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Getting Something Out Of The Skin?


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Sorry, couldnt work out a topic title :laugh:

I was just snuggled up with Atlas and noticed a lump on his chest, i rolled him over and it is about as big as a 5 cent coin. I started to play around with it and all the fur around the area fell out. There was a scab looking thing on top, so i picked at it, only to pull out a very hard bit of grass (or something that looked like grass, but is really hard). The lump is still there, no puss came out with it, but now there is a hole with what looks like more grassy stuff in there. I had a good pick at it and just cant remove it at all.

I have just put some salt water on it, but was wondering if there is anything I can put on it do draw the grass out??

He is also limping really badly, it just started tonight and I am keeping an eye on it, hoping it goes away, but he isnt very happy because he actually let me play with the lump, where normally he would be getting the shits with me over poking him so much.


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Where can i get that from?

I had a good look this morning and there is something in there, i pulled the scab off and there is a little puss, but something black sitting there - If i cant get it out today/tomorrow he will be going to the vets, but rather try to get it out myself

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Another vote for Ichthammol ointment.

Awesome stuff, pulled a deep splinter out of the bottom of my foot many years ago. Foot was sore and I could "kind of" feel that there might be something in there so rather than go to the Dr (I'm a wuss), I went to the chemist and they sold me a tube of Ichthammol. I bandaged up my foot and kept applying the ointment and a couple of days later, there was this dirty great big chunk of firewood on the gauze!! AND it didn't get infected either which surprised me because it must have been a fair way in!

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can we see a picture? im Intrigued to see what it looks like :laugh:

:) Sicko ... like me :cool: :provoke:

I tried to get one, but it didnt come out cause the sore is too small! It looks sort of like a black head. There is a red patch, about 5cms big, then it is raised a little, then in the middle is a small hole, with a black dot in the middle.

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I was going to suggest a poultice but I think it's just another term for the other things already suggested.

Put whatever you have on the area and cover with a strong band aid/sticking plaster. Leave for at least 24 hours.

Yep, the Ichthammol ointment is basically a poultice. You slather it on, cover it and allow it to get hot and moist under the bandage which softens the skin and allows the medication to pull the foreign body to the surface. In most cases it will either appear on the bandage, or at the very worst will be close enough to the surface that it can be easily removed without too much digging.

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Magnoplasm or Icthammol both work just as well on dogs as they do on humans. They will draw infections or foreign bodies out of any wound.

Both are available from most chemists. We have used Icthammol on dogs, cats and humans for all of my life and my parents were first put onto it by an old greyhound trainer who had used it for many years before that. I always use it first for any sort of infected wound, abcess, puncture or splinter and rarely need to end up at vets or doctors to treat these wounds on man or beast.

I have seen Magnoplasm used successfully for dog bite punctures as well so it must work the same way.

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