fault for not being very strict whilst hubby was away. We just cruised together........

HOW do I get him to toilet outside again? HOW do I get him to stop barking as much? WHAT have I DONE?!

*Hangs head in shame*



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You are an indulgent owner who let those horrible brown puppy beagle eyes lead you astray!!


You now need to go right back to basics.

Toilet training from the beginning...

obedience training EVERY day.. for 5-10 minutes.

also- please read THIS carefully, and think about starting it :eek:

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Thank you so much for the link to the article. I have found that very very informative - to the point thats its printed out and on my fridge for easy access - its definitly given me some ideas to assist in developing myself as a responsible owner and impletmenting training techniques.

I do train with Charlie. Up until now there has been no structure with it however. Now, I am setting aside 10 - 20 mins twice a day (first thing in the morning, and as soon as I come home from work). There is also the ongoing training we do when we are out for our walk that are standards - sitting before we cross, sitting on the other side etc.

I have gone back to the beginning with toilet training and he is getting it again, I'll just keep it up.

I am open to suggestion to training techniques as I am a very new dog owner - I feel a little overwhelmed sometimes. We are starting professional training very soon though.

Thanks everyone for their time, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate being able to ask for assistance!

Kindest Regards,


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