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What Has Your Dog Trained You To Do?


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I have the same problem as the original poster. One dog expects me to get the ball after he's dropped it. I've tried waiting for him to catch on and bring it to me, but he refuses to. Would love to hear some suggestions on effective toy retrieval. Someone in another thread said to sit down with a book, ignore them and wait for them to bring the ball back- for as long as it takes, but judging from my dog's facial expressions, it would be a century before he takes some initiative!

The other dog is a poo-muncher, she's taught me to pick up poo as soon as it drops :D

Edited by Ms Genki
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leo's trick is he likes you hug him while on the puter.

how does he get this to happen?

well he bumps your mouse hand so it flyes off the mouse while getting under your elbow so the hand falls into his arm pit, while he's sitting along side you. try getting your emails first thing in the door impossible.

if you don't let go of the mouse and let the hand drop(which rewards him) the mouse goes into orbit... hence the scroll wheel is no more. even if you don't drop the hand he can bump under your ellbow still getting a snuggle... hard to stop it when 34kg insists! :) :) ;)

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My dog has trained me well! Even though he has a doggy door to access outside, if I'm sitting on the couch which is next to the back door he'll go and scratch on the door rather than go to the doggy door in the laundry. I always get up and let the little fella out then when he barks will get up again and let him :)

He uses the doggy door at ALL other times.

That reminds me even though my dog jumps up on the bed at all other times during the day, when it comes to night time and he wants to go to bed, he waits for me to lift him up. God how stupid am I. :)

i think you have my dog, she does this and the ear flapping

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:thumbsup: I am a very well trained owner! Most of my Deerhounds don't play ball when you throw it to them they just look at you strange as though saying "well that was good, now you're going to have to pick it up". I have one bitch though who will pick a stationary ball up & then throw it expecting me to go & get it.

One of my Cairns is very ball obsessed & will come onto my bed while I'm in it & drop the ball on the floor & then whine until I pick it up. Same dog has trouble jumping onot my bed unless the step stool is there. If the steps aren't there she will whine until I pick her up.

At daybreak every morning I get Saluki & Cairns all jumping onto my bed to let them out. They could go into any other person's room but no & ask them, but no - Mum's the patsy who does that!!! :cry:

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Oh yes Jet has me trained. Firstly if I am outside and just walk inside the gate straight away he grabs his favourite toy and runs further down the back, then stops and looks at me until I come and play fetch :( So cute. I can't resist those puppy eyes. I usually drop everything and go play for 10 minutes.

Before we had his crate sorted out he used to jump onto OH & I and lick our faces in the morning and would not stop until we sat up :xmascheer:

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